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Eric Dombrowsky 1 , Andreas Schiller 2 , Kirsten Wilmer-Becker 3

GODAE OceanView towards a long-term International program for ocean analysis and forecasting. Eric Dombrowsky 1 , Andreas Schiller 2 , Kirsten Wilmer-Becker 3 1 Mercator Océan; 2 CSIRO; 3 the Met Office www.godae-oceanview.org. GODAE OceanView Scope and Objectives.

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Eric Dombrowsky 1 , Andreas Schiller 2 , Kirsten Wilmer-Becker 3

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  1. GODAE OceanView towards a long-term International program for ocean analysis and forecasting Eric Dombrowsky1, Andreas Schiller2, Kirsten Wilmer-Becker3 1Mercator Océan; 2CSIRO; 3the Met Office www.godae-oceanview.org

  2. GODAEOceanView Scope and Objectives • Leading the Scientific Development on the Implementation of • Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems • Improving the accuracy and utility of ocean analysis and • forecasting products • Promoting the development of downstream useof ocean data • and information products from GODAE OceanView systems • Supporting the transition to operational services Links with JCOMM/ET-OOFS • Demonstrating the valueof theobserving systems

  3. Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Services

  4. Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Services Topaz (Norway) SOA/NMEFC (China) DFO/Concepts (Canada) Foam (UK) ECMWF (Eu) NOAA, Navy, ECCO (US) Mercator (France) JMA/MRI (Japan) INDOFOS (India) MFS (Italy) REMO (Brasil) BLUELink> (Australia)

  5. An international team: GODAE OceanView

  6. An international team: GODAE OceanView

  7. The MyOcean projectin Europe Europe/GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) The monitoring and forecasting component of the European Marine Service (the core service)

  8. Science Team Currently ~30 members Representatives from national ocean forecasting centres, task team co-chairs, representatives from international/intergovernmental research groups, scientific experts Task Teams 5 active TTs TT chairs are members of the GODAE OceanView Science Team Project Office 1 person – located at the Met Office (UK) The Patrons’ group Decision makers of national centers + observation agencies Provide support to GODAE OceanView (financial support to the project office) Promote GODAE OceanView, provide guidance, visibility, … TheOceanView Teams

  9. Who are the members of the GODAE OceanView Science Team ? • Scientists • Involved in their country in the development of operational oceanography • Having skills and experience in Data Assimilation and Modeling (primary focus) • Whose activity in the field is supported by the country • Self funding base: development of the workplan, meetings,… • Having some capacity to decide • Take decisions and ensure they are implemented • Report to the science team • India and Brazil entered the GODAE OceanView Science Team recently

  10. Currently5 TASK TEAMS: address specific topics of particular importance to GODAE OceanView require collaboration with international research programs or other groups (e.g. coastal community): Inter-comparison and Validation TaskTeam IV-TT(Matt Martin & Fabrice Hernandez) ObservingSystemEvaluation OSEval-TT (Peter Oke & Gilles Larnicol) CoastalOcean and Shelf SeasCOSS-TT(Pierre De Mey & Villy Kourafalou) Marine Ecosystem Analysis and PredictionMEP-TT(Rosa Barciela & Pierre Brasseur) Short-to-Medium-Range Coupled Prediction SMRCP-TT(Gary Brassington) GODAEOceanViewTask Teams

  11. JCOMM ET-OOFS Patron’s group IV Task Team OSEval Task Team COSS Task Team MEP Task Team SMRCPTask Team GODAE OceanView Structure Science Team

  12. GODAE OceanView in brief: Establishment of the GODAE OceanView Science Team in 2008/09 Five Task Teams International Patrons New members Work Plan 2009-2013 GODAE OceanView web site Summer School Perth 2010 The Book

  13. GODAEOceanViewachievements • Establishment of GODAE OceanView work plan • Establishment/continuation of five GODAE OceanView task teams • Setting up of GODAE OceanView website: www.godae-oceanview.org • Arrangement of sponsorship for GODAE OceanView until 2013/14 • GODAE OceanView – GSOP CLIVAR workshop (June 2011) – detailed information in • workshop report (available on the web) • to continue the current OSE experiment among partners • on way for developingObserving Impact Statements • to produce and inter-compare various climate metrics • to extend the existing Quality Control inter-comparison exercise in GODAE OceanView • Organisation of an international coastal and shelf seas Workshop (Jan 2012) • Organisation of a GODAE OceanView-WGNE workshop (Sep/Oct 2012)

  14. Meeting structure • TT parallel meetings (+ patron phone conf) • Monday: IV-TT, OSEVal TT, COSS-TT • Wednesday: SMRCP-TT, Patrons’ meeting • Tuesday (Cocktail): • reports from IOC, ET-OOFS, GOV-GSOP-CLIVAR workshop, OOPC, ESA • Start reports on TTs: OSE-Val + IV • Start reports from Nat systems Fr, Ca, • Wednesday (Dinner): • Continue with Au, ECMWF, Jp, ECCO • Obs: ARGO, OST, GHRSST, • Thursday: • PICO, IOOS, South African Summerschool • RTOFS, Br, It, HYCOM, UK, Ch • COSS, MEP, SMRCP TTs • Report from the patrons’ teleconf • Friday (morning): • Work plan review, • Discussion paper (review/symposium) • Discussion slots every day: More time to discuss than during GOVST I and GOVST II

  15. Reminder • The National reports are due • The TT reports also • All these reports will serve the purpose of the final GOV evaluation (WRT workplan ?) • The discussion on Friday is important • Review, Symposium, a decision has to be taken • Also important: to gather inputs for the Patron’s meeting (before Wednesday)

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