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Analytical History & Evolutionary Economics 2005 Spring (2 Credits)

Analytical History & Evolutionary Economics 2005 Spring (2 Credits). Prof. Chen Ping China Center for Economic Research, Peking University http://pchen.ccer.edu.cn http://pchen.ccer.edu.cn/bbs. 北京大学 中国经济研究中心 陈平教授. 分析历史学与演化经济学 2005 年春季研究生和双学位选修课(全校公选课 : 2 学分)

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Analytical History & Evolutionary Economics 2005 Spring (2 Credits)

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  1. Analytical History & Evolutionary Economics2005 Spring (2 Credits) Prof. Chen Ping China Center for Economic Research, Peking University http://pchen.ccer.edu.cn http://pchen.ccer.edu.cn/bbs

  2. 北京大学 中国经济研究中心 陈平教授 • 分析历史学与演化经济学 • 2005年春季研究生和双学位选修课(全校公选课: 2学分) • 时间:每周六晚 10-12节(17:50-21:00),地点: 理教117。

  3. Teaching InformationFeb.22 • 助教:李鑫,Email: kokinwor@sohu.com • [教科书] • 陈平,文明分岔,经济混沌,与演化经济动力学,北京大学出版社,北京(2004)。 • [评分标准]课堂笔记整理60%,个人与小组独立研究30%,课堂与网上论坛讨论10%。有创见者加分。

  4. Interdisciplinary Dialogue in Historical Analysis: A New Perspective in Studying History • Movie: The mystery of Egyptian pyramid • New issue and evidence: Pyramid was built by slaves? • DNA test and evidence of professional family craftsmen • Quantitative estimation of the number of workers for pyramid construction • Engineering innovation and division of labor

  5. Video: Chen Ping’s lecture: Why China was so difficult to develop division of labor? • Joseph Needham’s Question: Why modern science emerged in West Europe not in China? • Mao’s military strategy and the role of grain production • Marvin Harris: Cultural materialism • From Smith Dilemma to complexity science

  6. Stories Behind China’s Reform Policy • From land war based on people’s power to commerce war based on modern navy/technology • Criticize grain production first policy to changing development strategy • Family contract system and breaking-up people’s commune system • Joseph Needham, Lu Guizhen, and Ray Huang (Huang Renyu)

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