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Finite State Machines. Resources. Sundar Rajan, Essential VHDL: RTL Synthesis Done Right Chapter 6, Finite State Machines Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Chapter 8, Synchronous Sequential Circuits. Finite State Machines.
Finite State Machines ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Resources • Sundar Rajan, Essential VHDL: RTL Synthesis • Done Right • Chapter 6, Finite State Machines • Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, • Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL • Chapter 8, Synchronous Sequential Circuits ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Finite State Machines • Any Circuit with Memory Is a Finite State Machine • Even computers can be viewed as huge FSMs • Design of FSMs Involves • Defining states • Defining transitions between states • Optimization / minimization • Above Approach Is Practical for Small FSMs Only ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore FSM (1) Inputs Transition function Next State Present State Memory (register) Output function Outputs • Output Is a Function of Present State Only ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Mealy FSM (1) Inputs Transition function Next State Present State Memory (register) Output function Outputs • Output Is a Function of a Present State and Inputs ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore Machine • Describe Outputs as Concurrent Statements Depending on State Only transition condition 1 state 2 / output 2 state 1 / output 1 transition condition 2 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Mealy Machine • Describe Outputs as Concurrent Statements Depending on State and Inputs transition condition 1 / output 1 state 2 state 1 transition condition 2 / output 2 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore vs. Mealy FSM (1) • Moore and Mealy FSMs Can Be Functionally Equivalent • Equivalent Mealy FSM can be derived from Moore FSM and vice versa • Mealy FSM Has Richer Description and Usually Requires Smaller Number of States • Smaller circuit area ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore vs. Mealy FSM (2) • Mealy FSM Computes Outputs as soon as Inputs Change • Mealy FSM responds one clock cycle sooner than equivalent Moore FSM • Moore FSM Has No Combinational Path Between Inputs and Outputs • Moore FSM is less likely to introduce delays in critical path ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore FSM - Example 1 0 1 0 S0 / 0 1 S1 / 0 S2 / 1 1 0 • Moore FSM that Recognizes Sequence 10 reset ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Mealy FSM - Example 1 • Mealy FSM that Recognizes Sequence 10 0 / 0 1 / 0 1 / 0 S0 S1 reset 0 / 1 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore & Mealy FSMs – Example 1 clock 0 1 0 0 0 input S0 S1 S2 S0 S0 Moore S0 S1 S0 S0 S0 Mealy ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
FSMs in VHDL • Finite State Machines Can Be Easily Described With Processes • Synthesis Tools Understand FSM Description If Certain Rules Are Followed • State transitions should be described in a process sensitive to clock and asynchronous reset signals only • Outputs described as concurrent statements outside the process ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
FSM States (1) architecture behavior of FSM is type state is (list of states); signal FSM_state:state; begin process(clk, reset) begin if reset = ‘1’ then FSM_state <= initial state; else case FSM_state is ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
FSM States (2) case FSM_state is when state_1 => if transition condition 1 then FSM_state <= state_1; end if; when state_2 => if transition condition 2 then FSM_state <= state_2; end if; end case; end if; end process; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore FSM - Example 1 0 1 0 S0 / 0 1 S1 / 0 S2 / 1 1 0 • Moore FSM that Recognizes Sequence 10 reset ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore FSM in VHDL type state is (S0, S1, S2); signal Moore_state: state; U_Moore: process(clock, reset) Begin if(reset = ‘1’) then Moore_state <= S0; elsif(clock = ‘1’ and clock’event) then case Moore_state is when S0 => if input = ‘1’ then Moore_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if input = ‘0’ then Moore_state <= S2; end if; when S2 => if input = ‘0’ then Moore_state <= S0; else Moore_state <= S1; end if; end case; end if; End process; Output <= ‘1’ when Moore_state = S2 else ‘0’; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Mealy FSM - Example 1 • Mealy FSM that Recognizes Sequence 10 0 / 0 1 / 0 1 / 0 S0 S1 reset 0 / 1 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Mealy FSM in VHDL type state is (S0, S1); signal Mealy_state: state; U_Mealy: process(clock, reset) Begin if(reset = ‘1’) then Mealy_state <= S0; elsif(clock = ‘1’ and