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Software Verification 2 Automated Verification. Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität and Fraunhofer Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik. Recap: LTS. LTS=( , S, , S 0 ) is a nonempty finite alphabet
Software Verification 2Automated Verification Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität and Fraunhofer Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik
Recap: LTS • LTS=(, S, , S0) • is a nonempty finite alphabet • S is a nonempty finite set of states • S S is the transition relation • S0 S is the set of initial states remark: sometimes a pseudo state s0S is used instead of S0S;sometimes there is only a single initial state s0S • state = (program counter(s), variable valuation)transition = (state, instruction, state) • S0 can be written as a predicate on variables and pc’s • init: (pc== x==0 y<=5 ...) • can be written as a predicate on current and next variables • : ((pc== x‘==x+1) (pc== x‘==x+2) ...)
Boolean Equivalences next(state):= case inp=0 : state; inp=50 & state=s0 : s50; inp=50 & state=s50 : s0; esac; ( (inp==0 state‘==state) (inp==50 state=s0 state‘== s50) (inp==50 state=s50 state‘==s0) ) ( (inp==0 state‘==state) (inp==50 (state=s0 state‘== s50 ) (state=s50 state‘== s0 ) ) )
Parallel transition system / state machine • T=(T1,...,Tn) • all state sets must be pairwise disjoint • Global TS associated with parallel TS: T=(, S, , S0), where • = i • S=S1 ... Sn • S0=S10 ... Sn0 • ((s1,...,sn), a, (s1’,...,sn’)) iff for all Ti, • if a i, then (si, a, si’) i, and • if a i, then si’= si • Complexity (size of this construction)? Correctness???
Correctness • T=(T1,...,Tn), T =T1 ... Tn • Intuitively: T accepts/generates exactly those sequences which are accepted/generated by all Ti • projection of run onto the alphabet of a transition system: =123...|Ti =if (1i) then 1 (23...)|Ti else (23...)|Ti • Show: T acc iffi (Ti acc | Ti ) • can also be used as a definition
Parallel State Machines • Parallel state machine • T=(T1,...,Tn), i=2E C 2A • What is the global state machine associated with a parallel state machine? (“flattening”) • synchronization by common e[c]/a is not an option • possible choices: synchronize or compete on common input events (triggers)? • what if an effect contains sending of a trigger? (“run-to-completion-semantics”: tedious formalization)
Introducing Data • Simple state machines • E: set of events, C: set of conditions, A: set of actions • a simple state machine is an LTS where =2E C 2A • Extended state machine: Assume a first-order signature (D, F, R) with finite domains D and a set V of program variables on these domains. An ESM is a simple state machine where • a guard is a quantifier-free first-order formula on (D, F, R) and V • an action is an assignment V=T • Attention: the effect of a transition is a set of actions!Parallel execution introduces nondeterminism.
Introducing Hierarchies • In a UML state machine, a state may contain other states • powerful abstraction concept • semantics can be tedious
Introducing Visibility Scopes • A state machine can be part of a class or module • all variables are visible within the module only • modules may be nested • Classes or modules can be parameterized • instances of classes are objects
Introducing Fairness • LTSs cannot specify that something will eventually happen • only maximal sequences are accepted (terminating or infinite) • want to express that in infinite runs, certain states must occur infinitely often • Just LTS=(LTS,J), where J=(J1,...,Jm), JiS(justice requirements) • for each JiJ each infinite run must contain infinitely many sJi • Fair LTS=(LTS,F), where F=(F1,...,Fm), Fi=(Pi,Qi), PiS, QiS(compassion requirements) • for each FiF and each infinite run it holds that if it contains infinitely many sPi, then it also contains infinitely many sQi • Cf. automata theory: Büchi- and Rabin-acceptance
Example: Peterson’s Mutual Exclusion {t=0; x=0; y=0; {0:while(true){NC1: skip; 1:x=1; 2:t=1; 3:await(t==0 y==0); C1: skip; 4:x=0;} || {0:while(true){NC2: skip; 1:y=1; 2:t=0; 3:await(t==1 x==0); C2: skip; 4:y=0;} }
Summary: Finite State Modeling Concepts • We discussed • (parallel) while-Programs with finite domains • Labeled transition systems • Simple state machines • Parallel transition systems / state machines • UML state machines • Object-oriented concepts • Fairness Constraints (justice, compassion) • Mutual simulation possible • but may be tedious; cross-compiler technology