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AGBO- The new generation Robot to make farmer’s life easier. By- Ruchika Dalvi & Siddhant Rane Dept. Of Mechanical Girijabai Sail Institute Of Technology Majali-Uttar Kannada.
AGBO- The new generation Robot to make farmer’s life easier. By- Ruchika Dalvi & Siddhant Rane Dept. Of Mechanical Girijabai Sail Institute Of Technology Majali-Uttar Kannada
Abstract-AGBO is basically an idea which relates to the combination of agriculture and robotics. This is a rapid, economic, consistent and objective inspection technique, which can be expanded into many diverse industries. Its speed and accuracy satisfy ever-increasing production and quality and quantity requirements of materials in agriculture, hence aiding in the development of totally automated processes. This non-destructive method (NDT) of inspection has found applications in the agricultural and food industry, including the inspection and grading of fruit and vegetable till date. It has also been used successfully in the analysis of grain characteristics and in the evaluation of foods such as meats, cheese and pizza. This paper identifies areas for further scope of research and wider application in technology.
introduction • The idea of applying robotics technology in agriculture is very new. In agriculture, the opportunities for robot-enhanced productivity are immense - and the robots are appearing on farms in various guises and in increasing numbers. • We can expect the robots performing agricultural operations autonomously such as spraying and mechanical weed control, fruit picking, watching the farms day & night for an effective report, allowing farmers to reduce the environmental impact, increase precision and efficiency, and manage individual plants in novel ways.
The applications of instrumental robotics are spreading every day to cover further domains, as the opportunity of replacing human operators provides effective solutions with return on investment. This is especially important when the duties, that need be performed, are potentially harmful for the safety or the health of the workers, or when more conservative issues are granted by robotics. Heavy chemicals or drugs dispensers, manure or fertilizers spreaders, etc. are activities more and more concerned by the deployment of unmanned options.
This paper discusses how we can make farmer’s life easier by application of AGBO in fields and that too making it economical in a developing country like India. But these kinds of robot if developed would be applied to the fields with large spread because small field requires uniform proportion of fertilizer, manure, pesticide, water, weedicide, etc. unlike vast acres of land. Large fields will have diverse soil conditions and their requirements of the basic materials as discussed above would be also different.
What is anAGBO? • Agriculture + Robot = AGBO. • When it comes to Agriculture, India comes to 4th position in the world. • With the growing population and growing literacy rate, it is seen that Agriculture is vanishing very fast in India. So it’s a high time that now we as upcoming Engineers should look seriously into this matter.
What is a Robot? • “Robota”– Labor • “Robotnik” – Workman • So, Robot was initially developed to reduce the workload on the labors or the workman, or in other words, Robot is a substitution for labors and is developed to meet increasing demand for labors in town.
AN IDEAL ROBOT • An ideal robot should have certain properties:- • Sensing and perception: get information from its surroundings. • Carry out different tasks: Locomotion or manipulation, do something physical–such as move or manipulate objects • Re-programmable: can do different things • Function autonomously and/or interact with human beings.
How can we make an AGBO robot work in reality? • We need our AGBO robot to first collect the soil sample from the field. Once the soil is collected, it should be made to detect the soil properties and conditions, and to what proportion does the soil requires the fertilizer, manure, pesticides, water, weedicides etc. Once it is detected, from the sprayer arms it should be made to spray the required quantity of the materials. • Basic steps like collection, sensing, processing and action are very crucial. • Robots can move and sense. They require multiple sensors and controls that allow them to move in an unknown environment.
AGBO Robot will have five parts: • Controller • Arm • Drive/Actuator • End-Effector • Sensor
controller • The controller is the “computer” of the robot. • It is often referred to as the “brain” of the robot. The controller allows robots to work with other machines, processes, or robots through networking. Right now, most controllers are controlled by a set of instructions written in code called a program.
ARM • The arm allows the robot to do its programmed task. Usually, a robot’s arm is like a human arm with a shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers. Most robots have 6 degrees of freedom. Each joint gives the robot one degree-of-freedom. Robots can have one arm or many.
Drive/Actuator • The drive or actuator is the “engine” of the robot. An actuator is defined as “a mechanical device that produces motion.” An example of an actuator is an electric motor. • Robots can have many different kinds of actuators. A solenoid is an electric motor that produces linear motion. They are typically used in switches that turn things off and on. • Because robots require small and repeated adjustments in position, stepper motors are often used because they turn in precise, incremental steps.
Another type of motor is the servomotor, which allows a 90-degree turn to either the right or the left. It is often used in remote control toys. • Robots also use non-electric actuators. An actuator that uses oil is the hydraulic actuator. They are often used in place of an electric actuator when the robot is around sparks. • Pneumatic actuators use gas to move. They are normally used in the part of the robot that picks up objects. This is because gas can be compressed preventing the robot from crushing what it is picking up. Robots have air muscles, which are pneumatic. They contract by thickening when pumped with air. They are made of soft plastic and rubber. • Nitinol wire is a metal used to activate robotic parts. It is different from normal metals because it contracts up to 10% in length when heated with an electric current. This contraction is very strong.
