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Tone Color

Tone Color. Tone Colors are the SPECIFIC SOUND combination you hear when listening to music. There are two types of tone colors we will study, broken down into five categories… VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL. Tone Color - Vocal. Listed from highest to lowest voice: Soprano – high female (pop)

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Tone Color

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  1. Tone Color • Tone Colors are the SPECIFIC SOUND combination you hear when listening to music. • There are two types of tone colors we will study, broken down into five categories… • VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL

  2. Tone Color - Vocal • Listed from highest to lowest voice: • Soprano– high female (pop) • Alto– low female (pop) • Tenor– high male (pop) • Bass– low male (pop)

  3. Tone Color - Strings • Violin • The “soprano” of the strings • Smallest string instrument • Played under the chin and to the left side • Bowing and plucking the strings to make sound • Viola • The “alto” of the strings • Slightly larger than violin, but played exact same way

  4. Tone Color - Strings • Cello • The “tenor” of the strings • Played with instrument between the legs, “end pin” resting on the floor • Bowing and plucking the strings to make sound • Double Bass • The “bass” of the string family • Player stands with the instrument, or can sit on high stool to play. • Bowing and plucking the strings to make sound

  5. QUESTION… • Q: What do all strings have in common? • A: They have strings, and they use a bow or plucking to make a sound.

  6. Tone Color - Brass • Trumpet • Highest of the brass instruments – “soprano” • Player buzzes lips and pushes down valves to create sound • French Horn • Player buzzes lips and pushes down valves to create sound • “Alto” of the brasses • Only instrument with valves for the LEFT hand!

  7. Tone Color - Brass • Trombone • Player buzzes lips and uses a SLIDE to create sound • “Tenor” of the brasses • Baritone/Euphonium • Player buzzes lips and pushes down valves to create sound • “Tenor” of the brasses • Tuba • Player buzzes lips and pushes down valves to create sound • “Bass” of the brasses

  8. QUESTION… • Q: What do all brass instruments have in common? • A: They produce a tone by buzzing their lips together… • AND, all have valves (except trombones) to produce different notes • Trombones use a slide to produce their notes

  9. Tone Colors - Woodwinds • Flute • “Soprano” of the WW’s • Player blows across mouthpiece and pushes down keys to produce tones • Clarinet • Can play very high and very low – Soprano AND alto! • Player blows into mouthpiece and pushes down keys to produce tones • Uses a REED

  10. Tone Colors - Woodwinds • There are a number of different saxophones. Each one needs the player to blow into the mouthpiece and push buttons to make tones. They all use REEDS. The names should be self-explanatory… • Soprano Sax

  11. Tone Colors - Woodwinds • Alto Sax • Tenor Sax • Baritone Sax

  12. QUESTION… • Q: What do all woodwind instruments have in common? • A: They produce a tone by blowing into a mouthpiece • AND, all have keys (instead of valves) pushed down to create different pitches

  13. Tone Colors - Percussion • There are MANY different varieties of percussion instruments from all over the world! However, we will just go over the basic percussion found in the CMS band…

  14. Tone Colors - Percussion • Snare Drum • Sound produced by hitting the head of the drum with sticks • Bass Drum • Sound produced by hitting the head of the drum with a large mallet/beater

  15. Tone Colors - Percussion • Triangle • Sound produced by hitting instrument with a beater • Crash Cymbals • Sound produced by “crashing” cymbals together

  16. Tone Colors - Percussion • Xylophone • Sound produced by striking bars with hard mallets • Concert Bells • Sound produced by striking bars with plastic or brass mallets

  17. QUESTION… • Q: What do all percussion instruments have in common? • A: To produce sound, you hit the instruments (with mallets, sticks, hands, etc.)!

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