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Advance Care Planning helps shift the conversation around dying, promoting open discussions and decisions for quality end-of-life care. Helen Rigby, an experienced facilitator, guides individuals on creating personalized plans, including considerations for enduring power of attorney and health spokesperson. Learn more about Advance Care Planning in New Zealand from the National ACP Cooperative video.
Advance Care Planning Helen Rigby – 3DHB Advance Care Planning Facilitator Helen.Rigby@ccdhb.org.nz
Scope of advance care planning Diagram from the National ACP Cooperative
Early ACP v Late ACP • Early ACP with whānau at home • Late ACP needs clinician guidance
Enduring Power of Attorney/Health Spokesperson • Who would speak on your behalf if you couldn’t speak for yourself? • Who would you trust to make your healthcare decisions? • Who else do you want to know about your health &/or be part of the discussion?
Advance Care Planning in NZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-S1GL8flpU
What people say... “Very simply, I’m after quality of life rather than quantity. Once I realised that, it influenced a lot of the decisions in there (the written advance care plan). I also realised I didn’t want to be too black & white, that I want the doctors to decide what’s best at the time.” (Consumer on documenting his ACP, 2018)