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TEMPUS SCM C-032B06 WEST BALKAN BOLOGNA PROMOTERS NETWORK 27 – 29 September 2007 Podgorica. Department for Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology Vienna University of Technology - TU-Wien, A-1040 Wien, Austria
TEMPUS SCM C-032B06 WEST BALKAN BOLOGNA PROMOTERS NETWORK 27 – 29 September 2007 Podgorica Department for Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology Vienna University of Technology - TU-Wien, A-1040 Wien, Austria Prof. Dr. P. Herbert OSANNA Prof. Dr. M. Numan Durakbasa
Department for Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology Vienna University of Technology - TU-Wien, A-1040 Wien, Austria The task of the Department is to realize - the development, - the research, and - the education In the field of Interchangeable manufacturing, Quality management, Environmental management, Metrology, Production metrology, Nanotechnology, Nanometrology, Precision engineering, CAD/CAQ Standardisation, Certification, Accreditation, Laser metrology, Geometrical product specifications and verification, in co-operation with the industry .
Nanotechnology Laboratory of the Department for Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology Core competencies of the Nanotechnology Laboratory: - Tactile measurement technique - Optical metrology - Co-ordinate metroilogy - Micro and Nanometrology - Laser interferometry - Quality assurance / Quality management, CAD/CAQ
QM SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AT THE UNIVERSITY The Department started its work for establishing itself as a certification body for quality personnel in 1996 after having been granted with an EN/ISO 9001 certificate for quality management of educational processes by an international certification corporation in July 1995 being world wide one of the first University institutes having such a certificate. The building up of the specific quality management system with all necessary documents was a difficult task and it took the Department more than 2 years to fulfil that task.
The Department for Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology1) of the Institute of Production Engineering at Vienna University of Technology built up a specific educational system and scheme that will be of special interest for young academics - especially in the engineering field to become excellently trained quality personnel ( Fig 1). 1)Abteilung Austauschbau und Messtechnik – AuM, Institut für Fertigungstechnik, TU-Wien
The Department for Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology of TU-Wien has been successful in being accredited for the registration and certification of quality personnel according to the EOQ scheme, which is important because it opens new possibilities for educational processes at the universities. In analogy to the European harmonized scheme for quality personnel the basics of a proposal for metrologists – whereas the appropriate competences & requirements are described – exists already in a draft form of national & international standards, which are in the state of finalisation.
Higher Education - Situation in Austria UNIVERSITY STUDY The traditional degrees are the Magister and Diplom- Ingenieur. These degrees can be obtained after at least four to six years of study. Beginning with the year 2000 many curricula have already been converted into separate bachelor and master (Magister) programmes. Nominal durations Bachelor: six semesters (three years) Master : three to four semesters (1,5 – 2 years) With few exceptions all university curricula will be remodelled to this format within the next years. Doctoral programmes: Enrolment in a doctoral programme generally requires a masters level in a related field. The nominal duration of Doctoral programme is two or three years.
Situation in Austria UNIVERSITY STUDY As a result of the reforms since 1960s, the university system has changed from one serving the elite to one serving the masses. The Republic of Austria has a free and public school system, and eight years of education are mandatory. Schools offer a series of vocational-technical and university preparatory tracks involving one to four additional years of education beyond the minimum mandatory level. After the last reforms in 2003 universities have become independent juristic persons and have been given considerably more discretion by the law to act without ministerial control.
Situation in Austria Universities The university system has been free until 2001, since then studies are subject to fees (about 730 Euro per semester). 23 public and 11 private universities enjoy a high degree of autonomy and offer a full spectrum of degree programs Private Universities Accreditation of private universities started in 2001, based on a federal law. Accreditation includes the right to legally grant academic degrees. The accreditation council evaluates applicants and issues recommendations to the responsible accreditation authority. Universities of Applied Sciences – Fachhochschulen During the 1990s the Universities of Applied Sciences has been introduced, in addition to the traditional universities. The education and training at these colleges is more tailored to practically applicable professional skills. Prescribed time is usually four years.
Situation in Austria Academic degrees In Austria there is no institution comparable to the American college or to the American professional school. Students enrol in one field of studies, in which they are expected to graduate after four to six years. Since the 1970s, the first degree was the Magister in the humanities, economic and social sciences, law and natural sciences. The first degree in engineering and agriculture is the Diplom-Ingenieur. Recently, and in accordance with EU regulations, many universities have begun to introduce a Bachelor degree also, which come before the “Magister” or Master. Postgraduate degrees such as MBAs have been introduced since the 1990s. Bologna Process With the Bologna Process, Austria has committed to transform its system to the structure of distinguishing between Bachelor and Master degrees.
Situation in Austria Bologna Process With the Bologna Process, Austria has committed to transform its system to the structure of distinguishing between Bachelor and Master degrees. European Credit Transfer System Upon successful completion of everything by a particular curriculum, the relevant university degree is awarded by way of a written official notification.
Architektur - Architectur Bauingenieurwesen - Civil Engineering Elektrotechnik – Electrical Engineering Informatikmanagement – Informatikmanagement Maschinenbau – Mechanical Engineering Raumplanung u. Raumordnung - Technische Chemie – Technical Chemistry Technische Mathematik – Technical Mathematics Technische Physik – Technical Physics Verfahrenstechnik - Chemical and Process Engineering Vermessung und Geoinformation - Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Wirtschaftsinformatik - Economics and Computer Science Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Industrial Engineering Informatik – Computer Sciences
Prof. P. Herbert Osanna - Prof.Dr. M. Numan DURAKBASA Department for Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology Vienna University of Technology - TU-Wien, Karlspl. 13/3113, A-1040 Vienna, Austria. Phone: +43 1 58801 31142, Fax: +43 1 58801 31196, E-mail: durakbasa@mail.ift.tuwien.ac.at