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Explore the relationship between K and Higgs in H→WW process at the 10th May 2005 Les Houches Workshop. Compare K values dependent on pTHiggs and pTHiggs, then analyze the yHiggs values. Apply a jet veto with K = sMC@NLO/sPYTHIA, noticing small differences. Selection cuts for H→WW→2l prefer low pTHiggs and central yHiggs. Efficiency for Pythia post-selection cuts [jhep05(2004)009]: pTHiggs, y.Higgs. Conclude a negligible difference of K between pT and pT, y in the favored H→WW→lnln region.
Reweighting gg→H→WWGiovanna Davatz, ETH ZurichLes Houches Workshop, 10th may 2005
Want to check if K dependent on y Higgs, or only on pTHiggs →reweight Pythia to MC@NLO as a function of pTHiggs, then compare reweighted Pythia yHiggs with y Higgs from MC@NLO
No cuts applied, difference in y Higgs between MC@NLO and Pythia reweighted to MC@NLO small. Apply now jet veto:
For low pTHiggs region and low y Higgs region difference between K(pT) and K(pT,y) very small K(pT,y) K(pT) Selection cuts for H→ WW →2l favor low pTHiggs and central y Higgs region (next slide)
Efficiency for Pythia after all selection cuts are applied [jhep05(2004)009 ]: pTHiggs, y Higgs
Conclusion In the region favored by the H→WW→lnln selection cuts (inclusive jet veto), the difference between K(pT) and K(pT,y) is smaller than 2% [ K is defined here as the (pT respectively y dependent) ratio between s(MC@NLO) and s(Pythia) ]