The vision of the Waterbird Conservation for the Americas initiative is that the distribution, diversity, and abundance of populations and habitats of breeding, migratory, and nonbreeding waterbirds are sustained or restored throughout the lands and waters of North America, Central America, and the Caribbean (now: the Western Hemisphere). The North American Waterbird Conservation Plan Version 1, 2002
Extent of the Initiative as described in the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan Geographic Extent of the Initiative Taxonomic Extent of the Initiative
Scale Entire Plan Area (Continental) Regional National Planning and Coordination Entities Developed From the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan Waterbird Conservation Council: a body of individuals responsible for coordinating, supporting, and communicating implementation of the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan and other waterbird plans, updating the plans and facilitating actions for waterbird conservation throughout the Plan area. Regional Working Groups If desired, National Working Groups
Membership of the Council as described in the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan Political Entities Geographic Extent/Regions Taxonomic Groups Range of Habitats Resource Management Communication and Outreach Monitoring NGOs Waterbird Conservation Council Research, Science Org.s Currently 35 Members Approximately 70% active Other Organizational Representation Perspectives
List of Responsibilities of the Council provided in the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan ❖ Sponsor Plan document, oversee dissemination and regular revision. ❖ Conduct planning and implementation at the continental scale and facilitate conservation at all levels, from continental to local ❖ Identify implementing agencies, entities and individuals, and through interactions, interventions, and collaborations, leverage opportunities for waterbird conservation ❖ Facilitate the acquisition of resources to support waterbird conservation throughout the Plan area ❖ As invited, select or nominate representatives to various committees and councils ❖ Promote and support work of regional working groups ❖ Interact with other bird conservation initiatives, habitat Joint Ventures (JVs), provinces/states, national governments, local interests, and others ❖ Facilitate and support the Waterbird Monitoring Partnership ❖ Facilitate and support the meeting of scientific information needs ❖ Facilitate and support the waterbird conservation communication program combining communication, education and public awareness activities ❖ Maintain the Plan’s home page ❖ Assure coordination of the Plan with other international bird conservation programs and initiatives ❖ Periodically evaluate if goals of the Plan are being met, and modify plans and activities accordingly ❖ Recruit new members to the Council.
Waterbird Conservation Council Committees Canada = 3 + coordinator • Geographic Reps • Canada • U.S. • Mexico • Central America • Caribbean • South America • Past Chair • Working Committee Chairs Chair and Chair Elect Executive International/ National Coordinators Membership Resources International Communications Technical Services Regional Conservation Action (Ad hocs) Note: Working Committees are comprised of Council members and interested individuals
International Coalitions International Conventions/ Treaties CAFF Government Agencies WHRSN Ramsar Bonn National State Provincial WHMSI Waterbird Conservation Council Meso PIF Bird Organizations NABCI Mexico NABCI Environmental Organizations/ Associations Canada NABCI U.S. NABCI National/ Regional Waterbird Working Groups WS PSG Joint Ventures Research, Science Org.s SCSCB Other Regional Partnerships MSCB
Hemispheric Council Manomet Network Partners Coordinating Office Advisory Committees International/National Councils National Councils: as appropriate Site Partners Site Partners WHSRN’s Structure Eg. Canadian Shorebird Conserv’n Plan Council • Guiding principles are • Flexibility • Meeting needs of the member sites
Council Outputs • Visibility, awareness • Institutional commitments • Professional benefits • Project development and funding • Planning and project tools • Expectations
Council Expectations • Products? • Influence? • Involvement? • Collaboration? • Pace?