clock’event) then case Mealy_state is when S0 => if input = ‘1’ then Mealy_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if input = ‘0’ then Mealy_state <= S0; end if; end case; end if; End process; Output <= ‘1’ when (Mealy_state = S1 and input = ‘0’) else ‘0’; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Reset w = 1 ¤ ¤ A z = 0 B z = 0 w = 0 w = 0 w = 1 w = 0 ¤ C z = 1 w = 1 Moore FSM – Example 2: State diagram ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Next state Present Output z state w = 0 w = 1 A A B 0 B A C 0 C A C 1 Moore FSM – Example 2: State table ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore FSM – Example 2: VHDL code (1) USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY simple IS PORT ( Clock, Resetn, w : IN STD_LOGIC ; z : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ; END simple ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF simple IS TYPE State_type IS (A, B, C) ; SIGNAL y : State_type ; BEGIN PROCESS ( Resetn, Clock ) BEGIN IF Resetn = '0' THEN y <= A ; ELSIF (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1') THEN con’t ... ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Moore FSM – Example 2: VHDL code (2) CASE y IS WHEN A => IF w = '0' THEN y <= A ; ELSE y <= B ; END IF ; WHEN B => IF w = '0' THEN y <= A ; ELSE y <= C ; END IF ; WHEN C => IF w = '0' THEN y <= A ; ELSE y <= C ; END IF ; END CASE ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; z <= '1' WHEN y = C ELSE '0' ; END Behavior ; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Alternative VHDL code (1) ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF simple IS TYPE State_type IS (A, B, C) ; SIGNAL y_present, y_next : State_type ; BEGIN PROCESS ( w, y_present ) BEGIN CASE y_present IS WHEN A => IF w = '0' THEN y_next <= A ; ELSE y_next <= B ; END IF ; WHEN B => IF w = '0' THEN y_next <= A ; ELSE y_next <= C ; END IF ; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Alternative VHDL code (2) WHEN C => IF w = '0' THEN y_next <= A ; ELSE y_next <= C ; END IF ; END CASE ; END PROCESS ; PROCESS (Clock, Resetn) BEGIN IF Resetn = '0' THEN y_present <= A ; ELSIF (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1') THEN y_present <= y_next ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; z <= '1' WHEN y_present = C ELSE '0' ; END Behavior ; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Reset ¤ w = 1 z = 0 ¤ ¤ w = 0 z = 0 w = 1 z = 1 A B ¤ w = 0 z = 0 Mealy FSM – Example 2: State diagram ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
z Next state Output Present state w = 0 w = 1 w = 0 w = 1 A A B 0 0 B A B 0 1 Mealy FSM – Example 2: State table ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Mealy FSM – Example 2: VHDL code (1) LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY mealy IS PORT ( Clock, Resetn, w : IN STD_LOGIC ; z : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ; END mealy ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF mealy IS TYPE State_type IS (A, B) ; SIGNAL y : State_type ; BEGIN PROCESS ( Resetn, Clock ) BEGIN IF Resetn = '0' THEN y <= A ; ELSIF (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1') THEN CASE y IS WHEN A => IF w = '0' THEN y <= A ; ELSE y <= B ; END IF ; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Mealy FSM – Example 2: VHDL code (2) WHEN B => IF w = '0' THEN y <= A ; ELSE y <= B ; END IF ; END CASE ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; with y select z <= '0' when A, z <= w when others; END Behavior ; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
State Encoding Problem • State Encoding Can Have a Big Influence on Optimality of the FSM Implementation • No methods other than checking all possible encodings are known to produce optimal circuit • Feasible for small circuits only • Using Enumerated Types for States in VHDL Leaves Encoding Problem for Synthesis Tool ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Types of State Encodings (1) • Binary – State Encoded as a Binary Number • Small number of used flip-flops • Potentially complex transition functions leading to slow implementations • One-Hot – Only One Bit Is Active • Number of used flip-flops as big as number of states • Simple and fast transition functions • Preferable coding technique in FPGAs ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Types of State Encodings (2) ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
