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Lesson 100 Hunayn Brigade to the End

Lesson 100 Hunayn Brigade to the End. [44] The Hunayn Campaign. By this conquest, all the Arabs professed Islam. People entered Allah’s religion (Islam) in crowds, except the tribes of Hawâzin and Thaqîf, who were blinded by their arrogance.

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Lesson 100 Hunayn Brigade to the End

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  1. Lesson 100Hunayn Brigade to the End

  2. [44] The Hunayn Campaign

  3. By this conquest, all the Arabs professed Islam. People entered Allah’s religion (Islam) in crowds, except the tribes of Hawâzin and Thaqîf, who were blinded by their arrogance.

  4. They allied together to fight Muslims in Makkah. When the Prophet (SAWS) heard about that, he went out at the head of twelve thousand fighters (the largest number of fighters the Prophet (SAWS) had ever mustered).

  5. Muslims' army arrived at the Hunayn Valley where their enemies were lying in wait.

  6. They rose against Muslims in unison, before Muslims could collect their ranks.

  7. As a result, the front of the Muslim army was defeated. The army was about to scatter and retreat in spite of their great number.

  8. However, the Prophet (SAWS) ordered Al-`Abbâs, his uncle, to shout and encourage Muslims to remain steadfast.

  9. So, they held fast together and the two sides engaged in the fight. After a few hours, their enemy was severely defeated.

  10. About seventy from Hawâzin and Thaqîf were killed, and the Muslims took their weapons and camels as booty.

  11. Afterwards, the Prophet (SAWS) headed for Thaqîf in At-Tâ’if. He besieged the city for a time, but he did not conquer it.

  12. When he came back, a delegation from Hawâzin came to him while he was in Al-Ji`irrânah, and asked him to give back their women and children, who had been taken as captives by the Muslim army.

  13. The Prophet (SAWS) said, "What is in my custody, and the family of `Abdul-Muttalib’s custody, I will give back to you."

  14. At that time, the Muhâjirîn and the Ansâr said, “What was for us will be for the Prophet (SAWS)."

  15. Accordingly, Hawâzin restored all their women and children.

  16. After that, the Prophet (SAWS) left Al-Ji`irrânah for Makkah to perform `Umrah.

  17. When he finished, he returned to Al-Madînah, which he reached on the 24th of Dhul-Qi`dah.

  18. [45] The Tabûk Campaign

  19. The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) stayed in Al-Madînah until the middle of the year 9 A.H.

  20. He was told that the Byzantines, were preparing to fight the Muslims in Tabûk, after what happened between them in Mu'tah.

  21. The Prophet (SAWS) prepared 30,000 fighters. Muslims at that time were passing through a time of drought and poverty, but this did not prevent them from preparing to fight their enemy.

  22. Abu-Bakr gave all his money; `Uthmân ibn `Affân also gave a very large sum of money for the purpose.

  23. Afterwards, the Prophet (SAWS) and his army reached Tabûk, but he did not find the Byzantines there.

  24. He stayed for more than 20 days and returned back to Al-Madînah. That was his last expedition (SAWS).

  25. [46] The Year of Delegations

  26. You know that Da`wah (inviting people for Islam) in its beginnings took place secretly and covertly, and those who embraced Islam were very few.

  27. After Da`wah had been made public, Muslims' numbers began to increase little by little, until the Prophet (SAWS) was given permission by Allah to immigrate to Al-Madînah.

  28. There, the Muslims numbers increased further as the Arabs of Al-Madînah and its surrounding areas embraced Islam, as individuals and in groups.

  29. . But Da`wah did not achieve the desired range and openness until the Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah took place between the Muslims and Quraysh.

  30. This treaty was a big reason behind the wide spread of Da`wah, since the treaty secured roads and enabled the Prophet (SAWS) to send messengers and messages to many kings, nations and tribes.

  31. This was further expanded with the conquest of Makkah and the conversion of Quraysh's nobles to Islam, followed by the spread of the Qur'an, with its wonderful style and the fluent wisdom that deeply affected Arabs’ minds and softened their hearts.

  32. Those Arabs began to come to the Prophet (SAWS) in crowds; mostly in the 9th year A.H.

  33. Among them was the delegation of Thaqîf.They came to the Prophet (SAWS), after he arrived from Tabûk, willing to embrace Islam.

  34. They asked for many things; the Prophet accepted some and rejected others.

  35. The delegation of the Christians of Najrân came. They did not embrace Islam, but accepted to pay Jizyah(tribute).

  36. The delegations of Banu Fazârah came to the Prophet (SAWS) embracing Islam.

  37. As to the delegation of Banu Tamîm, their nobles came to the Prophet (SAWS) and called him from behind the dwellings (see: Surat Al-Hujurât).

  38. After they exchanged speeches and poetry by orators and poets from both sides, they embraced Islam and went back to their land.

  39. The delegation of Banu Sa`d ibn Bakr was led by Dimâm ibn Tha`labah, who asked the Prophet (SAWS) many questions, that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) answered.

  40. He embraced Islam and went back to his people who all embraced Islam without exception.

  41. The delegation of Kindah was led by Al-Ash`ath ibn Qays.

  42. They embraced Islam after hearing the beginnings of SûrahAs-Saffât (Those Ranged in Ranks).

  43. The delegation of Banu `Abd Qays ibn Rabî`ah were Christians. After coming to Al-Madînah, they all embraced Islam.

  44. The delegation of Banu Hanîfah ibn Rabî`ah embraced Islam.

  45. Among them was Musaylimah ibn Hanîfah, who was called "Musaylimah the Liar", because he claimed prophethood after the death of The Prophet (SAWS).

  46. The delegation of Tayyi' from Qahtân, led by Zayd ul-Khayl, embraced Islam one and all.

  47. The delegation of Banu Al-Hârith ibn Ka'b came, among them was Khâled ibnul-Waleed, and they all embraced Islam.

  48. And many other delegations from different tribes such as Banu Asad, Banu Muhârib, Hamadân, Ghassân and many others.

  49. Some of them came as Muslims; others came to join and embraced Islam.

  50. Also, messengers from kings of Himyar and many others came to declare their faith in Islam.

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