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Coercion or consent. V irtual realms of intimate partner abuse. Your Relationship with Technology? . Spoofing Caller ID. Gives caller ability to change number shown on Caller ID, change voice, and record call. . Text Messaging. Messages can be spoofed Fakemytext.com.
Coercion or consent Virtual realms of intimate partner abuse
Spoofing Caller ID • Gives caller ability to change number shown on Caller ID, change voice, and record call.
Text Messaging • Messages can be spoofed • Fakemytext.com
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) • Track person/object using satellite technology. • Commonly found in: • Cell phones • Watches • Vehicle Navigation Systems • Small and easily hidden. • Affordable and readily available.
Monitor Teen Drivers • Know what time they left, what time they arrived, and see a map of the exact location where the car was / is parked. • Alerts can notify you when your teen leaves school early, is speeding, or visits a friend who has been declared off limitsits. • With a click of the mouse, you can disable the car’s starter, turn on the dome light or flash the headlights.
Sexting • exchanges of images between two romantic partners • exchanges where at least one person would like to start a romantic relationship • may be shared outside the relationship • Blackmail • Control • Punishment • Status among friends
Pew Research Center, 2009 • 4% of teens between the ages of 12 and 17 have sent images of themselves • 15% have received such images from someone they know. • The numbers double among 17 year olds.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2008 survey • 20% of teens (ages 13‐19) have “sent/posted nude or semi‐nude pictures or video of themselves.” • 71% of teen girls and 67% of teen boys have shared these images with a boyfriend or girlfriend. • 38% of teens say they have had sexually suggestive text messages or emails meant for someone else shared with them.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2008 survey • 51% of teen girls believe that “pressure from a guy” is a reason girls send “sexy messages or images,” whereas only 18% of teen boys cite pressure from girls as a reason for sexting.
2009 Cox Teen Online & Wireless Safety Survey • 20% of teens (13-18) has sent, received, or forwarded sexually suggestive nude/nearly nude photos • Over 1/3 know afriend who has done so. • 60% of teens who send such images send them to boyfriends/girlfriends • 1 in 10 senders have sent images to people they do not know. • 30% of friends of senders say the images were forwarded to someone other than the intended recipient.
Cyberspace and virtual communities • Video Games: The fastest growing form of mass media today! • Nintendo DS • Virtual worlds, MMOGs, MUDs • World of Warcraft • Second Life • Chat rooms with/without video • Chat roulette • Talkcity.com • Teenchat.com
Power and Control Wheel • The electronic leash
HERS and his too! • Honesty • Equity • Respect • Safety • HERS is necessary for consent.
Review of formal limits • Sexual abuse laws • Assault laws • Domestic abuse laws
Sexual abuse laws, §709 • Sex act with someone 13 years and younger • Sex act with someone 14 or 15, perp is 4 or more years older • Sex act with someone under the influence, incapacitated, unable to give consent
Lascivious acts with a child §709.8 • Anyone 16 or older (unless married) to touch the genitals of a minor or be touched by a minor or solicit a minor for a sex act to satisfy sexual desire.
Indecent exposure, §709.9 • Exposing genitals to another to arouse sexual desire, knowing it would be offensive to the other person.
Invasion of privacy §709.21 • Knowingly viewing, photographing, filming someone fully or partly nude who doesn’t know about it, or consent to it, and had a reasonable expectation of privacy.
child pornography • Sexual exploitation of a minor §728.12 • Knowingly entice, coerce, persuade, (or attempt to) a minor into real or simulated prohibited sex act that is recorded/preserved • Possession of the above • Dissemination/exhibition of obscene material to a minor §728.2
Sex offender registry? • The laws were not designed with adolescent sexting culture in mind. • Reduced penalties for teens in NE, UT, VT, AZ, FL, IL, LA, MO, VT, TX, RI, ND, NJ, NV • Considering legislation in AL, CA, HI, IN, SD, SC, PN, OK, NY
Assault §708 • An act intended to cause injury, pain, or offensive physical contact • The threat thereof • Pointing or displaying weapon at someone in threatening manner
Domestic abuse laws §236 • For criminal cases, domestic abuse defined by: • Couple living together now or in the past year • Have a child in common • Married, separated, divorced • No crime of dating violence in Iowa. Treated the same as a stranger assault.
SF 359 Dating Violence Bill • Passed the Iowa Senate • Died in committee on the House side • Express your dismay!
Restraining orders §236 • Dating violence qualifies for civil cases, currently or in intimate relationship in the past year • Parent, guardian, or other adult must file on behalf of a minor.
Harassment §708.7 • Communicate or personal contact, including visual proximity, without legitimate purpose in a manner likely to cause annoyance or harm • Ordering merchandise or services in someone else’s name without their knowledge or consent
Resources • Thatsnotcool.com (healthy/unhealthy relationships) • http://www.wcsap.org/safe-and-healthy-teen-relationship-skills • teenrelationships.org (take the online quiz!) • glnh.org (GLBT National Help Center, runs a youth hotline) • Athinline.org (internet coercion and abuse)
Resources • vawnet.org/special-collections/TechSafety.php(National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women Special Collection on Technology Safety) • coachescorner.org(resources for coaches to teach respect and nonviolent relationships) • Loveisrespect.org • Breakthecycle.org • Startstrongteens.org
Resources • Scarleteen.org • 100conversations.org • National Network to End Domestic Violence Technology Safety Project nnedv.org/resources/safetynetdocs.html