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Pedigrees of 2-49, Puseas, EGA Wylie and EGA Gregory. Appendix 2A: Pedigrees. Details of the pedigree were found in (Macindoe & Walkden Brown, 1968) and http://genbank.vurv.cz/wheat/pedigree/ . Lines similar between Wylie and Gregory are only detailed in the Wylie pedigree. LV = local variety.
Pedigrees of 2-49, Puseas, EGA Wylie and EGA Gregory Appendix 2A: Pedigrees • Details of the pedigree were found in (Macindoe & Walkden Brown, 1968) and http://genbank.vurv.cz/wheat/pedigree/. • Lines similar between Wylie and Gregory are only detailed in the Wylie pedigree. • LV = local variety
2-49 Ward’s Prolific Selected from South African variety Du Toit for moderate rust resistance. Most important for the improvement of lines evolved from it. Du Toit Old South African variety introduced in 1881. Distributed to South Australian farmers. Good drought resistance. Gluyas Early Selected from Ward’s Prolific, for drought resistance. One of the most important wheats in Australia. White Naples x Farrer intro’d seed in 1890 of White Naples. Originally from Naples district in Italy, was known as Carosella. Important because of its bunt resistance. (Fife x White Naples) Florence Made by Farrer in 1901. Flag smut res, stem rust mod res, mod res to bunt (from White Naples). Intro’d to Tunis for commercial growth. Fife x The name of Fife is associated with David Fife, an Ontario farmer, who in 1842 intro’d in Canada a small sample of wheat from a friend in Glasgow. The friend had obtained the sample from a shipload of wheat from Danzig, but it was probably of Galician origin. This sample proved to be a winter wheat, but a plant of spring habit was noticed, and the seed increased as Fife wheat. Red Fife had laid the foundation of the excellent baking qualities of Canadian wheat. Eden Made by Farrer in 1890’s Red Fife Improved Fife Improved Fife x Hornblende Red Fife Saskatchewan Fife Introduced from the USA, possibly Pennsylvania. Selection from Red Fife. Red Fife 2-49 Improved Fife x Hussar Made by Farrer in 1890’s Red Fife Hornblende Lawrence Made by R.Soutter at Kincora in 1932. Stem rust res, except to Hope attacking strains. Flag smut res. Fife x Hornblende x Blount’s Lambrigg A crossbred produced in 1880’s by AE Blount, Colorado and intro’d to NSW by Farrer. Mod res to stem rust and for this reason was grown in all parts of the colony in the clase of last century (1800’s). Syn. Gypsum, Colorado Special College (an unlabelled sample, almost certainly Hope) Confusing statement. College made by Farrer in 1890’s. Indian G Crepi A late maturing, old French vulgare wheat with red grain used by Farrer in breeding. LV, Ile de France, Champagne. Gala Made by D.Rosser in 1946 in Brisbane. Selected at Hermitage Research Station, Warwick. Issued in 1960. Flag smut, leaf rust sus. Stem rust res, but sus to Hope-resistance attacking stem rusts. Bobin x Gaza An early maturing, rust resistant durum wheat intro’d from Palestine. Used by WL Waterhouse as a source of leaf and stem rust resistance in the breeding of Gabo. Sicilian Squarehead A French variety with red hard grain. It had the reputation of yielding moderately strong flour and was somewhat resistant to stem rust. Syn. Blé Carré. Gabo Blount’s Lambrigg and Fife x Sinew Farrer cross LV - Palestine Hornblende Thew Made by Farrer ~1890. Leaf rust res, Stem rust mod res, flag smut sus. Fife x Hussar. Bobin Made by JT Pridham ~ 1925. Sus to flag smut and stem rust. Good drought res. ? Black Sea Possible winter wheat from Kansas (1849) or a LV from Odessa LV – Odessa, Ukraine