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DUI. Dying Under the Influence. A fishing lure is a type of artificial fishing bait designed to attract a fish's attention. The lure uses movement, vibration, flash and color to bait fish. .
DUI Dying Under the Influence
A fishing lure is a type of artificial fishing bait designed to attract a fish's attention. The lure uses movement, vibration, flash and color to bait fish.
Every lure has hooks attached to it. What is the purpose of the hooks? Why is it that when you fish you just don’t throw a plain hook into the water?
How do the images portrayed of alcohol in the media compare to the fishing lures?
Emotional Transfer The process of generating emotions in order to transfer them to a product. For example, a Vodka ad shows happy, beautiful people but tells us nothing about the product. The point is to make you feel good and to transfer that feeling to the brand or product. This is the number one and most important process of media manipulation.
All these ads illustrate the major premise of that alcohol is magic. It can make you successful, sophisticated, sexy. Without it, your life would be dull, mediocre and ordinary. Alcohol is related to parties, good times, celebrations and fun.
More than $2 billion a year - a sizable chunk of the over $90 billion the industry takes in annually - goes to advertising and marketing to keep drinkers' money flowing freely. Advertising that encouraged only moderate drinking would be an economic failure. According to Robert Hammond, director of the Alcohol Research Information Service, if all 105 million drinkers of legal age consumed the official maximum "moderate" amount of alcohol - .99 ounces per day, the equivalent of about two drinks - the industry would suffer "a whopping 40 percent decrease in the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits."
One company that sells tours to college students is touting trips to Mexico by emphasizing that the drinking age there is just 18 and is "rarely enforced." Another firm that offers packages to Mexican beach attractions such as Cancun and Mazatlan promises “ 50 hours of free drinking" over seven days.
And on the travel Web site StudentSpringBreak.com, students are encouraged to check out Amsterdam, which the site calls a "pot-smoker's paradise" because of liberal drug laws. The site also praises "the lush jungles, ancient ruins and the beautiful hotels" of Cancun, but says, "Most students just care about the abundance of alcohol. ... Your yearly intake (of alcohol) could happen in one small week in Cancun.“ You can buy a Pass ($100) that allows you to enter the bars without a cover charge and all the alcohol you can drink for a week.
During the day, liquor and beer companies sponsor beach parties with free — or very cheap — beer and rum. The Bermuda-based distiller Bacardi sponsored a rum "shower" in Cancun last year. Spring breakers stood open- mouthed under a spray and swallowed as much rum as they could.
What Message Is Legal Marijuana Sending To Teens? While many people use it recreationally, medicinal marijuana is increasing, with 20 U.S. states allowing it and Colorado and Washington State allowing recreational use as well.
HE'S a hearty 72-year-old Manhattan entrepreneur who retired to Florida. She's a no-nonsense 75-year-old former factory worker who lives in a federally subsidized apartment and has never left New Jersey. What they have in common, along with three million other Americans age 60 and over, is a drinking problem. She started drinking 40 years ago when her marriage was falling apart. "It seemed like the liquor hit me worse when I got old," she said. The man who moved to Florida had a different problem. "I couldn't find anything to do," he said. "I just couldn't take to the people. I was totally bored, and the drinking got out of hand.“
As people age, the emotional upheavals that can lead to alcohol dependence often come thick and fast: retirement, ill health, loss of loved ones, isolation. The constraints that curb younger drinkers -- the fear of losing a job, rejection of a spouse, an arrest for drunken driving -- may no longer apply. Many older people are introduced to daily drinking in retirement communities where the social life is built around the happy hour.
As the body ages, a given amount of liquor becomes more potent. The same martini that once provided a pleasant buzz can now produce out-of-control drunkenness. The ill effects are also multiplied by many of the medications prescribed for older people. What's more, signs of alcohol abuse, including incontinence, dementia and depression, mimic symptoms long associated with aging. As a result, doctors often fail to make the diagnosis, and any chance of proper treatment disappears.
