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METASCIENCE. SCIENCE AND BEYOND SCIENCE. To know the reality, you must enter the kingdom of Metascience, beyond the mind. That is possible only if you enter the dimension of a collective higher consciousness through the Self-realization”.
To know the reality, you must enter the kingdom of Metascience, beyond the mind. That is possible only if you enter the dimension of a collective higher consciousness through the Self-realization”
POSSIBLE SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONS TO WHICH THE METASCIECE MAY ANSWER WOULD BE: • What are we? • From where do we come? • What is the purpose of our existence? • What controls our transformation from the stage of a cell until getting to be so perfect? • Why the fetus does not undergo a crisis of rejection as a transplant does? • What decided our genes? • What triggers labor and monitors all changes in both the fetus in its mother to ensure that the birth will happen? • Why the sacrum bone is called so? • What makes the heart beat, lungs breathe and digest the food? • What is the autonomous nervous system? What is the auto? • Why diseases occur? • Why do we not succeed in eliminating completely the true causes of disease? ... And so on.
At the age of 16 days in the embryo a primitive central line appeared (one does not know how) around which the first cells begin to develop
The first cells of the heart are formed in the area which later would become the cephalic end (head). This explains the localization of the heart chakra at the top of the head.
The migration of cardiac cells until the final position of the heart
When the fetus is between two and three months of age, a beam of consciousness comes, issued by the omnipresent Divine Love, flowing through his brain and enlightening it
"The divine energy is refracted due to the double layer of the brain and continues as energy R along two lines that intersect each other. The resulting R part is absorbed in the nervous system as X, and the remaining energy Y goes out of the brain and creates the swelling of the ego and superego (conditionings): Y is the energy that reacts. The two bulges cover the limbic area and create bubble of thoughts. So the mind controls us, while the reality remains outside, and escapes us”.
Autonomous nervous system The energy R then divided itself into four parts that corresponded perfectly to the four parts of the nervous system which are: • The parasympathetic nervous system (central channel - Sushumna Nadi); • The right sympathetic nervous system (right channel - Pingala Nadi); • The left sympathetic nervous system (left channel - Ida Nadi); • The central nervous system.
The beam of rays falling on the fontanel bone penetrated the center, then moved directly into the medulla oblongata through the central channel called Sushumna The Kundalini is wound three and a half times around itself in the sacrum bone
THE SUBTLE SYSTEM The Kundalini energy The sacrum bone
WHEN EVERYTHING IS PERFECTLY CREATED THE FETUS IS BORN. Why the fetus is not expelled as all other foreign bodies?What determines these times?
The limbic system The parasympathic nervous system Sushumna nadi The chiasma opticalis The cervical plexus The sympathetic nervous system Pingala nadi Ida nadi The cardiac plexus The celiac plexus The aortic plexus The pelvic plexus The subtle body = The autonomous nervous system
The interruption in the parasympathetic nervous system (Sushumna Nadi) at the umbilical region was the main obstacle that made every type of research and access to the parasympathetic so difficult and fruitless THE PARASYMPATHETIC = THE CENTRAL CHANNEL • Medicine does not control it • Involuntary • Essential for life • Reflexive
"At the time of cutting the umbilical cord at birth, the central channel, Sushumna Nadi, is interrupted in the abdominal portion. At the first passage of the Kundalini energy the center channel recovers its entirety.” PARASYMPATHETIC = CENTRAL CHANNEL
THE SYMPATHETIC = LEFT OR RIGHT CHANNEL There is a difference between the sympathetic on the left(inhibitory) and on the right(excitatory) Psychologists have discovered a different behavior of the two cerebral hemispheres, a different mode of their operation, locating the rational, mathematical mental activity in the left hemisphere (ego), and the intuitive mental activity in right (superego) hemisphere.
So why acetylcholine and adrenaline, which have stable structure, have opposite functions in different conditions? We acknowledge the functional differences between the two cerebral hemispheres, but do not acknowledge the functional differences between the two sides of the sympathetic. Right hemisphere Controls the right sife of the body Left hemisphere Controls the left side of the body
posterior anterior • Indifference • Apathy • Hypersomnia • Excitation • Alarm • Insomnia Left channel Right channel THE HYPOTHLAMUS (Agnya chakra) is located at the point where the two side channels intersect, the right passes to the front and left to the back The hypothalamic lesions caused various diseases. Just as the symptoms caused by too much use of the two side channels
THE CHIASMA OPTICALIS (AGNYA CHAKRA) Is the point of intersection of the two optic nerves
ANOTHER ASPECT OF THE AGNYA CHAKRA. The back aspect of the Agnya is represented by "decussatio pyramidum" where is the junction between nerve fibers of the nerves for the upper and lower body.
The human brain is shaped like a prism that refracts the ingoing beam of energy in four parts.
Limbic area (SAHASRARA) THE SAGITTAL SECTION OF THE BRAIN Its role can be defined as the integration of somatic and visceral afferents with the psychosensory processes and psychological functions.
“Corona radiata” THE SAGITTAL SECTION OF THE BRAIN Limbic area = Sahasrara
Limbic area Sahasrara 1 – Corona radiata 10 – Chiasma opticalis
"The most important center is the Sahasrara which has thousand petals. Actually there are thousands of nerves, cutting across the brain we can see that all these brain structures are like lotus petals, and form thousand petals."
