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Misiones No Nace De Las Emociones Humanas. Algunos promueven misiones como un programa de m?sOtros son motivados por un sentido de culpabilidadOtros act?an por simpat?a hacia aquellos que sufren. ?Pero misiones es mucho m?s que un sentimiento!. La Gran Empresa Misionera No Es Un Concepto Humano.
1. La Biblia Es Un Libro Misionero
2. Misiones No Nace De Las Emociones Humanas Algunos promueven misiones como un programa de más
Otros son motivados por un sentido de culpabilidad
Otros actúan por simpatía hacia aquellos que sufren
3. La Gran Empresa Misionera No Es Un Concepto Humano No se originó en el corazón de San Pablo
No se conceptualizó en la mente de algún gran misionero como William Carey o David Livingstone
4. Jesucristo Fue El Gran Misionero Enviado Por Dios Al Mundo Perdido Jesús fue la suprema revelación del corazón de Dios y la más pura expresión de su amor
5. Los Pensamientos De Dios Están Plenamente Expresados En Juan 3:16 Es el texto central de la Biblia
Es la piedra angular de misiones
6. Otras Escrituras… There are many other texts that enlarge on the subject of a Savior for the whole world.There are many other texts that enlarge on the subject of a Savior for the whole world.
7. El Plan De Dios Desde El Principio Fue La Redención De Todo El Mundo
8. La Autoridad Hacia Misiones Descansa En Toda La Biblia Porque Revela La Revelación De Dios Con El Hombre La Biblia es la historia de Dios buscando al hombre mientras que en los libros de otras religiones, es el hombre el que busca a Dios The authority for missions rests, not in a few scattered verses, but upon the entire design and spirit of the Bible as it reveals God in His relationship with man. While every other book reveals man’s search for God, the Bible is God’s search for man.
The theme of missions is threaded throughout the Old Testament.The authority for missions rests, not in a few scattered verses, but upon the entire design and spirit of the Bible as it reveals God in His relationship with man. While every other book reveals man’s search for God, the Bible is God’s search for man.
The theme of missions is threaded throughout the Old Testament.
9. Desde El Principio Del Tiempo El Plan De Dios Fue La Difusión Por Toda La Tierra Dios compartió su plan con Adán y Eva y se lo repitió a Noe
10. La Torre De Babel Fue La Oposición Del Hombre Hacia El Plan De Dios
11. El Plan De Dios Fue Bendecir A Todo El Mundo A Través Del Pueblo Judío
12. Más Tarde, Dios Escogió A Un Hombre Later, God chose a man, a family and a nation to lift up His name. Abraham received a missionary call and left everything behind to obey God’s leading. He possessed a missionary heart and spirit as evidenced by his intercession for the inhabitants of Sodom.Later, God chose a man, a family and a nation to lift up His name. Abraham received a missionary call and left everything behind to obey God’s leading. He possessed a missionary heart and spirit as evidenced by his intercession for the inhabitants of Sodom.
13. Las Promesas De Dios Para Isaac Y Jacob Fueron Para Todo Lo Ancho Del Mundo
15. El Ministerio Transcultural Es Evidente A Través De Todo El Antiguo Testamento
16. La Oración De Salomón En La Dedicación Del Templo Revela El Plan De Dios Para Todo El Mundo
17. Los Salmos Están Saturados Con El Espíritu De Misiones
18. Pero Los Profetas Enseñaron Algunas De Las Lecciones Más Ricas Sobre Misiones
19. Algunos De Los Profetas Fueron Misioneros Ellos Mismos Todo el libro de Jonás es sobre misiones foráneas
Muestra el interés de Dios por los perdidos y su paciencia al tratar con ellos
20. Daniel Fue Un Misionero Foráneo Que Se Presentó Delante De Reyes Y Gobernadores Daniel was a foreign missionary who went before kings and rulers. He witnessed so successfully in the courts of four successive heathen monarchs that they recognized his God as the most high God. Daniel was a foreign missionary who went before kings and rulers. He witnessed so successfully in the courts of four successive heathen monarchs that they recognized his God as the most high God.
21. La Idea Misionera Que Se Ve Como Un Botón De Flor En El Antiguo Testamento Florece A Plenitud Cuando Penetramos Al Nuevo Testamento The missionary idea that is seen as a bud in the Old Testament bursts into full bloom as we enter the threshold of the New Testament. While missions was one of many subjects in the Old, it becomes the purpose of the New.The missionary idea that is seen as a bud in the Old Testament bursts into full bloom as we enter the threshold of the New Testament. While missions was one of many subjects in the Old, it becomes the purpose of the New.
