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SESSION 1. WHAT IS A HUMAN RIGHTS APPROACH TO TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS?. Training on Human-Rights Approach to combating human trafficking for the 2014-2016 National Action Plan (NAP), 7-8 November 2013, Chişinau , Moldova Mike Dottridge November 2013 Email: mikedottridge@btopenworld.com.
SESSION 1. WHAT IS A HUMAN RIGHTS APPROACH TO TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS? Training on Human-Rights Approach to combating human trafficking for the 2014-2016 National Action Plan (NAP), 7-8 November 2013, Chişinau, Moldova Mike Dottridge November 2013 Email: mikedottridge@btopenworld.com
AIM OF THE SESSION • to ensure participants understand: • why there is such a thing as a ’human rights-based approach’ to human trafficking; and • what sorts of measures it requires to be implemented (which other anti-trafficking approaches would not require)
UN Trafficking Protocol (Palermo Protocol), 2000 • UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking (2002)/ Recomandări privind principiile și orientările privind drepturile omului și traficul de ființe umane
UNICEF Guidelines on the protection of the rights of child victims of trafficking (2003) / Liniile directoareprivind protecția drepturilor copiilor care au fost traficate
OSCE-ODIHR • Handbook on National Referral Mechanism (2004) / Manual MecanismeleNaţionale de Referirepentruasistenţaşiprotecţiavictimelortraficului
UN Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (2005) / ConvenţiaConsiliuluiEuropeiprivindluptaîmpotrivatraficului de fiinţeumane • UN
Recommendations from GRETA • Recommendations from the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons • Recommendations from the OSCE Special Representative on Trafficking
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Mike Dottridge Independent consultant E-mail: mikedottridge@btopenworld.com