Imbalance BALANCE = HEALTH Malfunctioning autonomous nervous system Disease THE SUBTLE BODY The balance between the left and right sympathetic determines the state of the parasympathetic
Stroke Left or right paralysis Hypoglycemia Hot right and left Agnya Skin diseases Allergy Hot right Vishuddi Asthma. Tachicardia Infarctus (due to excessive work) Hot right heart Liver = Cirrhosis, cancer Spleen = Leukemia Kidney = Renal failure Pancreas = Diabetes Stomach = Ulcer, cancer Colon = Constipation Womb/Prostate = Sterility / disfunctions Fever, insomnia Bacterial infections Hot liver (steals energy from the organs) Hot right Swadisthan Too much physical and/or mental activity EXCESSIVE RIGHT CHANNEL Lethargic left heart
Angina Low blood pressure Infarctus (due to clogging) Lethargic left heart (the heart does not pump well) Muscles = Polio / osteomyelitis Lungs = Tuberculosis Viral infections Paralysis Mental disorders (schizophrenia) Lethargic liver Multiple sclerosis Pyelitis General disease without fever Spondylosis, sciatica Lethargic organs Cancer EXCESSIVE LEFT CHANNEL
THE CELL IN ITS MEMBRANE HAS PROTEINS CALLED RECEPTORS The receptors are crucial for communication between a cell and the next. They are able to recognize and interpret information and biochemical signals from elsewhere.
Dr. Mishra said: "In December 1988 I attended a lecture by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Sahaja Yoga and immediately the mysterious combi-nation of the cell membrane began to make sense. The description of the seven chakras of the subtle body in Sahaja Yoga is not only explaining the seven cross domains of the protein receptor, but also many other aspects of physiological and pharmacological principles such as communication between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.
The receptor seems to be a mini representation of the seven subtle chakras in the shape of seven open loops. The alteration or twisting of one of the seven spirals may be responsible for the altered / abnormal cell function that results in the development of various diseases.
This type of receptiors are involved in diseases like: HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HEART DISEASES DEPRESSION LIVER DISEASES STRESS DISORDER RENAL DYSFUNCTION MENTAL, NEUROLOGICAL, PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS… The disease will develop depending on the type of affected receptor (the dopamine receptor leads to schizophrenia, the adrenergic receptor leads to heart problems ....)
THE SUBTLE BODY CONTROLS THE PHYSICAL BODY. Sahaja Yoga offers a cure based on the energy aspects of the body, on the roots. Modern medicine treats the result Good roots = Best results
“This inner being that is our awareness is the Energy of the Divine Love. Both the evolution and the manifestation of material energy are guided by the supreme energy of Divine Love. We do not know how much this energy is powerful and intelligent. The silent work of awareness is so automatic, meticulous, dynamic and extended, that we would ultimately see it as something absolutely natural.” “The initial manifestation of this energy consisted in silent vibrations that pulse, and after the Realization we can perceive them within ourselves.”
"There is no disease that can not be cured in Sahaja Yoga. Even genetic diseases can be cured once the Kundalini is awakened.” Shri Mataji has treated various types of tumors, cancer, AIDS Important results were obtained in the treatment of patients who used Sahaja Yoga to cure diseases.
SAHAJA YOGA CURES THE STRESS • Using Sahaj meditation, the experiments show the decrease of the parameters that were typically increased with stress: • The blood pressure • Cardiac and respiratory rate • The lactic acid in blood • The urinary acid vanilmandelic • Meditation increases the galvanic skin resistance as an index of a state of relaxation.
Group # 1 Group # 2 TSA is too low, can not be measured After 10 days TSA has not changed THE THYMUS (CENTER HEART) PRODUCED ANTIBODIES Thymic activity decreases with age and disease. This is measured in the blood(TSA) Thymic cells decrease their activity in the absence of the thymus. THYMECTOMY In the absence of the thymus gland, while stimulating the cell self-regulation with the photo of Shri Mataji, the value of the TSA remains constant. Dr. Selezneva Tatyana - Kiev
SAHAJA YOGA IN EPILEPSY TREATMENT Excellent results have been obtained in preventing seizures after cessation of drug treatment, with only the use of techniques Sahaj. At Lady Hardinge Medical College and the Institute of Physiology, New Delhi beneficial effects were observed in the treatment of essential hypertension, bronchial asthma and epilepsy.
Siberian Sahaja Yogi scientists of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have proved that during Sahaja meditation, when attention is directed to a specific chakra or a Bandhan is given to the same chakra, electroencephalographic activity (EEG) undergoes significant changes in its encephalic area that corresponded to the location of this chakra at the level of Sahasrara.
SAHAJA YOGA AND BRONCHIAL ASTHMA The skin temperature at the liver level was compared with that found on the skin in the right iliac fossa. After 4 months of Sahaj meditation, the skin temperature at the right iliac fossa has decreased considerably.
On January 29, 2002, BBC said: At the British University Hospital Sahaj meditation was used by patients who accused breathing difficulties in bronchial asthma. After four months of treatment with Sahaj meditation patients who have stopped taking regular medication - usually without effect - breathe better. Doctors say that this method, that is, Sahaja Yoga, can be considered a valid alternative method in addition to drug therapy (even, author’s note) and not a substitute for conventional methods. According to scientists, Sahaj method improves the lives of asthma patients, because simple relaxation exercises improved the respiratory function that becomes regular, acting also upon the emotional lives of patients.
On 28 August 2001, researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center have published an article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences under the title "The discovery of a single gene alteration that causes cancer" They studied patients with AIDS who develop lymphoma.
It was noted that the cells have a regression in their maturation, multiplying without being conscious of their role in the system, so disconnected they were with the whole. That's what about 30 years ago Shri Mataji revealed and explained how cells losing connection with everything (being attacked by the "negativity"), take their self development, thus creating tumors.