Alcohol is the nation's number one drug, and is also related to murder, suicide, unemployment and child abuse. These connections are never made in the ads. The advertisers are selling their product and it is their job to erase any negative aspects as well as to enhance the positive ones.
Alcohol’s Destructive Power Proverbs 23:29-35 (VOICE) 29 Who is wallowing in anguish? Who is full of sorrow? Who has conflicts? Who has complaints?Who has bruises and can’t remember where they came from? Who has bloodshot eyes?30 You know who: those who stay up late finishing off the wine, those who can’t stop savoring spiced wines.
Whitney Houston, Anna Nicole Smith, Elvis Prestley, Heath Ledger, Judy Garland, Philip Hoffman, Thomas Kinkaid, Marilyn Monroe, Janice Joplin, Jim Belushi, Jimi Hendrix all died from drug and alcohol misuse or abuse.
10 percent of all deaths in the United States - including half of all homicides and at least one quarter of all suicides - are related to alcohol? The economic cost to the nation exceeds $200 billion a year. At least 13,000,000 Americans, about one out of 10, are alcoholic - the personal cost to them and their families is incalculable.
Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 15,990 Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 25,692 33,561 people died in traffic crashes in 2012 in the United States (latest figures available), including an estimated 10,322 people who died in drunk driving crashes, accounting for 31% of all traffic deaths that year.
There are approximately 88,000 deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use each year in the United States.1 The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2006 were estimated at $223.5 billion.3 (CDC)
Alcohols’ Addictive Power 31 Look away from the enticing beauty of wine, the deep red hue; ignore how it shimmers in the cup and glides down your throat.32 Eventually, when you least expect it, it strikes like a snake; it stings like viper venom.33 Your vision will blur, and you’ll imagine strange thing; you will say crazy, hurtful things and regret it later.34 You will reel and stagger as if caught on a wave of seasickness, as a sailor who holds on to a mast for dear life.35 You will say, “They slapped me, but it didn’t hurt. They beat me, and I didn’t feel a thing! Whenever I wake up from this stupor, I’ll have another drink!”
Alcohol can be addictive due to the changes it can bring about in behavior, and the reinforcement people receive from others who observe this behavior. Alcohol can also cause changes on a chemical level within the body, and these chemical changes can also be addictive. Research suggests that alcohol increases the production of endorphins, the brain’s natural painkillers. These same chemicals are also associated with pleasure and reward
Alcohol’s Distractive Power Proverbs 31:4-5 (VOICE) 4 Take care, my son, O Lemuel. Kings should not drink too much wine or rulers should not crave strong drink;5 For if they do, they will become drunk and forget the decree they just made and alter the course of justice for all the poor and afflicted.
In the Restoration Movement there came an idea which stated that we must obey the direct commands recorded in the Bible and we should also follow the principles that are found in the Bible. While drinking is never condemned, let’s look at some Biblical principles that speak to us on this issue.
Let’s clear up some misconceptions that are common regarding drinking. 1) Jesus made intoxicating wine in the miracle at Cana a. Jesus would have been guilty of sin had he made intoxicating wine – Habakkuk 2:15:“Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin till they are drunk. b. Jesus made what was described as “good wine”. Unfermented wine was regarded as better by all who lived during that time; this is evident from many of the Roman historians. 2) Jesus drank since he was called in Luke 7:31-35 a winebibber33 You can’t win with this generation. John the Baptist comes along, fasting and abstaining from wine, and you say, “This guy is demon- possessed!” 34 The Son of Man comes along, feasting and drinking wine, and you say, “This guy is a glutton and a drunk, a friend of scoundrels and tax collectors!” 35 Well, wisdom’s true children know wisdom when they hear it. 3) Since Paul instructed Timothy to drink wine, it is alright a. It was clearly for medicinal reasons
Reasons for Not Drinking For the Lord’s Sake The scripture is vague on the matter of social drinking. In the Old Testament the priests were forbidden to consume alcohol when they were on their priestly duty. We as Christians are all priests 24/7, we are always on duty. We are priests and need to make sure that our minds are always alert so that we can focus on the Lord. Psalm 139:24 (NLT) 24 Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Reasons for Not Drinking For the Lord’s Sake Leaders in the church are called not to drink, is that because they are called to a higher moral standard? Shouldn’t we all strive for that standard? I Timothy 3:2,3 and 8 (NIV) 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. ..8 In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. Many people seem to like to walk very closely on the line of right and wrong. We need to run from that line, because when we are close to the line we are closer to Satan’s targets.
