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Learn how phonics simplifies English spelling and reading, aiding early childhood development of language skills. Explore fun activities for effective learning.
If English had a simple code spelling and reading would be much easier!! play - mayk trayn cafay strayt wayt brayk green - dreem kee hee happee light - kight fligh Igh igh tigh blow - smowk flowt gow mowst moon - broot bloo groo
How and what do the children learn? • The importance of getting children off to a good start cannot be overstated when it comes to learning to read and write. • During the first term of school we focus on developing speaking and listening skills as a priority in their own right. • Put simply, the more words children know and understand before they start on a programme of phonic work the better equipped they are to succeed. • Therefore initially the children take part in activities which will improve and develop their listening and speaking skills. We will listen to and sing lots of nursery rhymes, play musical instruments and go on listening walks etc. • This is the perfect time to introduce children to new books, songs and rhymes which will hopefully inspire them and encourage them to use a broader vocabulary and widen their understanding of language.
Phase 2 – Sounds order • s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll s • We introduce a rhyme which goes with each new sound. This helps the children to remember the sound and form the correct letter shape.
Who is Fred? • You will hear your child talking about Fred, green words and red words. Let us explain … • Fred is a puppet frog we use to teach the programme. Fred can only talk in ‘pure’ sounds (e.g.) d-o-g, sh-o-p • We use pure sounds (‘m’ not’ muh’, ’s’ not ‘suh’, etc.) so that your child will be able to blend the sounds into words more easily. • Green words are ‘go’ words. Children should be able to decode these words using the sounds they know (e.g.) c-a-t, sh-o-p. Some of these words are nonsense words. • Red words are tricky words that do not use the pure sounds. We just have to learn these through constant exposure during the sessions (e.g.) I, she, do, me, you (etc.)
How and what do the children learn? Blending • Once the children have learnt the first set of sounds – s a t p i n. It is very important that they are able to blend the sounds together to enable them to read simple CVC words before moving on to any new sounds. This may take a little time but is essential if the children are to have a strong grasp of phonic blending.
Phase 3 sounds • J v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear air ure er. • Phase 2 completes the teaching of the alphabet and children move on to sounds represented by more than one letter – again rhymes are used to help the children remember the sounds.
Learning to write • Segmenting is the ability to hear a whole word and then split it up into the sounds that make it, this will then lead to writing simple CVC words. • It is important that the children learn to write and have the opportunities to write in contexts that are meaningful to them. Labels, shopping lists, menus, birthday cards, letters and road signs are all examples of meaningful writing. • Don’t worry if the children misspell some words. For example ‘thay’ instead of ‘they’ or ‘migh’ instead of ‘my’ They will be using their knowledge of the sounds they have learnt which is a good thing!
Let’s practice the sounds … These first sounds should all be stretched slightly. Try to avoid saying ‘uh’ after each one (e.g.) /mm/ not muh, /ss/ not suh, /ff/ not fuh. • m – mmmmmmountain (keep lips pressed together hard) • s – sssssnake (keep teeth together and hiss – unvoiced) • n – nnnnnnet (keep tongue behind teeth) • f – ffffflower (keep teeth on bottom lip and force air out sharply – unvoiced) • l – llllleg (keep pointed curled tongue behind teeth). • r – rrrrrrobot (say rrr as if you are growling) • v – vvvvvvulture (keep teeth on bottom lip and force air out gently) • z – zzzzzzig zzzzzag (keep teeth together and make a buzzing sound) • th – thhhhank you ( stick out tongue and breathe out sharply) • sh – shhhh (make a shhh noise as though you are telling somebody to be quiet!) • ng – thinnnnngg on a strinnnngg (curl your tongue at the back of your throat) • nk – I think I stink (make a piggy oink noise without the oi! nk nk nk)
These next sounds cannot be stretched. Make the sound as short as possible avoiding ‘uh’ at the end of the sound: • t – (tick tongue behind the teeth – unvoiced) • p - (make distinctive p with lips – unvoiced) • k – (make sharp click at back of throat) • c - as above • h – (say h as you breathe sharply out – unvoiced) • ch - (make a short sneezing sound) • x – (say a sharp c and add s – unvoiced)
You will find it harder to avoid saying ‘uh’ at the end of these sounds. • d – (tap tongue behind the teeth) • g – (make soft sound in throat) • b –(make a short, strong b with lips) • j – (push lips forward) • y – (keep edges of tongue against teeth) • w – (keep lips tightly pursed) • qu – (keep lips pursed as you say cw – unvoiced)
The short vowels should be kept short and sharp: • a: a-a-a (open mouth wide as if to take a bite of an apple) • e: e-e-e (release mouth slightly from a position) • i: i-i-i (make a sharp sound at the back of the throat – smile) • o: o–o-o (push out lips, make the mouth into o shape) • u: u-u-u (make a sound in the throat)
The long vowel sounds are all stretchy sounds: • ay: ay may I play • ee: ee what do you see? • igh: fly high • ow: blow the snow • oo: poo at the zoo • oo: look at a book • ar: start the car • or: shut the door • air: that’s not fair • ir: whirl and twirl • ou: shout it out • oy: toy for a boy
How can I help my child learn to read? √ Read as many stories to your child as you can. Talk about the stories, most importantly-let them choose the stories for themselves. √ Expose your child to many literary sources; newspapers, magazines, books, signs, posters. Let them read anything they want! √ NEVER limit your child and think that a text is too hard for them. Allow them to explore everything, they will surprise you with what they can actually read! √ Explain the meaning of new words. It’s not all about the decoding of words. You may think your child is a brilliant reader but do they know what every word or phrase means? Question, question, question your child about the words and phrases they may come across!
Important to remember • Phonic decoding is just one way that children learn to read. Research has been done that shows most children respond best to a phonics programme which is why it is taught that way in most schools however some children will learn through memory/comprehension or picture clues. • Phonics Test at the end of Year 1.
Food for thought … Some disturbing facts … • Only 40% of parents read each day to their children (0-12 years) • 53% (0-4 years) • 37% (5-8 years) • 21% (9-12 years) (YoungGov 2005) 1 in 9 children never have a story read to them at home. In some parts of Britain 1 in 2 children never get read to at home. Only 1 third of children are read to every day by school age. 1 in 7 dads have never read to their children! (Research Pearson Publishers 2007) Children should read because they want to not because they have to! “If reading is to become a lifelong habit, then children must see themselves as part of a community that views reading as a significant and enjoyable activity.” (Strommes and Mates 2004)
Useful websites for further information … • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ksblMiliA8 • (Jolly Phonics Letter sounds) If you can access this website, the sounds can be heard and you can practice in the privacy of your own home.