A city of southern Ukraine on Odessa Bay, an arm of the Black Sea. Said to occupy the site of an ancient Greek colony that disappeared between the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D. Champlain‘s Hybrid Produced by CG Pringle, Vermont, USA in 1870. Intro’d to NSW in 1880’s and tried because of its relative rust-resistance. Not grown to an appreciable extent. Steinwedel Selection found in a field of (→) Champlain’s Hybrid in the dry year 1884 by German farmer Steinwedel at Dalkey (SA); the selection stood out by several feet (Thompson 1899); the variety became popular because of its relative drought resistance; and because of early ripening the variety was rust escaping; reported as grown in 1889 in Queensland. Golden Drop Old variety grown extensively in South Australia in 1840 to 1860. LV, Scotland
Puseas ? Mundia LV/landrace LV- Pusa, Bihar, India Pusa 4 Intro’d to NSW from Imperial Economic Botanist, Pusa, India. Origin unknown, believed to be a natural crossbred involving Aus. variety Federation. Leading variety in Qld in 1930. Also grown in NSW & WA. Stem rust sus. R. Soutter ~1939 Roma Puseas Leading var. in Qld in 1948 Stem rust sus. Improved Fife White grained selection from Red Fife made in Colorado, USA. Intro’d to NSW by Farrer, used to produce best known Aus. White grained wheats eg Comeback & Florence Red Fife Red Fife (see Fife in 2-49 ped) Improved Fife Comeback Hornblende Produced in Colorado, USA. Intro’d to NSW by Farrer. SR sus, Flag smut Res. Red Fife (see Fife in 2-49 ped) Saskatchewan Fife Vanessa x Indian G Vanessa is a Farrer crossbred Three Seas Syn. CCC, Seafoam Once the leading variety in Qld before Puora replaced it ? (Triticum compactum) Indian A Comeback x Cretan Local Durum variety from Southern Europe. SR res Cretan
EGA (Enterprise Grains Australia) Wylie AS Yaqui 48 Yaqui50// Norin10/ Brevor/3/ Lerma52/4/ 2xLerma Rojo, Mexico Newthatch/ Marroqui588 Hope/ Thatcher//2xThatcher, USA Vernal Emmer(?)-DM/ Marquis, USA ?, USA Hard Red Calcutta x Red Fife, Can Intro’d to Canada from India Sel. From Marroqui, Mex ? LV from Morroco Lerma Rojo 64/ Sonora 64, Mexico Marquis/ Iumillo-DR// Marquis/ Kanred, USA BP (breeding parent) in USA, from Mediterranean ? From either Utah Kanred, Krumka or Crimean QT2327x Cook// QT2804 ?, USA Kenya 324/ Urquiza// Gabo/3/ Gamenya, Aus USSR Inia66 x Gamut ?, Kenya General Urquiza 38M.A./ Klein San Martin, Arg. Americano25E/ Pelon33C (syn Klein Favorito), Arg Intro’d from USA into Uru. Kenya117A/ 2xGabo// Mentana/ 6xGabo, Aus ~1946 Marquis/ Aguilera 8, Ken Sel. De Trigo Mutico (beardless wheat), Arg or LV from Uru. Sel. From Aguilera LV, Mexico See Gregory pedigree Yaqui50/ Kentana48 Chapingo53// Yaqui50/ Kentana48/3/ Andes/4/ Gabo56 Unclear, either Steinwedel/T.timopheevi or Steinwedel/durum (maybe Gaza)or same as for Gabo AS Gabo55 Timstein/ Kenya58//Gabo, Mex LV from ZAF. ZAF = South Africa. Red Egyptian/ Kenya BF3B1OV1, Ken Sel. from Barleta, Arg EGA Wylie Syn. QT10198 Bred by Dr. Phillip Banks in Qld. SR & LR res. CR res. Sister line to Baxter (selected from Baxter) Tezanos Pintos Precoz/ Sonora64/3/ Lerma Rojo64/ Tezanos Pintos Precoz// Andes-Enano Frontana// Thatcher/ Sinvalocho Barleta7D/ Americano44D, Arg Barleta LV from Arg, maybe intro’d from Spain Sin Rival/ 38MA Intro’d from USA into Uru Barleta/ Chino Yaktana54//Norin10/Brevor/3/3*Andes Chinese Spring LV from west Szechuan, China Yandilla/ Silver King Improved Fife/Etawah (an Indian wheat), Aus. See 2-49 pedigree Sel. From Ward’s Prolific in 1890’s Du Tiot, South Africa Gaza/2x Bobin// Button/ Kenya73D2I1C, Ken