Reasons for Not Drinking For Others Sake Romans 14:19-21 (NLT) 19 So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up. 20 Don’t tear apart the work of God over what you eat. Remember, all foods are acceptable, but it is wrong to eat something if it makes another person stumble. 21 It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another believer to stumble. It is very important that we be mindful of how our actions will affect others. Everything that we do has some affect on other people. We must face the reality that others cans tumble simply by watching us participate in certain actions. Much about drinking is not clear in scripture, but this principle makes it clear that it is not worth consuming alcohol for our brother’s sake. The truth is if we are strong enough to handle drinking spiritually we should be strong enough and caring enough to give that freedom up for the sake of those who are not as strong.
Reasons for Not Drinking For the Lost II Corinthians 2:15-16 (NLT) 15 Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. 16 To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this? It is clear that people are watching us. It is clear that we are to be the light of the world. We need to be very mindful of how we act, so that the world may see our good deeds and actions. It is not worth drinking anything if it would cause someone not to come to Christ. Evangelism is the most important thing that we can be a part of and we need to make sure that our witness to the world is not tainted because of our actions in the world. This forces us to determine how much do we really care about the lost? Do you care about the lost enough to not participate in certain things for no reason other than it may hurt the advancement of the kingdom of God?
Reasons for Not Drinking For My Sake Nearly 75% of all Americans drink at least occasionally13 million people in America have alcohol problems7 million people in this country are in some form of alcoholism50% of fatal car crashes involve drunkenness64% or murders are associated with alcohol1 out of every 10 “social drinkers” become alcoholicAlcohol is the # 2 killer behind heart disease, even more than cancer500,000 Americans die each year from alcoholism
Reasons for Not Drinking For My Sake--Bad steward of my spirit By drinking we hurt ourselves spiritually. We are told several times in scripture to practice self-control, and to be alert so that we can focus on the Lord. If we drink, even a little our minds are altered and we cannot completely focus on the Lord.
Reasons for Not Drinking For My Sake--Bad steward of my body It is a proven fact that alcohol kills brain cells. It is a proven fact that alcohol tears apart your liver. Approximately 10 percent of all dementia cases are related to alcohol consumption, making it the second leading cause of dementia. Alcohol damages the body more than smoking. More people are killed because of alcohol than smoking and drugs combined. We are commanded in scripture to be good stewards of our body. The body is the temple of the Lord’s we should not defile it. Alcohol impairs your senses; it makes you very susceptible to sin.
Reasons for Not Drinking For My Sake--Bad steward of my money The Bible talks a lot about money and being a good steward of it. Spending money on alcohol is not a wise investment. Why would you want to put our money to support what those alcohol companies stand for--immorality. Simply watch the alcohol commercials, they seem to portray that if you drink that you will win friends, and also promote sexual immorality. Don’t waste money On alcohol, invest in the Lord.
Reasons for Not Drinking For My Sake--Bad Steward of my family One of the worst things about alcohol is the effects it has on families. We have All seen how alcohol destroys families. Alcohol impairs your reasoning and makes you short tempered.
God doesn’t call us to abstain from alcohol because He is trying to take away our enjoyment of life. God loves us, and knows what it takes to truly make us happy (Jeremiah 29:11, John 10:10.) Alcohol is counterproductive to the abundant life that Jesus came to bring us. He knows the devastating impact alcohol has on countless people, and He wants to protect us from these things. He has a plan for our lives that is far greater than any bottle of alcohol could ever possibly give.
References Social Ethics: Drinking--Jason Cole Fact Sheets- Alcohol Use and Health—CDC Why is Alcohol So Addictive? Alcohol Advertising Alcohol and the Bible--James Boyd