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Understanding Plastic Recycling: The Life Cycle Process

Explore the life cycle of plastic through recycling - Learn why recycling is crucial, what happens to plastic in the bin, and the process of creating new products. Join the debate on whether recycling is worthwhile.

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Understanding Plastic Recycling: The Life Cycle Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Recycling Tell your partner five issues surrounding plastic.

  2. Who has a recycling bin? Why should we recycle? What happens to our bottles when we put them in the recycling bin?

  3. Life cycle of plastic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6xlNyWPpB8

  4. Life cycle of plastic Draw a diagram of the recycling process – from the bottle being thrown into a recycling bin, to a new bottle or product being created. Try to write a short explanation for each stage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6xlNyWPpB8

  5. Debate Is recycling a waste of time?

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