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South West Regional Improvement Efficiency Partnership

This initiative by South West Regional Improvement Efficiency Partnership aims to equip local authorities with training to effectively manage empty homes, enhancing strategic housing functions. The program delivers technical and soft skills training, enabling delegates to proactively address issues related to empty properties. The training helps in leveraging funding, achieving efficiencies, and fostering partnerships for better strategic housing management. The outcomes include increased skills and knowledge among participants, empowering them to tackle problematic long-term empties and explore innovative solutions. The program addresses obstacles such as limited access to council tax information and lack of delegated powers for enforcement. It benefits the future by providing alternative housing options, improving housing stock, and generating cost savings for the public sector. The New Homes Bonus scheme incentivizes local authorities to identify and utilize empty properties, contributing to meeting housing needs and revitalizing communities.

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South West Regional Improvement Efficiency Partnership

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  1. South West Regional Improvement Efficiency Partnership Making use of existing stock – Building Capacity for Empty Homes Teams

  2. Lead Authority & Partners • Lead Authority – Exeter City Council • Partners – West Dorset District Council • East Dorset District Council • North Dorset District Council • Purbeck District Council • Weymouth & Portland Borough Council

  3. Partners - Cont • Christchurch Borough Council • Dorset Strategic Housing Group • Plymouth City Council • Devon Strategic Housing Group

  4. Background to the Bid • Mock inspection of Exeter City Council highlighted insufficient empty homes enforcement action • 6 Dorset Housing authorities ‘red flagged’ for failing to effectively address the issues of empty property within the CAA report

  5. The Bid • Joint initiative between Exeter City Council and West Dorset District Council • To deliver a 6 day training programme for 24 delegates from Dorset, Exeter Plymouth Local Authorities and partner authorities

  6. Programme Objectives • Improve knowledge • Provide skills for effective EH management and enforcement • Establish a ‘tool kit’ • Improve performance • Achieve efficiencies

  7. Source of Training • Technical Training • Provided by Empty Homes Training Ltd • Trainers • Andrew Lavender - all aspects of enforcement • David Gibbens - legislation

  8. Source of Training • Soft Skills • Delaney & Hart

  9. Proposed Outcomes • LA’s equipped to undertake existing and new duties related to the strategic housing function • LA’s and Partners proactively working • LA’ & Partners able to recruit staff with appropriate skills

  10. Proposed Outcomes • LA’s better placed to lever in Funding • LA’s have a consistent approach to strategic housing • Strategic Housing partnerships are able to draw on a robust evidence base to support their action

  11. Where are we now? • 24 Delegates • Completed 10 days of training • 6 Days technical training • 4 Days soft skills • Advisory service • Empty Homes Network Web Site

  12. Outcomes • Too early to assess • Increased skills and knowledge: • Comments from the delegates: ‘It has given me the confidence to deal with empty homes complaints’ ‘It has provided me with information on new ways of approaching empty home owners’

  13. Delegate Responses • ‘Has given me the confidence and the tools to tackle some of our problematical long term empties, we are embarking upon what might be our first enforced sale!’ ‘The manuals should provide us with a great deal of help with the future delivery of empty property’.

  14. Obstacles to Improved Outcomes • Inability to achieve ‘read only’ Council tax information • Empty homes officers do not have delegated powers to serve notices. • Lack of understanding from senior management and members of the processes needed to provide improved outcomes.

  15. Benefits for the Future • Provide increase in alternative housing options • Provide a housing resource for both social and private occupiers • Improvement in Private Sector Housing stock • Cost savings to the public sector • Increased CT Revenue

  16. New Legislation Affecting Empty Homes New Homes Bonus

  17. The Message from Government • Empty homes are a blight on local communities and a waste which we cannot afford. We need to harness this potential to meet pressing housing need.” • “Through the New Homes Bonus, the Government proposes to strengthen the incentive for local authorities to identify empty properties and work with property owners to find innovative solutions that allow these properties to be brought back into use.”

  18. Implications for exemptions • Unfurnished empties get Exemption Class “C” for 6 months • At 6 months + 1 day they start costing the local community circa £1,500 • vital to target homes coming up to 6 months empty July, August • Makes no difference how long homes are empty – focus on most numerous ie. those around 6 months empty.

  19. Money for Empty Homes • 1 new LTE costs £1.5k approx p.a. • 1 LTE less generates £1.5k approx p.a. • Bonus only sustained if reduction sustained • Difference of -5 and +5 p.a. = 10 x bonus • Say £15k p.a. • Councils are no longer able to ignore empty homes

  20. New Homes Bonus • Money not ring fenced • Income likely to go to other areas of Council • Important that some of the income goes to support the officer costs • Incentivise EH operatives by giving them the NHB for all properties they bring back into use.

  21. Enforcement • EDMOs the only enforcement tool directly targeted at LTEs • Councils will find it easier to justify work and expense associated with EDMOs. • Internal partnerships and corporate working must become more efficient • Council tax data must become easier to access!

  22. Conclusion • Training provided expertise & knowledge • Indications for improved service are strong • Provided staff with expertise to support initiatives that will produce high levels of NHB

  23. Discussion/Questions

  24. Contact Details Sue Haigh Empty Homes Partnership Manager Exeter City Council Tel:01392 265819 Email:sue.haigh@exeter.gov.uk

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