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Good Morning Northside ! I’m Abby Fitts! I’m Daylen Stone! Please pause for a moment of silent reflection. Please stand for the pledge.
Good Morning Northside!I’m Abby Fitts!I’m Daylen Stone!Please pause for a moment of silent reflection
In the news today, Wednesday, November 2, 2011: Just a reminder to come and learn the audition dances and song for this years dinner theatre, after school today and tomorrow in the MPR! Warm-up is from 3:30-3:45. We will start learning the dance at 3:45 and go till 5:30. If you have any questions, or if there is a conflict you have with the audition time on Friday see Mr. Harper. If you would like to work behind the scenes please come and fill out a crew application.
Thespians going to Thescon. There will be a brief meeting after school monday November 7th. Please bring any money you have to this meeting.
The Lunch Time Book Club will meet TODAY, Wednesday, Nov. 2 in the media center during your lunch. The teen librarian from the Columbus Public Library will be here during ALL lunches to discuss your favorite horror story and pick out the three book choices for next month’s meeting. Come to the media center during your lunch block instead of the cafeteria if you would like to participate. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Remember… new members are welcome!
Our final football game will be played at Kinnett Stadium on Saturday night at 7PM against Houston County. Tickets will be on sale in the cafeteria during lunches only on Friday, 11-4-11. They will cost $7.00 here and all tickets at the gate will cost $10.00. Please come support the Patriots!!
Mock Trial is meeting this tomorrow in room 309 right after school. this is a mandatory meeting since the case will be reviewed. see you there
Junior Council Members- If you want a junior council shirt, please see Mrs. Sappington by Thursday, November 3rd with your $7 and shirt size. All money is due by Thursday as shirts will be ordered on Friday.
The Columbus Jr Snakes Ice Hockey team will play on Sunday, Nov. 6 2 p.m. at the Columbus Ice Rink vs. Woodstock, Sunday, Nov. 13 2 p.m. at the Columbus Ice Rink vs. Woodstock, Sunday, Dec. 11 2 p.m. at the Columbus Ice Rink vs. Collins Hill. Northside has 6 members of the team Timothy Murphy, Trent Nobles, Greg Sedlar, McKenzie Stringfellow, Nick House, and Miller Gantt. Everyone is invited to come out & "white out the rink“. Good luck.
The Poetry Club will today, after school, until 4:30. We will be discussing our upcoming Poetry Competition. See you in Room 104!
There will be a Model UN meeting today after school in room 305. We will be running a mock session to practice parliamentary procedures. Also, each delegation needs to bring one piece of white poster board to the meeting in order to make you country placard for competition. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Tuite or Ms. Mion.
There will be a National Honor Society meeting for current senior members Friday morning in room 305 at 7:30am. We will be discussing our November project so please be on time.
Thursday, November 10, Northside’s annual Midnight Madness will be held. There will be games, contests, and prizes so make sure you get your ticket. See Mrs. Styersor any of the basketball coaches to purchase your ticket. Tickets purchased prior to the event will be $2 and ticket purchased at the door will be $5.
Now for a few words of wisdom: Parents can only give good advice or put [their children] on the right path, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. Anne Frank is talking about self-responsibility which, in a nutshell, means taking responsibility for your thoughts, words, and deeds. Our parents, teachers, counselors, and faith leaders can offer us valuable advice.
They can recommend which path to take. They can share the wisdom they have gained through experience. But in the end, it is up to us to make the right choices. Today, practice taking responsibility for your actions. If you make a mistake, admit it. If you hurt someone's feelings or say something you shouldn't, apologize. Learning to be self-responsible is learning to be a person of character, and being a person with character is a goal we should all set for ourselves.
With something to think about, Make it a great day, or not, the choice is yours!And remember patriots, keep your heads up and your minds open!Thank you and have a great day!