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NEASC, a regional accreditation association, guides schools through a 10-year cycle focusing on core values, curriculum, and assessment. Follow the process from pre-self-study to evaluation and improvement reports.

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  1. NEASC New England Association of Schools and Colleges

  2. What is NEASC? • NEASC is one of six regional accreditation associations • As a member school we agree to adhere to seven accreditation standards • The accreditation cycle is ten years • Pre self-study • Self-study • Evaluation • Follow-up • Two and Five year progress reports

  3. What are the Standards? Core Values, Beliefs and Learning Expectations Curriculum Instruction Assessment School Culture and Leadership School Resources for Learning Community Resources for Learning

  4. Pre Self-study • The school must identify a set of core values and beliefs about learning • The school must create a set of 21st century learning expectations • Once a school has established its core values and beliefs, it should take steps to ensure • they are reflected in the culture of the school • they drive curriculum decisions • they drive instructional practices • they drive assessment practice

  5. 21st Century Learning Expectations • 21st Century Learning Expectations identify the essential learning's that the school has identified for all students • Academic • Civic • Social • Each Learning Expectation must be defined and measured by school wide analytic rubrics

  6. Where Are We In This Process Last school year we created our core values and beliefs about learning Last school year we created our 21st Century Learning Expectations This fall we are in the process of creating analytic rubrics for each expectation

  7. Where Are We In This Process Cont. • 2011-2012 school year we working on our self-study • Created a steering committee • Created our seven standards committees • Hosted a visit by a NEASC representative to explain the self-study process • Reviewed all of the standards and made plans to start addressing the biggest concerns • The week of November 14th - parents, students and staff will complete surveys. • The rest of this year, we will collect evidence and write reports about how we rate/adhere to the standards

  8. When Will We Be Evaluated? • We will host the evaluation team visit in the spring of 2013 (April 28-May 1st) • 17 members of a visitation committee will be visiting classes, meeting with students, staff and community members over four days to assess how well we meet the standards. • A report will be created explaining how we rate in each of the standards. • Any areas cited as weaknesses we will have to develop a written plan of how we will address them

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