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TrueContext’s Pronto Solution Overview

TrueContext’s Pronto Solution Overview. Agenda. Introduction About TrueContext Leveraging Simplicity Extensibility Value Proposition Pricing Target Customers Customer Example Demonstration. About TrueContext.

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TrueContext’s Pronto Solution Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TrueContext’s Pronto Solution Overview

  2. Agenda • Introduction • About TrueContext • Leveraging Simplicity • Extensibility • Value Proposition • Pricing • Target Customers • Customer Example • Demonstration

  3. About TrueContext • Established in 2001, a leading provider of mobile business software solutions for medium and large enterprises. • Award-winning, patented technology allows non-technical customers to: • securely build • manage • configure • deploy mobile workforce applications • Our software platform extends the most powerful business applications to nearly any mobile device. • We deliver solutions through leading Tier 1 service providers, device manufacturers, channel partners, and global IT solution providers.

  4. Leveraging SimplicityCreate, Capture, Report Forms ready to deploy for different events or user groups Data captured on deployed devices and transmitted to secure website Data ready for analysis and post-processing

  5. SALES ORDER RECALL REPORT BRAND PLACEMENT INSPECTION Go Live In Minutes – With 3 Easy StepsCreate, Capture, Report Create forms or convert YOUR existing forms! Use them on BlackBerry or Windows Mobile Devices In Minutes

  6. Go Live In Minutes – With 3 Easy StepsCreate, Capture, Report • Data Entry with intuitive form controls: • Drop Down Lists • Radio Buttons • Check Box • And many more … • Cycle time improvement • Quality and Accuracy • Device flexibility • Maximize Wireless Asset Utilization • Capture data REAL TIME!

  7. Go Live In Minutes – With 3 Easy StepsCreate, Capture, Report Automatically create & email a record of every completed form Bayer Placement By Month Create unlimited reports in Microsoft Excel Easily export records for integration into back-office applications Quickly view records from a common, secure portal

  8. Leveraging SimplicityManage Create Projects to manage which users receive which forms

  9. Extensibility If your needs extend … Specialty Forms – Customize beyond the on-line form building capabilities by using Excel or our IDE. Workflows – Build specific workflows leveraging our policy engine Integrate specialized device peripherals such as bar code scanners , RFID or magnetic strip readers On-Premise Server - Deploy our technology on a server behind your firewall Back-office Integration - Connect your field data directly with your existing back-office application using our flexible connector framework

  10. Leveraging SimplicityValue Proposition • Cost Reduction • Eliminate paper and data entry • Speed up processes like sales orders, invoicing, SLA response • Productivity Gains • Cycle time reduction • Flexibility for business and process changes • Quality • Eliminate errors due to translation from paper • Accuracy through consistency • Record keeping • Low Cost of Ownership • End to End Management • Both hosted and enterprise deployment options to address capex or opex requirements • Real-time Data • Green-to-Go! • Environmentally friendly • Paper elimination • Record and storage space reduction

  11. Addressing Environmental ConcernsGreen-to-Go!Value Proposition Solve customer environmental concerns! Corporate customers – WalMart to spend $150 Million US$ on green initiatives Ottawa City – Requiring moving companies to use wireless forms in lieu of paper! Environmentally friendly Eliminates paper use Record and storage space reduction Reduced carbon footprint Reduce mobile worker driving patterns Real Savings* • *Existing Customer Eliminated 12 pages per technician, per day saving: • 37 tons of wood, the equivalent of 250 trees! • 400 million BTU’s of energy, the equivalent of what’s used by 4 households annually! • 60,000 lbs of greenhouse gases, 5 automobiles output! • 24,000 pounds of solid waste, the equivalent of 1 fully loaded garbage truck! • 200,000 gallons of waste water – 1 large swimming pool! • * Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator. For more information, visithttp://www.papercalculator.org.

  12. Sample ScenarioMobilize Business Processes and Reap the Rewards 3. Tech arrives on site and addresses issue with parts from his van which he scans with a barcode scanner. 2. Tech accepts call on his smartphone and provides ETA 4. Tech presents completed ticket to client for signature on device 1. Dispatcher routes service call to nearest available technician 5. Tech completes call and sends data to automatically update invoicing and van inventory

  13. Vertical Segment Successes Home Health Care Prescriptions, doctors orders, supply ordering, wound management, occupational assessment, supplies used, equipment inventory management, timesheets, mileage reporting Security Rounds performed, alarm response, timesheets, mileage, vehicle inspection, site inspection, incident reporting, capacity planning, lead capture, service level agreement reporting, installation work orders, repair management Property Management Asset management, property inspection, materials used, materials ordered, security concerns, quality assurance

  14. Industry Bundles Mobile Sales Automation Expense reporting, mileage tracking, lead capture, sales reporting, sales activity reporting, support tracking, order management Retail Inspection Product placement checklists, market research, competitive analysis, storefront conditions and liability risk management, order management, inventory management, promotion adoption, compliance reporting, health and safety reporting

  15. Customer Examples

  16. Pronto Forms • Free 30-day trial account available at: • www.prontoforms.com • Product demonstration available upon request: • Sales@TrueContext.com

  17. TrueContext Contacts Responsibilities • David Greenwood – President and Chief Financial Officer • Mobile +1.613.769.8786, dgreenwood@truecontext.com • Alvaro Pombo – CEO • Mobile +1.613.851.4014, apombo@truecontext.com • Tim Moran – Sr. Vice President, Sales • Mobile +1.512.922.4345, tmoran@truecontext.com • Marianne Oakes – Sales Manager, Strategic Accounts • Mobile +1.613.769.1812, moakes@truecontext.com

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