Kenya Kenya Kenya Standard/ KenyaB256 Kenya U/ Kenya9M1A3 Both from Kenya A late wheat of unknown history, prob, farmer’s selection of New England Champion Late wheat of unknown origin 1910, Aus. Baxter pedigree Baxter was bred by officers of the Leslie Research Centre (QDPI&F). Pedigree: Baxter is a complex cross of wheats including Cook, Timgalen, Gamut and Mexican lines. Said to be CR res. A club wheat/ Yandilla King, Aus, 1909. LV Durum from Palestine Ranee/ Doubbi// Ranee See 2-49 pedigree Gallipoli/3/ Currawa// India4E/ Federation, Aus. 1916 Northern Champion/ Cretan// Little Club Co, Aus. 1912 Syn Big Club Co from ?Chile Durum from Europe Ghurka/ Ranee, Aus. 1946 Syn. Californian Club & Australian Club, Chili, Clubhead, Surprise, from USA in 1870’s. A Co = T. compactum ? Chile Club Co/ Michigan Club Co, USA ?, USA Gabo/ 4x Insignia, Aus 1951 rel. Most pop across Aus. II-12300// Lerma Rojo64/ 8156/3/ Norteno67, Mex Calidad/ Robin, Mex IndianF/ Federation, Aus. 1912 Kenya Farmer/ 4x Heron, Aus Heron made in 1959, pop in Aus R.D.R./ Insignia 49, Aus Lerma Rojo64/ Sonora64, Mex KenyaC9906/ Mentana, Mex Kenya324 ? Kenya Polysu/ Alfredo Chaves6, Bra Red Russian syn Converse (USA), Russian Red (syn Galgalos, from Transcaucasia, USSR), Turkey Yaqui48/ Kentana48// Frontana, Mex Sel. from LV, Guapore, Bra Jupateco/3/ Lerma Rojo64/ Sonora 64A x Timgalen sib Yaktana54// Norin10/ Brevor /3/2xLerma Rojo 54 (no 54 found, assumed to be typo of 64) Sel. from LV, Bra AS Sonora 64, Mex Taken to mean from Sonora64 Sonora 64 Fronteira/ Mentana, Bra Rieti/ Wilhelmina// Akagomughi, Ita LV from Rieti region, Ita Spijk/ Squarehead, Nld Squarehead/ Zeeuwse Witte, Nld Syn Red Russian and/or Fultzo-Mediterranean (prob Red Russian from USSR) LV from Jpn LV from Nld/Bel ?Fultz/Mediterranean, USA LV, Guma, Jpn Daruma/ Fultz// Turkey Red, Jpn Sel. From Lancaster, USA Sel. From Mediterranean, USA ? from Mediterranean region, USA = Turkey Brevon //Oro// Fortyfold (syn.Goldcoin) /Federation /3/Oro// Turkey /Florence , USA. Turkey/Florence//Fortyfold/Federation, USA Sel. from Turkey, USA Sel. ?Redchaff or ?Redchaff Bald, USA Old-genesee-red-chaff (Nord-Amerika) ?, GBR Purple Straw (found in Improved Fife)/ Yandilla ?=Red Straw, Aus Improved Fife/Etawah (an Indian wheat) Sel. from Crimean, USA Sel. From Krymka, which is a LV from Crimean area, USSR. As above Federation: Named in 1901, by 1910 most popular in Aus. Made by Farrer.
EGA (Enterprise Grains Australia) Gregory Yaktana54// Norin10/ Brevor (Sel. 261C) Barleta7D/ Americano44D 38 MA/ Klein Acero, Arg Klein Vencedor/ Ardito, Arg Pitic62/ Chris sib// Sonora64, Mex Ibrido21/ Akakomugi, Ita Wilhelmina/ Rieti, Ita Frontana/ 3xThatcher/ 3/Kenya58/ Newthatch// 2xThatcher, USA Hope/ Thatcher// 2xThatcher, USA Klein-H-417-A-3/ Klein-33-AG// Sinvalocho MA/ Klein-H-33-AG LV, Fukui, Jpn Ardito/ Klein Vencedor, Arg Ciano67(sib)// Sonora64/ Klein Rendidor/3/ 8156b Ciano67/ Bluebird// Cardinal,Mex /4/Siete Cerros66/3/ Lerma Rojo64/ Inia66// Inia66/ Bluebird Brochis ? Pemjamo62/ Gabo55 Zaragoza75/ (sib)Jaral66// II-8156-B Mengavi/ 8156 Eureka,AUS/ CI12632// 2*GABO/3/ Mentana/ 6*Gabo 2*Batavia Doubled haploid line. Syn. QT4097. Very sus. to CR. Thatcher/ Agropyron-translocation// 4*Heron Pwth/ (Sib)Condor// 2*Condor Banks EGA Gregory Syn. QT10776 Bred by Dr. Phillip Banks in Qld. SR & LR res. CR mod sus Potam70 Res to RLN Inia-66(Sib)/ Napo-63 Pelsart Syn. QT4639 Aguilera x Kenya x Marroqui x Supremo x Gabo xWinglen 4*Cook Timgalen /Condor sib x Condor Penjamo 62/4*Gabo 56/2/TZPP/Nainati 60/4/2*Lerma Rojo/2/Norin 10/Brevor 14/3/3* Andes