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Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan

U.S. DOJ’s Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Robert Boehmer Chairman, Global Advisory Committee Innovations in Justice – BJA Regional Information Sharing Conference. Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan

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Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan

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  1. U.S. DOJ’s Global Justice Information Sharing InitiativeRobert BoehmerChairman, Global Advisory CommitteeInnovations in Justice – BJA Regional Information Sharing Conference

  2. Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) • National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan • Privacy Policy Development Guide and Implementation Templates • Information Quality: The Foundation for Justice Decision Making • National Information Exchange Model • Fusion Center Guidelines • Applying Security Practices to Justice Information Sharing • A Framework for Justice Information Sharing: Service-Oriented Architecture

  3. What is Global? • The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) operates under the support and guidance of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice • Global advises the federal government, specifically through the U.S. Attorney General and the Assistant Attorney General, OJP, on justice information sharing and integration initiatives

  4. Who is Global?—The Global Advisory Committee • To help steer and facilitate Global efforts, the U.S. Attorney General reached out to key personnel from local, state, tribal, federal, and international justice entities to form the Global Advisory Committee (GAC) • The GAC works collaboratively to address policy, connectivity, and jurisdictional issues to facilitate effective justice information sharing

  5. Global Advisory Committee (continued) • The GAC membership reflects the Global tenet that the entire justice community must be involved in information exchange • Experts represent the following constituencies • Prosecutors, public defenders, and courts • Corrections agencies • Probation and parole departments • Law enforcement agencies • Victim services • Juvenile justice

  6. Global Working Groups • GAC efforts focus on defining core justice information sharing requirements and identifying information sharing challenges • GAC working groups, composed of committee members and other subject-matter experts, expand the GAC’s knowledge and experience

  7. Global Security Working Group • Pursues security measures for today’s enhanced information sharing abilities • Produces security guidelines and promising practices for trusted information sharing • Developing recommendations for a federated privilege and identity management system to provide users with a trusted credential for access into other justice systems • Developing recommendations for a framework for trusted information sharing

  8. Global Privacy and Information Quality Working Group (GPIQWG) • Concentrates on issues of • Information privacy • Data quality/information accuracy • Criminal history records • Criminal intelligence information • Juvenile justice information • Civil justice information

  9. GPIQWG (continued) • Produces privacy policy and information quality guidelines and practical templates for implementing privacy practices • Developing an Information Quality Assessment Tool directed toward local, state, and tribal agencies to evaluate the quality of information they collect, maintain, and share

  10. Global Infrastructure/Standards Working Group (GISWG) • Successful data exchange is greatly facilitated by the development and adoption of standards that enable transparent integration of disparate systems • GISWG is implementing a coordination process to identify information sharing standards within the justice community • GJXDM • NIEM • GISWG is developing a conceptual framework—the Justice Reference Architecture—to best facilitate standards-based justice information exchange while considering attendant privacy and security issues

  11. GISWG (continued) • This effort includes publishing, cataloging, and sharing these standards to promote collaborative efforts and offer blueprints to those beginning the information exchange planning process

  12. Global Intelligence Working Group (GIWG)/Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council (CICC) • GIWG was formed to develop the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) as described in “Criminal Intelligence Sharing: A National Plan for Intelligence-Led Policing at the Local, State, and Federal Levels—Recommendations From the IACP Intelligence Summit” • CICC provides guidance and advice in connection with the implementation and refinement of the NCISP • Serve as advocates for local law enforcement in their efforts to develop and share criminal intelligence for the promotion of public safety and the security of our nation

  13. GIWG/CICC—Major Initiatives • NCISP development and implementation • Fusion Center Guidelines • Regional fusion center conferences • First annual National Fusion Center Conference • Support and guidance for the President’s Information Sharing Environment Implementation Plan

  14. Global Outreach Working Group • Newest working group • Established to ensure consistent, efficient, and effective delivery of the Global message and Global resources to you—the justice practitioners • Goals: • Brand awareness • Adoption of deliverables and recommendations—the good work of the GAC is only valuable if recognized and utilized by the justice community

  15. What is Global? Global Products

  16. The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP)

  17. The Fusion Center Guidelines • Guidelines support a collaborative effort of two or more agencies that provide resources, expertise, and/or information to the center with the goal of maximizing the ability to detect, prevent, investigate, apprehend, and respond to criminal and terrorist activity

  18. Privacy Policy Development Guide and Implementation Templates • Geared toward the justice practitioner charged with developing or revising an agency’s privacy policy • A practical, hands-on resource that provides sensible guidance for developing a privacy policy • This guide is the next logical step for those justice entities that are ready to move beyond awareness into the actual policy development process • It assists agencies in articulating privacy obligations in a manner that protects the justice agency, the individual, and the public and makes it easier to do what is necessary—share critical justice information

  19. Global Justice Extensible Markup Language (XML) Data Model (GJXDM) • XML standard designed for criminal justice information exchanges • Provides law enforcement, public safety, prosecutors, public defenders, and the judicial branch with a tool to effectively share data and information in a timely manner • Removes the burden from agencies to independently create exchange standards • Incorporates flexibility to deal with unique agency requirements and changes • Enables access from multiple sources and reuse in multiple applications

  20. A Framework for Justice Information Sharing: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) • Intended for the manager and policymaker who are responsible for providing leadership, resources, and management in the justice community • Most likely to result in an infrastructure supporting Global’s vision of how information should be shared among the justice community

  21. Information Quality • This resource—targeted towards justice leaders and justice information sharing system administrators—emphasizes the importance of good, or “quality,” data that enables agencies to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively

  22. Applying Security Practices to Justice Information Sharing • Developed to educate justice executives and managers in security practices • For deployment within their agencies and among multiple agencies • Contains background information, overviews of best practices, and guidelines to secure information sharing

  23. National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) • A collaborative effort of Global, DOJ, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) • Provides the foundation and building blocks for national-level interoperable information sharing and data exchange • Will develop partnerships, provide collaborations, and present a unified strategy that will enable the entire justice and public safety community to effectively share information at all levels • Utilizes GJXDM as the base technology

  24. What is Global?Intangible and Invaluable Products: Trust and Collaboration

  25. Where is Global Headed? • GISWG • GJXDM/NIEM convergence • Justice Reference Architecture—“connecting the dots” • Core set of services • GPIQWG • Information quality tools • GISWG • GFIPM demonstration • GPIQWG/GSWG • Technical solutions to privacy policy issues

  26. Where is Global Headed? Hot Topics Fusion Centers

  27. Where is Global Headed? 2007 and Beyond

  28. What can you do for Global? YOU are Global: Let Global Work for You and Spread the Word

  29. www.it.ojp.gov –Web Site • Content development and maintenance for the OJP IT, Global, JSC, and Global JXDM Web sites • Web site enables justice agencies to obtain timely and useful information on computer system integration processes, initiatives, and technology developments

  30. U.S. DOJ’s Global Justice Information Sharing InitiativeRobert BoehmerChairman, Global Advisory CommitteeInnovations in Justice – BJA Regional Information Sharing Conference

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