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FLYSAFE OVERVIEW. Marc FABREGUETTES, THALES 18th September 2007. Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection and All Weather Operations. FLYSAFE Scope and main activities The consortium Current status. The challenge of Safety.

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  2. Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection and All Weather Operations FLYSAFEScope and main activities The consortium Current status

  3. The challenge of Safety • Air traffic will triple in the next 20 years • Ambition of ACARE Vision 2020 is that increased traffic will not lead to an increase in the number of accidents, meaning …… the performance of safety-related systems and procedures must at least triple in the next 20 years • This improvement must be achieved with : • All-weather operation • Operation at airports 24 hours per day • 99 % of flights departing within 15 min of schedule

  4. The FLYSAFE initiative • Several EU programmes deal with the challenge of maintaining the high level of Air traffic Safety • FLYSAFE addresses this issue from an integrated operational perspective: "How to provide thecrews and controllers with theright information / signals at the right time to prevent / further reduce risks of accidents in all circumstances" • First target: transport aircraft • Application to business jets and helicopters also studied

  5. FLYSAFE approach • Review of past accidents, analysis and definition of means (that would allow) to prevent them with careful consideration of human factors issues • Analysis in three branches for the different hazard information management • Weather, with specific studies in atmospheric hazards • Traffic • Terrain • For each of them development of new systems and functions, notably: • improved situation awareness, • advance warning, • alert prioritisation, • enhanced human-machine interface

  6. The FLYSAFE approach (2) • Definition and validation of a new generation integrated solution (NG-ISS) • Support design and development with standardisation and certification activities

  7. FLYSAFE overall concept ADS-B

  8. FLYSAFE WIMSs • FLYSAFE developsground-based Weather Information Management Systems (WIMS) • They will provide accurate forecasts of specific atmospheric hazards to be uplinked to the cockpit and copied to Air traffic Management (ATM) • Information on hazards currently available will also be uplinked to the cockpit (including volcanic ash)

  9. FLYSAFE WIMSs The 4 categories of atmospheric hazards addressed by the WIMSs : • Clear-Air-Turbulence • Wake vortices • Thunderstorms • Aircraft icing

  10. FLYSAFE WIMSs WIMSs will provide flight-specific, route relevant information on three scales Low resolution data and relatively infrequent updates Mid resolution data and fairly frequent updates High resolution data with frequent updates Global scale, with particular emphasis on field of view Continental scale TMA scale

  11. FLYSAFE NG-ISS • New on-board systems and functions • improved situation awareness • advanced warning • alert prioritisation • enhanced human-machine interfaces • New sensors and sensor fusion technique • Improved on-board weather hazard detectionand datafusion with new ground-based, specific weather hazard information products, uplinked to the aircraft • All on-board means integrated in a consistent system, with innovative HMI • And their integration into a global ATM environment

  12. FLYSAFE System OverviewNG ISS • FLYSAFE develops a mock-up of an onboard Next Generation Integrated Surveillance System (NG ISS): • It will provide the air crew with a combined vision of the current situation and the strategically projected situation within the next minutes • Surveillance Functions addressing • Weather hazards • Traffic hazards • Terrain hazards • Resolution of conflicts • Dangerous situations in the near future will be identified and possible solutions will be shown to the pilot.

  13. Flight Management System FL NM FLYSAFE System Overview NG ISS • Major benefits compared to current ISS: • Detection of future threats – up to 30 minutes ahead • Provision of advice, how to avoid the threats • Enhanced visualisation of the surrounding weather, traffic and terrain situation Terrain Surveillance Systems Data Fusion Strategic Data Consolidation Display & Audio Management Traffic Surveillance Systems Data Fusion Tactical Alert Management Intelligent Crew Support Weather Surveillance Systems Data Fusion Flight Deck Displays NG ISS

  14. Conflict Point SDCDetection of Conflicts Calculation of Conflict Points • Terrain • TAWS terrain database • check is only performed on flight plan change • Space of Interest: Full Flight Plan Predicted Conflicts • Traffic • other traffic 4D predicted Trajectory (from ADS-B) • protection zone around predicted trajectory to avoid TCAS alerts • Space Of Interest: 12 min (continuous checks) computed own ship trajectory (from FMS) + • Weather • Weather forecast and nowcast from ground WIMS (Weather Information Management Systems) • Weather radar and other sensors • Space of Interest: 40 min (continuous checks)

  15. Primary Objectives: Process alerts from safety net systems TAWS & TCAS Avoid encountering adverse weather situations Prioritisation of alerts Secondary Objectives: No false / nuisance alerts Detects the possible weather / traffic / terrain threats along the flight plan, Resolves conflicts by proposing a new Flight plan. New flight path Primaryflightplan Increased Safety Decreased Workload NG ISSStrategic Data Consolidation (SDC)

  16. Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection and All Weather Operations FLYSAFEScope and main activitiesThe consortiumCurrent status

  17. European Commission Project 6th Framework Programme 2005-2009 Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection and All Weather Operations

  18. The FLYSAFE Project • Project full title : Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection and All Weather Operations • Integrated Project of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission • Coordinator: THALES, Toulouse • 36 Partners from 14 countries • Started on February 1st, 2005 • Duration: 53 months

  19. FLYSAFE Partners location Moscow Stockholm Austria Belgium France Germany Greece Italy Malta Netherlands Portugal Russia Slovenia Spain Sweden UK Hamburg Hanover Amsterdam Frankfurt, Darmstadt Rochester Innsbruck Louvain Ljubljana Cranfield Munich, Oberpfaf. Ulm Paris Exeter Bagneux, Orsay St Cloud, Châtillon Athens Rome Turin Toulouse Malta Barcelona Lisbon

  20. Links with other projects • List of other projects considered at FLYSAFE Project level: • ISAWARE II • I-WAKE • MFF • ANASTASIA • C-ATM 1 • EMMA, EMMA2 • OPTIMAL • NUP II+ • ASSTAR • CAATS • CREDOS • SESAR • ASAS-TN2

  21. Airborne Integrated Systems for Safety Improvement, Flight Hazard Protection and All Weather Operations FLYSAFEScope and main activitiesThe consortium Current status

  22. ATC Simulator GRACE in Airbus Layout Tower Simulator Status and Next steps (1) • Most developments are evaluated in PTEs (Part-Task Evaluations) • All the functions will be integrated : • first into a common platform assembled in THALES Toulouse • then tested on the NLR simulator in Amsterdam, which will allow simulation of the complete aircraft environment: • aircraft behaviour, • atmospheric conditions, • other traffic in the air and on the ground, • terrain, • obstacles and • a realistic ATC environment, with a high degree of accuracy

  23. Status and Next steps (2)

  24. Project Milestones 01/02/2005 30/06/2009

  25. Overall programme schedule

  26. FLYSAFE WBS - level 1

  27. Please visit our website: http://www.eu-flysafe.org For further questions contact: Marc FABREGUETTES THALES Avionics Marc-g.fabreguettes@fr.thalesgroup.com Tel +33 (0)5 61 19 78 65

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