22. Su objetivo principal era suplir la necesidad misionera y promover la obra misionera
El Nuevo Testamento es el producto de misiones CADA SECCIÓN BÍBLICA FUE ESCRITO POR UN MISIONERO
24. El Nuevo Testamento: Respira Misiones
Encarna Misiones
Crea Misiones Dondequiera Que Va
25. Los Evangelios Son El Mensaje Misionero Presentan a Jesús como Salvador
Le da al hombre el misionero de Dios, Cristo Jesús
Las enseñanzas y el ministerio de Jesús fueron de carácter misionero The Gospels are the message of missions and the missionary’s message.
The Gospels present Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God and the Savior of the whole world.
They give us Jesus as God’s great missionary to the world. Both the teachings and the personal ministry of Jesus were preeminently missionary in character. Listen to His words: “God so loved the world” – “The field is the world” – “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me” – “Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring.”The Gospels are the message of missions and the missionary’s message.
The Gospels present Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God and the Savior of the whole world.
They give us Jesus as God’s great missionary to the world. Both the teachings and the personal ministry of Jesus were preeminently missionary in character. Listen to His words: “God so loved the world” – “The field is the world” – “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me” – “Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring.”
26. ¿Porqué Tenemos Los Evangelios? Para preservar el verdadero registro de Jesús y el mensaje de la salvación
Son documentos misioneros escritos por cuatro hombres escogidos e inspirados por Dios Why were the Gospels written? The Gospels were written when gospel witness became so widespread that oral testimony was no longer adequate. They were written to record and preserve the true record of Jesus Christ and make it available to all those who would follow through the ages.
This work was done by four evangelists chosen and inspired by God from among those “which from the beginning were eye witnesses, and ministers of the Word” (Luke 1:1,2)
The four Gospels are missionary documents or tracts, left for the whole world. Why were the Gospels written? The Gospels were written when gospel witness became so widespread that oral testimony was no longer adequate. They were written to record and preserve the true record of Jesus Christ and make it available to all those who would follow through the ages.
This work was done by four evangelists chosen and inspired by God from among those “which from the beginning were eye witnesses, and ministers of the Word” (Luke 1:1,2)
The four Gospels are missionary documents or tracts, left for the whole world.
27. La Gran Comisión Se Encuentra En Los Cuatro Evangelios
28. La Palabra “Evangelio” Significa “Buenas Nuevas” “Pero nuevas pueden ser nuevas solamente para aquellos que nunca las han oído, y
Nuevas son buenas nuevas solamente para aquellos que las oyen a tiempo para recibir beneficio de ellas .”
29. Los Hechos De Los Apóstoles: Es un registro inspirado del trabajo misionero de la iglesia
Demuestra el poder del Espíritu Santo para esparcir el evangelio
Fue diseñado por Dios como modelo de principios misioneros The book of Acts, or the Acts of the Apostles, is an inspired record of the missionary work of the Church during the first generation of its existence.
It is an object lesson in the presence, authority and mighty working of the Holy Spirit in the expansion of the Church during the first century.
The Acts was designed by God as a guide and model for all later generations. It excels as the handbook of missions, demonstrating God’s missionary methods and principles.The book of Acts, or the Acts of the Apostles, is an inspired record of the missionary work of the Church during the first generation of its existence.
It is an object lesson in the presence, authority and mighty working of the Holy Spirit in the expansion of the Church during the first century.
The Acts was designed by God as a guide and model for all later generations. It excels as the handbook of missions, demonstrating God’s missionary methods and principles.
30. Hechos 1:8 Es El Resumen De Todo El Libro
31. Los Hechos Nos Muestran El Plan De Dios Para La Evangelización Del Mundo Capítulo 2 registra:
La venida del Espíritu Santo
La dotación del poder desde lo alto
El nacimiento de la iglesia
32. Los Hechos Capítulos 2-7 son dedicados a los discípulos testificando “en Jerusalén”
Capítulos 8-12 muestran la extensión de su testimonio “en toda in Judea y Samaria”
Capítulos 13-28 muestran la extensión del evangelio “hasta los confines de la tierra” Acts 1:8 is the keynote for the book of Acts. It is the contents page for the whole book: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Chapters 2-7 are devoted to the disciples witnessing “in Jerusalem.”
Then in chapters 8-12 the witnessing extends afield “in all Judea and Samaria.”
With chapter 13 begins what we know as the foreign missions enterprise and the sphere of the gospel is seen expanding in chapters 18-28 in an ever broadening outreach “to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8 is the keynote for the book of Acts. It is the contents page for the whole book: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Chapters 2-7 are devoted to the disciples witnessing “in Jerusalem.”
Then in chapters 8-12 the witnessing extends afield “in all Judea and Samaria.”
With chapter 13 begins what we know as the foreign missions enterprise and the sphere of the gospel is seen expanding in chapters 18-28 in an ever broadening outreach “to the ends of the earth.”
33. La Mayoría De Las Epístolas Son De Carácter Misionero Tratan de:
Diciplína y asuntos prácticos que encaraban las iglesias misioneras Most of the epistles were written by missionaries to local missions churches which they had founded.Most of the epistles were written by missionaries to local missions churches which they had founded.
34. Hebreos – Es Una Herramienta Para Neutralizar Falsas Religiones The epistle to the Hebrews is a forceful work designed to meet the hindering contentions of Judaism and is adaptable for use by missionaries world-wide when dealing with any religion that must be supplanted by Christianity.The epistle to the Hebrews is a forceful work designed to meet the hindering contentions of Judaism and is adaptable for use by missionaries world-wide when dealing with any religion that must be supplanted by Christianity.
35. Apócalipsis Fue Escrito Por Un Misionero En Exilio Para confortar a los cristianos
Para mirar profeticamente al reino de Cristo sobre la tierra Finally we come to the final book of the New Testament – The Revelation. It was written by a missionary in exile. Banished for his Christian faith to the Isle of Patmos, John wrote to comfort and encourage the Christians of his day who were suffering persecution under a cruel Roman emperor and a pagan government determined to destroy the Church and its results of evangelism.
The book reaches out prophetically, too, and sees the final consummation of God’s eternal missionary purpose in the overthrow of all worldly rule and authority opposed to Christ, bringing in His universal and eternal kingdom.
The shout of triumph is heard, “The Kingdom of this world now belongs to our Lord, and to his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15 TLB) Finally we come to the final book of the New Testament – The Revelation. It was written by a missionary in exile. Banished for his Christian faith to the Isle of Patmos, John wrote to comfort and encourage the Christians of his day who were suffering persecution under a cruel Roman emperor and a pagan government determined to destroy the Church and its results of evangelism.
The book reaches out prophetically, too, and sees the final consummation of God’s eternal missionary purpose in the overthrow of all worldly rule and authority opposed to Christ, bringing in His universal and eternal kingdom.
The shout of triumph is heard, “The Kingdom of this world now belongs to our Lord, and to his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15 TLB)
36. Siendo Que La Evangelización Del Mundo Entero Es El Plan De Dios; ¿Qué Implica Eso Para Nosotros? Having traced the concept of missions throughout the Bible and having seen the primary position that world evangelization occupies in the heart and mind of God, we have only to mention the implications that these facts carry with them.Having traced the concept of missions throughout the Bible and having seen the primary position that world evangelization occupies in the heart and mind of God, we have only to mention the implications that these facts carry with them.
37. Estar Opuesto O Indiferente A Misiones, If missions is of God and the evangelization of the world is his great design, then for any Christian church or individual to be opposed to missions is to be out of harmony with God and his plan!If missions is of God and the evangelization of the world is his great design, then for any Christian church or individual to be opposed to missions is to be out of harmony with God and his plan!
38. Ser Anti-Misionero Es: We will go so far as to say that for any Christian believer to oppose God’s plan of world evangelization or even to ignore missions and do nothing to obey the Great Commission is to reject the New Testament as our only and all sufficient rule of faith and practice. We will go so far as to say that for any Christian believer to oppose God’s plan of world evangelization or even to ignore missions and do nothing to obey the Great Commission is to reject the New Testament as our only and all sufficient rule of faith and practice.
39. Cada Iglesia Y Cada Cristiano Es El Producto Del Trabajo Misionero Del Pasado
40. El Fruto De Misiones Se Puede Ver En …
41. Siendo Que Somos Deudores A Misiones Deberíamos De: Ver el mundo como Dios lo ve
Compartir el amor de Dios con toda la humanidad
Ser hombres y mujeres de pasión misionera
Darnos a nosotros mismos como canales para dejar correr la gracia de Dios al mundo perdido Since we owe everything to missions, we must repay our great debt by doing what God has commanded us to do.
We must think as God thinks and see the world and its suffering hoards as God sees them.
We must share the Father’s love and compassion with all those lost and hurting.
We must be New Testament Christians by becoming, like those of old, the incarnation of missionary passion.
We must give ourselves, without reservation, as channels for the outflow of God’s grace and mercy to the whole world. Since we owe everything to missions, we must repay our great debt by doing what God has commanded us to do.
We must think as God thinks and see the world and its suffering hoards as God sees them.
We must share the Father’s love and compassion with all those lost and hurting.
We must be New Testament Christians by becoming, like those of old, the incarnation of missionary passion.
We must give ourselves, without reservation, as channels for the outflow of God’s grace and mercy to the whole world.
42. ¡Ninguno Está Exento!