A user-defined attribute for manual state assignment (ENTITY declaration not shown) ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF simple IS TYPE State_type IS (A, B, C) ; ATTRIBUTE ENUM_ENCODING : STRING ; ATTRIBUTE ENUM_ENCODING OF State_type : TYPE IS "00 01 11" ; SIGNAL y_present, y_next : State_type ; BEGIN con’t ... Figure 8.34 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Using constants for manual state assignment (1) ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF simple IS SIGNAL y_present, y_next : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); CONSTANT A : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "00" ; CONSTANT B : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "01" ; CONSTANT C : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) := "11" ; BEGIN PROCESS ( w, y_present ) BEGIN CASE y_present IS WHEN A => IF w = '0' THEN y_next <= A ; ELSE y_next <= B ; END IF ; … con’t ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
RTL Design Components Data Inputs Control Inputs Datapath Circuit Control Circuit Data Outputs ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Datapath Circuit • Provides All Necessary Resources and Interconnects Among Them to Perform Specified Task • Examples of Resources • Adders, Multipliers, Registers, Memories, etc. ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Control Circuit • Controls Data Movements in Operational Circuit by Switching Multiplexers and Enabling or Disabling Resources • Follows Some ‘Program’ or Schedule • Usually Implemented as FSM ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Control Unit Example: Arbiter (1) reset g1 r1 Arbiter g2 r2 g3 r3 clock ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Control Unit Example: Arbiter (2) 000 Reset Idle 0xx 1xx ¤ gnt1 g = 1 1 1xx x0x 01x ¤ gnt2 g = 1 2 x1x xx0 001 ¤ gnt3 g = 1 3 xx1 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Control Unit Example: Arbiter (3) r r r 1 2 3 Reset Idle r r 1 1 ¤ gnt1 g = 1 1 r r r r 1 2 1 2 ¤ gnt2 g = 1 2 r r r r r 2 3 1 2 3 ¤ gnt3 g = 1 3 r 3 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Arbiter – VHDL code (1) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY arbiter IS PORT ( Clock, Resetn : IN STD_LOGIC ; r : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO 3) ; g : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 TO 3) ) ; END arbiter ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF arbiter IS TYPE State_type IS (Idle, gnt1, gnt2, gnt3) ; SIGNAL y : State_type ; BEGIN PROCESS ( Resetn, Clock ) BEGIN IF Resetn = '0' THEN y <= Idle ; ELSIF (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1') THEN CASE y IS WHEN Idle => IF r(1) = '1' THEN y <= gnt1 ; ELSIF r(2) = '1' THEN y <= gnt2 ; ELSIF r(3) = '1' THEN y <= gnt3 ; ELSE y <= Idle ; END IF ; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Arbiter – VHDL code (2) WHEN gnt1 => IF r(1) = '1' THEN y <= gnt1 ; ELSE y <= Idle ; END IF ; WHEN gnt2 => IF r(2) = '1' THEN y <= gnt2 ; ELSE y <= Idle ; END IF ; WHEN gnt3 => IF r(3) = '1' THEN y <= gnt3 ; ELSE y <= Idle ; END IF ; END CASE ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; g(1) <= '1' WHEN y = gnt1 ELSE '0' ; g(2) <= '1' WHEN y = gnt2 ELSE '0' ; g(3) <= '1' WHEN y = gnt3 ELSE '0' ; END Behavior ; ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) Charts ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Algorithmic State Machine Algorithmic State Machine – representation of a Finite State Machine suitable for FSMs with a larger number of inputs and outputs compared to FSMs expressed using state diagrams and state tables. ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Elements used in ASM charts (1) State name Output signals 0 (False) 1 (True) Condition or actions expression (Moore type) (a) State box (b) Decision box Conditional outputs or actions (Mealy type) (c) Conditional output box ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Elements used in ASM charts (2) • State box – represents a state. Equivalent to a node in a state diagram or a row in a state table. Moore type outputs are listed inside of the box. It is customary to write only the name of the signal that has to be asserted in the given state, e.g., z instead of z=1. Also, it might be useful to write an action to be taken, e.g., Count = Count + 1, and only later translate it to asserting a control signal that causes a given action to take place. ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Elements used in ASM charts (3) • Decision box – indicates that a given condition is to be tested and the exit path is to be chosen accordingly The condition expression consists of one or more inputs to the FSM. • Conditional output box – denotes output signals that are of the Mealy type. The condition that determines whether such outputs are generated is specified in the decision box. ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Reset w = 1 ¤ ¤ A z = 0 B z = 0 w = 0 w = 0 w = 1 w = 0 ¤ C z = 1 w = 1 Moore FSM – Example 1: State diagram ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
ASM Chart for Moore FSM – Example 1 ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab
Reset ¤ w = 1 z = 0 ¤ ¤ w = 0 z = 0 w = 1 z = 1 A B ¤ w = 0 z = 0 Mealy FSM – Example 2: State diagram ECE 449 – Computer Design Lab