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1. Passion For Poetry. By: Meredith Maynard. I S. Table of Contents. 2. Haiku Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Page 3 Quatrain is Awesome!!!!!!!!! Page 4 Cinquain is the Best!!!!!!!!!! Page 5 Limerick is the Greatest!!!!!!!!!!! Page 6
1 Passion For Poetry By: Meredith Maynard IS
Table of Contents 2 • Haiku Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Page 3 • Quatrain is Awesome!!!!!!!!! Page 4 • Cinquain is the Best!!!!!!!!!! Page 5 • Limerick is the Greatest!!!!!!!!!!! Page 6 • Free Verse is Wonderful!!!!!!!! Page 7 • Works Cited Page 8
Antarctica Only Dark, no lights. Northern lights are bright today. Blizzard Mania The Rainbow After Summer's rain, God's promise is remembered, glorious rainbow Haiku Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3
Charlotte the Great It's time to celebrate, For Charlotte the Great is here and there, She is so wonderful, kind, and great, everyone hopes she stays in good care. The Mountain The mountain frames the sky, As a shadow of an eagle flies by, With clouds hanging at It's edge' A climber proves his courage on it's rocky ledge 4 Quatrain is Awesome!!!!!!!!!
Keith Funny, Interesting Loving, Stern, Relaxing He loves us all Daddy Racing Fast,Zip Buzzing, Rushing, Flying Drivers on he track NASCAR Cinquain is the Best!!!!!!!!!! 5
There once was a flea named Earl, His favorite gem was a pearl, He only ate sweets, and didn't like meats, And this always caused him to hurl. In the village of Jingamafloo, They don’t look at the world like we do. When a gentleman dies His dear wife shouts, “Surprise! Now we’ll all get a little more stew.” Limerick is the Greatest!!!!!!!!!!! 6
Bernice the Fairy There was a fairy, her name was Bernice. She got caught by Evil Eye Lucinda. She made Bernice cast spells, to make her stronger. One day Bernice got out, after doing a spell to make Evil Eye Lucinda weaker, and she lived happily ever after. Free Verse is Wonderful!!!!!!!! 7
Works Cited 8 • Unknown."The Rainbow"September 12,2011.<http://poemhunter.com/ poem/the-rainbow-faith-faith-faith-faith-haiku-haiku-haiku-haiku-haiku-haiku-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow/ • Brock, Donna."The Mountain"quatrainSeptember12, 2011.http:/volweb.utk.edu/school/bedford/harrisms/quatrain.htm • Unknown."Racing"September 13, 2011.<go to google, type in cinquain poems, then go to Sample Cinquains> • Graham Lester."Doesn't have one"Limerick Poems September 13, 2011.<http://grahamlester.webs.com/limericks1.htm> • Kathryn Luska." Free Verse"September 13,2011. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=free+verse+poems&gs_sm=sc&gs_upl=4877l15787l0l18559l10l10l0l1l1l0l229l1629l0.6.3l9l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1600&bih=837&pdl=300&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi>