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Viernes 30mayo: 9-930h: PLENARIA Inmunoterapia oral y sublingual para alimentos: panorama general Sábado 31 mayo 2014: 1030-11h Nuevas formas de inmunoterapia : intralinfática , transcutánea , epicutánea. Dr. Wesley Burks,
Viernes 30mayo: 9-930h: PLENARIA Inmunoterapia oral y sublingual para alimentos: panorama general Sábado 31 mayo 2014: 1030-11h Nuevasformas de inmunoterapia: intralinfática, transcutánea, epicutánea. Dr. Wesley Burks, Presidente saliente American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Wesley Burks, MD is the Curnen Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the North Carolina Children’s Hospital in Chapel Hill, NC Los intereses de investigación del Dr. Burks se enfocan en alergiaalimenticia y reaccionesadversas a alimentos. Su trabajo se ha centrado en la identificación molecular de alergenos en alimentosespecíficos. En mejorarnuestroentendimiento de los mecanismos de reaccionesadversos a alimentos y el desarrollo de un tratamientooportuno. (modelosanimales y estudiosclínicos en humanos) Está al cargo de variosestudiosclínicos con inmunoterapiaporvía de la mucosa de moléculasrecombinantesRecibefondos de investigación del National Institutes of Health. Dr. Burks ha publicado en revistasmédicasindexadas de alto nivel, y ha escritocapítulos de libros y múltiplesresúmenes. Esmiembro de la sección de NIH Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune, and Immune-mediated Diseases .
Jueves 29mayo 2014 930-10h: Simposio SLAAI Anafiliaxia: panorama global y experiencia en Latinoamérica Viernes 30mayo 2014: 13-1330h Inmunomoduladoresbacterianos, nuevasevidencias. Juan Carlos Ivancevich, Secretario General de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia e Inmunología (SLAAI) Prof. Adjunto de Inmunología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Jefe del Servicio de Alergia e Inmunología. Clínica Santa Isabel, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Secretario General de la SLAAI (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología)Miembro Adjunto del Board de Directores de INTERASMA (Asociación Global de Asma). Uno de los coordinadores de LatinAmerican Survey onAnaphylaxis.
Jueves 29mayo 2014 11-1130h: Conferencia Biomarcadores útiles en Asma. Viernes 30mayo 2014: 930-10h: simposio WAO Urticaria crónica de difícil control: tratamientos alternativos . . Mario Sanchez Borges, Vice-presidente WorldAllergyOrganization (WAO) Presently, Dr. Sánchez-Borges is Member of the Executive Committee of the World Allergy Organization for the term 2014-2015 (President Elect), where he was Member at Large (2008-2009), Treasurer (2010-2011), and Secretary General (2012-2013). At the Latin American Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology he has been Member at Large, Secretary General and Vice-president. He has been President of the Venezuelan Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.He has published 172 articles in peer-reviewed journals, more than 40 original articles in Spanish language, and has presented 154 original papers in National and International Congresses. Associate Professor of the Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Centro Medico-Docente La Trinidad in Caracas
Jueves 29mayo 2014 14-16h: Taller práctico para renovación de la Guía MexInmunoterapia Sábado 31mayo 2014: 11-1130h: Inmunoterapia: cómo mejorar la seguridad y contraindicaciones David I. Bernstein, Member of Joint Task Force for Allergy Practice Parameters (AAAAI-ACAAI) Professor of Medicine and Environmental Health in the University of Cincinnati Division of Immunology/Allergy, Department of Internal Medicine. AAAAI: Coordinador general Programa de vigilancia de eventosadversospor Inmunoterapia. PAST: Chair of the Environmental and Occupational Disorder Interest Section (AAAAI), Chair of the immunotherapy cie. PRESENT: member Joint Task Force for Allergy Practice Parameters and American Board of Allergy and Immunology. Research activities : novel treatments for asthma, new modalities of immunotherapy (AIT) and allergic reactions associated with AIT, environmental causes of atopic disorders in childhood and genetics of occupational asthma. Co-author of 170 articles in peer-reviewed journals as well numerous reviews and book chapters.
Jueves 29mayo 2014 9-930h: Simposio SLAAI Fibrosis quística y atopia Viernes 30mayo 2014: 830-9h: PLENARIA Tratamiento sistémico para dermatitis atópica Nelson Rosario, Miembro Board of DirectorsWorldAllergyOrganization (WAO) Chairman, Division of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Pneumology, Hospital de Clinicas, University of Parana. Ex-President of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunopathology. He served thaLatinAmerican Society of Allergy and Immunology as member-at- large, and Vice-President. Associate Editor of several peer-reviewed journals, published more than 200 papers as leading author or co-author, edited 2 books (in Portuguese),and collaborated with chapters in 36 books.. Full Professor of Pediatrics at Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil (UFPR)
II CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO Miércoles 28 de Mayo 2014 9:00-9:30 “FISIOPATOLOGÍA DEL ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO” 12:30-13:00 “ACTUALIZACIÓN EN LA CLASIFICACIÓN DEL ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO” CONSENSO DEL GRUPO DE EXPERTOS EN AEH PROFR. MARCO CICARDI Professor of Internal Medicine at Milan University. Trained as fellow in Cincinnati with Dr. Virginia Donaldson in 1979 and at Boston Harvard University with Fred Rosen and Alvin Davis. He has had long interest in Hereditary Angioedema: his research activity in this field resulted in 150 scientific papers and he follows more than 600 patients with this disease. Chairman of the Division of Medicine at Luigi Sacco Hospital. Milan. Italy
Viernes 30mayo 2014 1030-11h: Conferencia Endotipos de rinosinusitis y Endotipos de asma: hay relación? Viernes 30mayo 2014: 13-1330h: box lunch El manejo de Urticaria crónica espontánea con monoclonales . Paolo Tassinari, Professor Universidad Central de Venezuela Specialistin Allergyand Clinical Immunology ProfessorUniversidad Central de Venezuela Chief of the Department of Immunogenetics, Institute of Immunology Area of Investigation: Allergy.
Dr. José Egidio FabianiPresidente y Fundador de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Angioedema Hereditario. • Especialista consultor en Alergia e Inmunología. • Dedicado al estudio del Angioedema Hereditario 1978-2014 • Co-Fundador del Instituto Argentino de Alergia 1979 • Member: ACAAI 1986, EAACI 1994, FellowAAAAI 2006 • Presidente AAAeIC 1989-1990 • DIRECTOR FUNDADOR DEL “INSTITUTO ARGENTINO DE ALERGIA E INMUNOLOGÍA Y PREVENCIÓN DE ALERGIA A MEDICAMENTOS.” 1979 • Ex Director y docente del curso superior de Alergia e Inmunología 1989-1990 • Miembro de Honor Asociación Argentina de Alergia e Inmunología. 1992 • Distinguido por la AAAeIC por la trayectoria en la Especialidad. 2005 • Membresía en Ecuador, Perú, Paraguay. • Trabajos Publicados en 24 revistas nacionales; 37 en revistas internacionalesParticipación en 9 libros nacionales y 3 libros internacionales. • Invitado. HereditaryAngioedemaWorkinggroup HAWK 2010, 2012 Consensus Meeting II CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO Miércoles 28 de Mayo 2014 13:15-14:15 SIMPOSIUM “RESOLVIENDO LOS ENIGMAS DEL ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO”
Jueves 29 Mayo 2014 13-13.30h Lunch simposio (Box lunch) Tratamiento del asma grave, presente y futuro NikolaosSiafakas, MD, PhD, FRCP Past-President European Respiratory Society (ERS) Professor of Thoracic Medicine Medical School University of Crete Dept. of Thoracic Medicine, University General Hospital Honorary Fellow of Royal College of Physicians (London) 1995. Professor of Thoracic Medicine and Head of Department of Pulmonology, University of Crete (1989- today) Head of Department of Thoracic Medicine of Evangelismos Hospital (1981-1989), Mc Gill University, Meakins-Christie Lab, Montreal: Clinical Lecture (1979-1980), Paris University, St Antoine Hospital. Research Fellow (1978-1979), London University, Gardiothoracic Institute. Clinical Assistant, (1975-1978). Author of many original articles on Pathophysiology of COPD, Respiratory muscles, Control of Breathing, Mechanics of Breathing. Editorial board member of Chest and 10 other journals.
II CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO Miércoles 28 de Mayo 2014 10:00 – 10:30 “LA INFLUENCIA DE LA EDAD DE LA PRIMERA MANIFESTACIÓN CLÍNICA DEL ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO, EN EL CURSO CLÍNICO DE LA ENFERMEDAD” 15:00-15:30 “MANIFESTACIONES CLÍNICAS Y TRATAMIENTO DEL ANGIOEDEMA HEREDITARIO DURANTE EL EMBARAZO Y LACTANCIA” She is a specialist in paediatrics. She completed her medical degree, PhD and residency at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Hospital and was Senior Staff Member at the Department of Paediatrics of the J.-W. Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a. M., Comprehensive Care Center for Thrombosis and Haemostasis until November 2012. Dr. Martinez-Saguer has a special clinical and research interests in all aspects of Coagulation Disorders in children and adults as Hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, Thrombophilia, rare Coagulation Disorders, Immunodeficiency and HAE. She is member of the HAE-Steering Committee of de World Allergy Association (WAO), member of the German Society for Angioedema and member of the German Society for Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (DGKJ). Inmaculada Martinez-Saguer PhD Co-Director at the Haemophilia Centre Rhine Main, Frankfurt-Mörfelden.
Miércoles 28 Mayo 2014 9.30-10h Angioedema hereditario con C1 inhibidor normal 12-12.30h Angioedema recurrente en mujeres con C1 inhibidor normal e historia familiar negativa Prof. Konrad Bork, President of the “German Society of Angioedema Research (Since 1996) Clinical dermatologist at the Department of Dermatology, University of Mainz Special fields of interest: Dermatology, Hereditary and acquired angioedema, Adverse drug reactions. More than 300 scientific publications in the fields of dermatology, recurrent angioedema, allergy, and immunology. Numerous clinical studies for various major pharmaceutical companies. Experience in all forms of recurrent angioedema since more than 30 years.
Jueves 29 de Mayo 2014 19-21h , Hotel las Brisas Cena simposio: Beneficios clínicos de alcanzar y tratar la vía aérea de pequeño calibre Prof. Carlos Baena Cagnani Presidente de la organizaciónmundial para el asma, Interasma Director del Centro de Investigación en Medicina (CIMER), Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina.DivisiónRespiratoria. Hospital Pediátrico. Córdoba, Argentina. Presidente de la Fundación LIBRA. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Expresidente de la Organización Mundial de Alergia (WAO), miembro del comité internacional ARIA, GINA y GARD, entre otros. (Co-) autor de más de 120 artículos publicados en revistas indexadas. Professor of Neumology and Director Research Centre for Respiratory Medicine (CIMER) Catholic University of Córdoba. Faculty of Medicine Associate Professor at the University of NL, Monterrey
Miércoles 28 de Mayo 2014 11.30-12h Deficiencia Adquirida del C1-inhib y su relación con enfermedades linfoproliferativas y enfermedades autoinmunes 15.50-16.20h: Experiencia Italiana en el tratamiento del Angioedema hereditario Prof. AndreaZanichelli, Italy Mainz Special.
Miércoles 28 de Mayo 2014 11-11.30h Terapia en el hogar con C1-inhibidor IV, en niños y adolescentes con angioedema hereditario 14.30-15h: Terapia de reemplazo individual con concentrado de C1-inhib, en pacientes con AEH severa, refactario a la profilaxis con Danazol. Prof. WolfhartKreuz, Germany Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Special.