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The French Revolution “Moderate" Phase: 1789-1792

The French Revolution “Moderate" Phase: 1789-1792. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity… -- Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities.

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The French Revolution “Moderate" Phase: 1789-1792

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  1. The French Revolution “Moderate" Phase: 1789-1792

  2. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity… -- Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities

  3. The French Monarchy:1775 - 1793 Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI

  4. Crane Brinton’s Anatomy of a Revolution • He borrowed his terms from pathology. • Compares a revolution to a fever or a disease: • The revolutionary “fever” begins with the appearance of certain “symptoms.” • It proceeds by advances and retreats to a crisis stage, or “delirium.” • The crisis ends when the “fever” breaks. • A period of convalescence follows, interrupted by a relapse or two before the recovery is complete.

  5. Crane Brinton: Conditions Present Before a Revolution Occurs People from all social classes are discontented. People feel restless and held down by unacceptable restrictions in society, religion, the economy or the government. People are hopeful about the future, but they are being forced to accept less than they had hoped for. People are beginning to think of themselves as belonging to a social class, and there is a growing bitterness between social classes. The social classes closest to one another are the most hostile.

  6. Crane Brinton: Conditions Present Before a Revolution Occurs The scholars and thinkers give up on the way their society operates. The government does not respond to the needs of its society. The leaders of the government and the ruling class begin to doubt themselves. Some join with the opposition groups. The government is unable to get enough support from any group to save itself. The government cannot organize its finances correctly and is either going bankrupt or trying to tax heavily and unjustly.

  7. Causes of the Revolution: Peasant Distress Peasants compromise over 4/5 of France’s 26 million people. Peasants lost half their income in taxes.Feudal dues to nobles, tithes to the church, royal taxes to the king, land tax (taille), and performed forced labor (corvee) Grain shortage led to a sharp increase in the price of bread.Major cause of peasant discontent.

  8. Socio-Economic Data, 1789

  9. The French Urban Poor

  10. Causes of the Revolution: Government Debt Louis XIV’s excessive spending left a massive public debt that consumed half the nation’s tax revenues. The cost of fighting the Seven Years’ War and financing the American War for Independence worsened the debt. Louis XV financial mismanagement within France.

  11. Where is the tax money?

  12. Causes of the Revolution: Aristocratic Resistance French nobility were exempt from paying taxes. Nobility resisted all attempts to reform the tax system.

  13. Causes of the Revolution: Royal Weakness Louis XV was involved in numerous scandals and brought disrespect to the monarchy. Louis XVI was a weak and indecisive ruler. He made decisions based on the opinion of others, Marie Antoinette, an Austrian Habsburg, was extremely unpopular and frivolous (spent $$). The high court of Paris (Parlement) assumed the right to approve or disapprove the king’s decrees, eroding royal power.

  14. Ancien Regime Map, 1789

  15. The Estates General: Calling the Estates General The Estates General was an advisory board called from France’s Three Estates. By Spring 1789, French government was nearly bankrupt. The monarchy needed to raise money. Estates General was called so Louis XVI could ask for support of his tax reform program.

  16. The Estates General: The Three Estates • The First Estate: the Clergy • 1% of population, owned 10-15% of land • Paid no direct taxes • Gave government a voluntary 2% tax every 5 years.

  17. The Estates General: The Three Estates • The Second Estate: the Nobility • >2% of population, owned 20-25% of land • Paid no direct taxes • Collected feudal dues from peasants • Held best military & government positions.

  18. The Estates General: The Three Estates • The Third Estate: everyone else • 98% of population, owned 40% of land • Diverse groupwealthy merchants, lawyers, doctorsmiddle class (bourgeoisies)urban lower classpeasant farmers (largest group) • Not given equal social and political rights

  19. Convening the Estates General May, 1789 Last time it was called into session was 1614!

  20. The Suggested Voting Pattern:Voting by Estates Clergy (300) 1st Estate 1 Aristocracy (300) 2nd Estate 1 1 Commoners (648) 3rd Estate Each Estate was only given one vote.

  21. Tennis Court Oath • Led by the AbbéSieyès, the 3rd Estate rejected traditional voting methods and demanded that all three estates vote together. • When the king refused, the 3rd Estate declared itself the True National Assembly of France. • The 3rd estate met in a nearby tennis court where they took an oath not to disband until they drafted a constitution.(France did not have one)

  22. “The Tennis Court Oath”by Jacques Louis David June 20, 1789

  23. “The Third Estate Awakens” • The commoners finally presented their credentials not as delegates of the Third Estate, but as “representatives of the nation.” • They proclaimed themselves the “National Assembly” of France.

  24. Tennis Court Oath • Tennis Court Oath officially began the French Revolution • King did not want to resort to violence. Ordered the delegates to meet with the National Assembly. • Functioned as the legislative branch of government- wrote the constitution. • Renamed National Constituent Assembly- voting was now based on number of delegates.

