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Was there in fact a crime committed? Let’s find out what type of rock the bedrock is!!

Was there in fact a crime committed? Let’s find out what type of rock the bedrock is!!. Galena. Sulfide Ore (igneous intrusive). 90/90. Cleavage & Fracture Test. Color. Hornblende. Diorite (igneous intrusive). Streak Test. 120/60. Halite. 90/90.

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Was there in fact a crime committed? Let’s find out what type of rock the bedrock is!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Was there in fact a crime committed?Let’s find out what type of rock the bedrock is!!

  2. Galena Sulfide Ore (igneous intrusive) 90/90 Cleavage & Fracture Test Color Hornblende Diorite (igneous intrusive) Streak Test 120/60 Halite 90/90 Cleavage & Fracture Test Greater than 3 Rock Salt (Sedimentary chemical) None/white Calcite Hardness Test Limestone (Sedimentary organic) 120/60 Cleavage & Fracture Test flakes Biotite Pagioclase (Igneous extrusive) Color Streak Test 3 or less Muscovite Muscovite schist (Metamorphic) flakes Cleavage & Fracture Test None/white Gypsum Gypsum (Sedimentary chemical) 180 1 direction • Turn to page 2 in your notebook. • Follow the flow chart above to determine the type of Bedrock at Rocky Woods.

  3. Diorite is an Igneous Rock! Hornblende is the mineral… Hornblende is found in the rock Diorite…

  4. Hopi Ave Flip to page 7 (Hopi Ave) What piece of evidence at the Hopi Ave. location also contained Diorite?

  5. The Bedrock!!! (Step 1)

  6. Diorite (along with granite) are both igneous bedrock found in Medfield – so what type of rock is missing that SHOULD be there??


  8. Bedrock of Medfield • Shade in on your large map: • YELLOW – Diorite • GREEN - Granite

  9. Bedrock of the Northeast On Map Insert C (Rock Types), color: • BLACK – rhyolite • PINK – pink granite

  10. WindTurn to page 1(Rocky Woods) What direction did the wind blow? • Color an arrow orange and label it “Wind.” • Place it on your map pointing in the direction in which it blows (use the compasses).

  11. GravityHighlight/color the places on your map in PURPLEthat are highlighted here as HIGH elevations

  12. WavesTurn to page 1(Rocky Woods) to remind you how close the nearest ocean is and then, record on Map Insert B the # of miles (approximate) In this arrow - record # miles to the nearest ocean?? Use the Map Mileage Scale below

  13. GlaciersOn Map Insert A, color the areas of Earth with continental glaciers in RED

  14. Running WaterHighlight, on your large map, the major waterway (The Charles River) in BLUE and label it “Charles River.”

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