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ELMCIP is a 3-year collaborative research project running from 2010-2013 and a part of the HERA JRP: ' Humanities as a Source of Creativity and Innovation ' ELMCIP involves 7 European research partners and 1 non-academic partner who will investigate:
ELMCIP is a 3-year collaborative research project running from 2010-2013 and a part of the HERA JRP: 'Humanities as a Source of Creativity and Innovation' ELMCIP involves 7 European research partners and 1 non-academic partner who will investigate: How creative communities of practitioners form within a transnational and transcultural context in a globalized and distributed communication environment 02
RESEARCH QUESTIONS & OBJECTIVES ¤ Understand how creative communities form and interact through distributed media ¤ Document and evaluate various models and forces of creative commuities in the field of electronic literature ¤ Examine how electronic literature communities benefit from current educational models and develop pedagogical tools ¤ Study how electronic literature manifests in conventional cultural contexts and evaluate the effects of distributing and exhibiting e-lit in such contexts. 04
IMPACT & IMPORTANCE In the USA, the ELO (Electronic Literature Organization) functions as a hub for practictioners and theoreticians of electronic literature. While Europe is hosting key creative, theoretical and scholarly practitioners, events and communities of electronic literature – it still lacks a shared research infrastructure. ELMCIP seeks to gather the multitude of practices and theories in electronic literature, existing in a multi-linguistic and multicultural Europe, in order to create a shared archive and research network. 05
OUTCOMES ¤ Series of case studies and research papers (for publications and conferences) ¤ Series of public seminars ¤ Online knowledge base (materials from seminars, project information and an extensive bibliographic record of e-lit works)¤ Pedagogy workshop and anthology (Resulting in extensive documentation, presented as an accessable website and DVD-ROM) ¤ International conference ¤ Public exhibition of electronic literature artworks and performances ¤ Openly distributed publications(conference proceedings, exhibition catalog, project documentation and a DVD anthology of e-lit works) 06
TIMELINE University of Bergen University College Falmouth Blekinge Institute of Technology University of Ljubljana 08 University of Amsterdam University of Jyväskylä Edinburgh College of Art
BUDGET ¤ Budget total: ≈ EUR 1 mill.¤ Partners from UIB, BTH and ECA have a larger budget share due to use of post-docs and a PhD student. 09
PARTNERS UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN (NO) • Scott Rettberg • - Associate Professor of Digital Culture • (electronic literature, new media, co-founder of ELO) • Jill Walker Rettberg • Associate Professor of Digital Culture • (digital textuality, social networks, blogging) • Individual project: • ¤ Overall project administration • ¤ Building the online knowledge base • ¤ Spring 2010: Appoint UIB post-doc • ¤ Spring 2010: Seminar on Electronic Literature Communities • ¤ Final report 10
PARTNERS • Maria Engberg- Associate Professor of English and Digital Media • (experimental English literature, digital poetry and technologies) • Talan Memmott • Associate Professor of English and Digital Media(new media artist and author, applied technology) • Individual project: • ¤ Spring 2010: • Appoint BTH post-doc • Research on pedagogical models and electronic literature • anthologies ¤ Spring 2011: • Workshop on electronic literature in education • ¤ Autumn 2012:Production of DVD anthology on European electronic literature BLEKINGE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (SE) 11
PARTNERS Yra van Dijk- Assistant Professor of Modern Dutch Literature (modern and digital poetry, Dutch literature) Individual project: ¤ Autumn 2011: Seminar on New Media and Literary History ¤ Winter 2010/2011 Publication #1: The Analysis of Poetics in Digital Poetry ¤ Winter 2011/2012 Publication #2: Poetics as a central factor in the formation of digital networks ¤ Winter 2012 Publication #3: The recycling of European poetics in digital poetry UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM (NL) 12
PARTNERS Janez Strehovec- Associate Professor of New Media Theory (cyberarts, digital literature and internet culture) Individual project: ¤ Autumn 2011: Seminar on New Media Histories ¤ Spring 2011: Case study on new media specificity of electronic literature ¤ Winter 2012Presentation at project conference on findings UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA (SI) 13
PARTNERS Raine Sakari Koskimaa- Professor of Digital Culture/Vice Dean of the Faculty of Humanties (Digital culture, electronic literature and digital arts) Individual project: ¤ Spring 2010 Electronic Literature Publishing survey ¤ Spring 2011: Seminar on Electronic Literature Publishing and other venues UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ (FI) 14
PARTNERS Jerome Fletcher- Senior Lecturer in Writing (writing, performing of digital and experimental texts) Individual project: ¤ Spring 2011 Call for performance works ¤ Autumn 2011Survey of performance contexts¤ Spring 2012 Seminar on Electronic Literature and Performance ¤ Winter 2012: Curate and exhibit performance works at project conference UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FALMOUTH (UK) 15
PARTNERS EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART (UK) Simon Biggs- Professor, artist, writer and curator (electronic arts, digital poetics and interactive systems) Penny Travlou- Post-doctoral Researcher (ethnography and digital culture) Individual project: ¤ Spring 2010 Appoint PhD-student ¤ Autumn 2011 Ethnographic study of networked creative communities ¤ Spring 2012 Ethnographic analysis of findings ¤ Autumn 2012: Planning of project conference and curating exhibition ¤ Winter 2012: Project conference and exhibition 16
NON-ACADEMIC PARTNER NEW MEDIA SCOTLAND (UK) Mark Daniels- Executive Director (contemporary art, new media producer and curator) ¤ Collaboration with Edinburgh College of Art and University College Falmouth to realize the exhibition and performance program at the project conference in Edinburgh winter 2012.Tasks include: Co-curation, coordination and management of exhibition opening event, and maintenance of artworks and the exhibition space for the during of the exhibition (2 weeks) 17