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Ligaments, Tendons, and Fascia: Connecting Bones and Muscles

Learn about ligaments, tendons, and fascia and how they connect bones and muscles in the body. Explore the different types of muscles and connective tissue involved in muscle function. Discover the role of nervous tissue in muscle contraction and the energy sources for muscle activity.

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Ligaments, Tendons, and Fascia: Connecting Bones and Muscles

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  1. Psyc 552 Ergonomics & Biomechanics Lecture 4

  2. Ligaments, Tendons, & Facia • Ligament: • Dense connective tissue that connects bone to bone. Image from: http://www.spineuniverse.com/displayarticle.php/article1268.html

  3. Flexor Retinaculum 1 scaphoid 2 trapezium 3 pisiform 4 hamate Image from: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/wnor/lesson5flexretinac&palmapon.htm

  4. Tendons • Tendons • Attach muscles to bones • Are surrounded by a sheath called a synovium • Synovial fluid facilitates gliding • Fascia • Dense connective tissue that covers organs or parts of organs and separates them from each other.

  5. Collagen fibers • Collagen fibers form both ligaments and tendons. • In tendons, the fibers run parallel to one another • In ligaments, the fibers are not parallel

  6. Muscles • 3 types of muscles in the body • Striated • Cardiac • Smooth • Muscles consist of • Muscle cells • 3 types of connective tissue… • Nerve fibers

  7. Muscle Connective Tissue Image from: http://www.biology.eku.edu/RITCHISO/301notes3.htm

  8. Muscle Fibers • Long multinuclear cylindrical cells composed of parallel myofibrils • Myofibrils • Composed of 2 sub units called myofilaments • Myosin • Actin

  9. Image from: http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/M/Muscles.html

  10. Muscle Contractile Unit • Sacromere • The part of a cross-striated muscle fiber between the z-lines

  11. Nervous Tissue Image from: vv.carleton.ca/~neil/neural/neuron-a.html

  12. Nervous Tissue (cont) • Two branches • Sensory • Motor • Nerves connect to muscles via the neuromuscular junction • Nerve + muscle fiber = motor unit

  13. Muscular Contraction Image from: www.accessexcellence.org/RC/VL/GG/muscle_Contract.html

  14. Muscle Contraction (cont)

  15. Energy for Muscles • Adenosine triphosphate ATP • Anaerobic metabolism • Aerobic metabolism

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