End-Effector • The end-effector is connected to the end of the robot’s arm. Its purpose is to help the robot do its job. Examples of end-effectors are a gripper, a vacuum pump, tweezers, scalpel, or blowtorch. Robots can even be programmed to change end-effectors or have different end-effectors on each arm.
SENSOR • A sensor “measures a characteristic of the environment and makes a proportional electric signal.” The sensor then sends information back to the controller. This is how robots get information about their surroundings. Light sensors react by creating or changing an electric signal. If a robot is only supposed to react to a certain color, a filter is put over the sensor. Light sensors also allow robots to navigate. One way this works is with infrared light. The robot sends a beam of infrared light, which will bounce off obstacles and return to a light sensor on the robot. Feelers are touch sensors with contact switches and bump sensors. They tell a robot when it has made contact with something. Position sensors allow robots to learn how to do something. After leading it through the motions, the sensors in the robots joints remember and can repeat the exact movements. A robot can “sense” many things humans cannot. They can be programmed to see in the dark, detect radiation, or measure movement too quick for a human to see.
AGBO Implementation • The implementation of the AGBO Mind architecture follows the structured division of ROS in stacks, packages and nodes. It follows ROS implementation of FroboMind. FroboMind is published as a single ROS stack, and the layers in the architecture are • Implemented as ROS packages each containing ROS nodes for the components within that layer. Below is a list of the packages: • Perception • Decision Making • Action • Abstraction layer & Interfaces
Perception • fmSensors Stimuli → Data • fmExtractors Data → Information • fmProcessors Information → Knowledge • Decision Making • fmMissions Knowledge → Behaviour → Plans • fmBehaviours Library of behaviours • fmMonitors Library of monitors • fmActions Library of actions • Action • fmExecuters Plans → Commands • fmControllers Commands → Signals • fmActuators Signals → State
Abstraction layers and interfaces • fmIncident Fault diagnosis and incident handling • fmCore ROS • fmMsgs ROS inter-node communication messages • fmCSP Computer Support Packages • fmPSP Platform Support Packages • fmKinematics Vehicle kinematics • fmHMI Human Machine Interface • fmSim Simulation • Robot should be designed in such a manner that, It should be easily handle able by the farmers and should be easy to detect the faults in the machine(Robot).
Water proof robot • This kind of Robots will be continuously working in the fields like labors since they are substitutions for the labors. • And field means water, soil etc. • So, robots should be designed in such a way that soil, water and other substances(conditions which can harm a normal functioning machine) should not affect its functioning at all.
Advantages & disadvantages • ADVANTAGES • The Robot does not get sick or tired and does not need time off. • It can operate with closer tolerances (so every round is at full field capacity), Fewer errors and at higher speeds because machines can be made lighter and cheaper if the driver’s seat, controls and cab can be eliminated. • It can be used in various fields like agriculture since it is reprogrammable. • It can be taken to any environmental conditions. • The machines could easily work around trees, rocks, ponds and other obstacles. • Small suburban fields could be worked almost as efficiently as large tracts of land. • DISADVANTAGES • One of the key disadvantages of driverless machines for agriculture is liability. • Access to the technology. • Not currently scale neutral. • Better sensors would help. Improved scouting programs would be essential. Nevertheless, a periodic human presence in the field is likely to be necessary for the near future. • Robots could change the culture /emotional appeal of agriculture. • Energy issues, costly.
CONCLUSION • In agriculture, the opportunities for robot-enhanced productivity are immense – and the robots are appearing on farms in various guises and in increasing numbers.The other problems associated with autonomous farm equipment can probably be overcome with technology. This equipment may be in our future, but there are important reasons for thinking that it may not be just replacing the human driver with a computer. It may mean a rethinking of how crop production is done. Crop production may be done better and cheaper with a swarm of small machines than with a few large ones. • One of the advantages of the smaller machines is that they may be more acceptable to the non-farm community. The jobs in agriculture are a drag, dangerous, require intelligence and quick, though highly repetitive decisions hence robots can be rightly substituted with human operator. The higher quality products can be sensed by machines (color, firmness, weight, density, ripeness, size, shape) accurately. Robots can improve the quality of our lives but there are downsides.
References [1] IEEE robotics & automation society, subcommittee for robotics and automation. [2] Robotics technology and automation by S R Deb. [3] Industrial robotics by Mikell P. Groover. [4] Epson micro flying robot.
Acknowledgement Our sincere thanks to all who helped us to bring this research paper to this level. Special thanks to- Dr. M.S.Rajendra Kumar, Principal & Management Girijabai Sail Institute Of Technology Majali, Uttar kannada Mr. Raghvendra Kulkarni , HOD Of Mechanical Dept. GSIT All the staff of Mechanical Dept. We are thankful to all.
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