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District Wellness Policy Board Policy 8510. The Wellness Policy focuses on achieving five (5) goals: Nutrition – All students and staff will have access to and be encouraged to take advantage of high-nutrient food options served at school and District/Region office cafeterias.
The Wellness Policy focuses on achieving five (5) goals: • Nutrition – All students and staff will have access to and be encouraged to take advantage of high-nutrient food options served at school and District/Region office cafeterias. • Physical Education – All students will be encouraged to participate in the recommended levels of physical education. • Physical Activity – All students and staff will be encouraged to engage in daily physical activity according to national guidelines. • Health and Nutrition Literacy – All students and staff will be encouraged to develop healthy life-style habits. • Preventive Healthcare – All students and staff will be encouraged to participate in preventive healthcare. District Wellness PolicyBoard Policy 8510
District Policy: The District will make nutritious foods available on campus during the school day to promote student and staff health. • The Department of Food and Nutrition will serve the following: food high in fiber, free of added trans fat, low in added fats, sugar, and sodium, respectful of cultural diversity and served in appropriate portion sizes consistent with United States Department of Agriculture standards. • All food sold on campus up to one (1) hour after dismissal of the final class of the day must meet the Rule on Food and Beverages Sold on Campus and in Vending Machines District-Wide. (Appendix A) District Wellness PolicyBoard Policy 8510
The Department of Food and Nutrition will pursue partnerships with local/regional farms to facilitate a Farm-to-School program. • Meals served within the Federally reimbursable meal program will be designed to feature fresh fruits and vegetables from local sources to the greatest extent possible. • The District will encourage parents and teachers to have healthy celebrations at school by providing ideas and suggestions which can be found at http://nutrition.dadeschools.net. • Fundraisers that occur on campus, up to one (1) hour after dismissal of the final class of the day must comply with the Rule on Food and Beverages Sold on Campus and in Vending Machines District-Wide. The District will assist parents and staff in planning healthy fundraisers by providing suggestions which can be found at http://nutrition.dadeschools.net. District Wellness PolicyBoard Policy 8510
Major Revisions for the 2012-2013 School Year • Requires a School Wellness Committee • Requires completion of the School Health Index • Requires completion of the Alliance For A Healthier Generation’s Healthy School Builder • Includes the “Rule on Food and Beverages Sold on Campus and in Vending Machines District-wide” (Appendix A of the Policy)
District Wellness PolicyRule on Food and Beverages Sold on Campus and in Vending Machines District-wide • All vending machines on campus, including those in staff lounges, must comply with the Rule. This means no carbonated beverages, and no candy, snacks or drinks that do not meet nutritional standards can be sold in any vending machine in the District • All food sold on campus before, during and until one hour after dismissal of the final class of the day must meet the nutritional criteria in the Rule. • All a la carte items sold in the cafeteria must also meet the nutritional criteria in the Rule.
District Wellness PolicyRule on Food and Beverages Sold on Campus and in Vending Machines District-wide • Vending Machine contracts have been awarded and are in compliance with the Rule • The Food and Nutrition web site has a list of approved snacks and beverages for the vending machines • Principals need to inform PTA/PTSA and other groups of the rule as it will effect fundraising activities on campus. For example, soda, candy, pizza and other items that do not meet the nutritional standards cannot be sold on campus anytime before one hour after dismissal of the last class of the day
District Wellness PolicyRule on Food and Beverages Sold on Campus and in Vending machines District-wide • Food sold at school-related events occurring at least one hour after dismissal of the final class of the day is exempt from the Rule • Food used in Culinary Arts and Training Programs for instructional purposes are also exempt from these rules • Non-compliance with this rule will be addressed at the administrative level by School/District Operations
Department of Food and Nutrition Ms. Susan Rothstein, Coordinator Nutritional Wellness Phone: 786-275-0438 ∙ Fax: 786-275-0840 Website: http://nutrition.dadeschools.net/