  25. The Number of Representativesin the Estates General: Vote by Head! Clergy 1st Estate 300 Aristocracy 2nd Estate 300 648 Commoners 3rd Estate

  26. Europe on the Eve of theFrench Revolution

  27. Storming the Bastille, July 14, 1789 • In response to a rumor that the king was planning a military coup against the National Assembly and soaring price of bread. • 18 died. • 73 wounded. • 7 guards killed. • It held only 7 prisoners [5 ordinary criminals & 2 madmen].

  28. Storming the Bastille, July 14, 1789 • Parisian mob seized the Bastille’s supply of gunpowder and weapons. • The fall of the Bastille was a symbolic act against absolute monarchy.

  29. The Great Fear: Peasant Revolt(July 20, 1789) • In response to rumors that the nobility were sending hired brigands to attack peasants and pillage their land. • Peasants rose up against nobles, burned castles and farms, destroyed feudal records.

  30. The Pathof the“GreatFear”

  31. Night Session of August 4, 1789 • Before the night was over: • The feudal regime in France had been abolished. • All Frenchmen were, at least in principle, subject to the same laws and the same taxes and eligible for the same offices.

  32. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen August 26, 1789 • Life, Liberty, Property, Resistance to oppression! • Freedom of religion, speech, the press, freedom from arbitrary arrest, right to petition the government

  33. March of the Women,October 5-6, 1789 A spontaneous demonstration of Parisian women for bread. Louis XVI and family are taken from Versailles to Paris

  34. National Constituent Assembly1789 - 1791 • Church property seized to pay off government debt. • Church titles abolished. • Catholic Church under state control- independent from the pope-clergy elected by the people • Attack on the church turned many against the revolution, especially nobles and peasants.

  35. New Relations Between Church & State • Government paid the salaries of the French clergy and maintained the churches. • The church was reorganized: • Parish priests  elected by the district assemblies. • Bishops  named by the department assemblies. • The pope had NO voice in the appointment of the French clergy. • It transformed France’s Roman Catholic Church into a branch of the state.

  36. National Constituent Assembly1789 - 1791 • Created the Constitution of 1791 • Created a constitutional monarch • Created a legislative assembly passed nation’s laws, collected taxes, decided issues of war/peace • Women gained right to inherit property and divorce, but NOT the right to vote or hold political office

  37. National Constituent Assembly1789 - 1791 • Extended right to Protestants and Jews • Ended slavery in France, but not her colonies

  38. The French Constitution of 1791: A Bourgeois Government • The king could not pass laws.His ministers were responsible for their own actions. • A permanent, elected, single chamber National Assembly. • Had the power to grant taxation. • An independent judiciary.

  39. 83 Revolutionary Departments February 26, 1790

  40. The French Constitution of 1791: A Bourgeois Government • The king could not pass laws. • His ministers were responsible for their own actions. • A permanent, elected, single chamber National Assembly. • Had the power to grant taxation. • An independent judiciary.

  41. The French Constitution of 1791: A Bourgeois Government • “Active” Citizen [who pays taxes amounting to 3 days labor] could vote vs. “Passive” Citizen. • 1/3 of adult males were denied Domestic servants were also excluded. • A newly elected LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLYwas created GOAL Make sure that the country was not turned over to the mob!

  42. BUT . . . . . • Feudal dues were not renounced outright [this had been too strong a threat to the principle of private property!] • Peasants would compensate their landlords through a series of direct payments for obligations from which they had supposedly been freed. • Therefore, the National Assembly made revolutionary gestures, but remained essentially moderate. Their Goal Safeguard the right of private property!!

  43. Louis XVI “Accepts” the Constitution & the National Assembly. 1791

  44. The Royal Family Attempts to Flee • June, 1791 • Influenced by Louis XVI’s brother and the Austrian Habsburgs. • Headed toward the Luxembourgborder. • The King wasrecognized atVarennes, nearthe border • Captured and placed under house arrest- creating more distrust with the monarchy

  45. Olympe de Gouges (1745-1793) • Women played a vital role in the Revolution. • But, The Declaration of the Rights of Man did NOT extend the rights and protections of citizenship to women. Declaration of the Rights of Womanand of the Citizen (1791)

  46. Sir Edmund Burke (1790):Reflections on the Revolution in France Revolution would lead to chaos and tyranny.

  47. Declaration of Pillnitz(August, 1791) • European monarchs were fearful that the revolutionary ideas would spread and endanger their countries. • Emperor of Austria & King of Prussia threatened to intervene in French affairs if necessary to protect the French monarchy. • France declared war on Austria in 1792.

  48. TheBrunswick Manifesto & The First Coalition (August 3, 1792) Duke of Brunswick if the Royal Family is harmed, Paris will be leveled!! 1792-1797 FRANCE AUSTRIAPRUSSIABRITAINSPAINPIEDMONT This military crisis undermined the new Legislative Assembly.

  49. French Soldiers & the Tricolor:ViveLe Patrie! • The French armies were ill-prepared for the conflict. • ½ of the officer corps had emigrated. • Many men disserted. • New recruits were enthusiastic, butill-trained. • French troops often broke ranks and fled in disorder.

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