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The Complexity of Optimization Problems. Summary. Complexity of algorithms and problems Complexity classes: P and NP Reducibility Karp reducibility Turing reducibility NP-complete problems Complexity of optimization problems Classes PO and NPO NP-hard optimization problems.
Summary • Complexity of algorithms and problems • Complexity classes: P and NP • Reducibility • Karp reducibility • Turing reducibility • NP-complete problems • Complexity of optimization problems • Classes PO and NPO • NP-hard optimization problems
Uniform and logarithmic cost • Uniform cost: the overall number of instructions executed by the algorithm before halting • Logarithmic cost:each instruction has a cost depending on the number of bits of the operands • E.g. product of two n-bit integer costs O(nlogn) • Same for space measure (but we will talk only of time measure)
Example: xy • Uniform cost: 2+3y • Logarithmic cost: aylogy+by2logx(logy+loglogx)+c begin r:=1; whiley 0 do begin r:=r*x; y:=y-1 end; return r end.
Worst case analysis • Instances of the same size may result in different execution costs (e.g. sorting) • Cost of applying the algorithm on the worst case instance of a given size • Gives certainty that the algorithm will perform its task within the established time bound • It is easier to determine
Input size • Size of input: number of bits needed to present the specific input • Existence of encoding scheme which is used to describe any problem instance • For any pair of natural encoding schemes and for any instance x, the resulting strings are polynomially related • I.e., |ei(x)| pi,j(|ej(x)|) and |ej(x)| pi,j(|ei(x)|) • Avoid unary base encoding
Asymptotic Analysis • Let t(x) be the running time of algorithm A on input x. The worst case running time of A is given by t(n)=max(t(x) | x such that |x| n) • Upper bound: A has complexity O(f(n)) if t(n) is O(f(n)) (that is, we ignore constants) • Lower bound: A has complexity (f(n)) if t(n) is (f(n))
Complexity of a problem • A problem P • has a complexity lower bound(f(n)) if any algorithm for P has complexity (f(n)) • has a complexity upper boundO(f(n)) if an algorithm for P exists with complexity O(f(n))
Decision problems • Set of instances partitioned into a YES-subset and a NO-subset • Given an instance x, decide which subset x belongs to • A decision problem P is solved by an algorithm A if, for every instance, A halts and returns YES if and only if the instance belongs to the YES-subset
Complexity Classes • For any function f(n), TIME(f(n)) is the set of decision problems which can be solved with a time complexity O(f(n)) • P = the union of TIME(nk) for all k • EXPTIME = the union of TIME (2nk) for all k • P is contained in EXPTIME • It is possible to prove (by diagonalization) that EXPTIME is not contained in P
Examples • SATISFYING TRUTH ASSIGNMENT: given a CNF formula Fand a truth assignment f, does f satisfy F? • SATISFYING TRUTH ASSIGNMENT is in P • SATISFIABILITY (simply, SAT): given a CNF formula F, is F satisfiable? • SAT is in EXPTIME. • Open problem: SAT is in P?
Class NP • A problem P is in class NP if there exist a polynomial p and a polynomial-time algorithm A such that, for any instance x, x is a YES-instance if and only if there exists a string y with |y| p(|x|) such that A(x,y) returns YES • y is said to be a certificate • Example: SAT is in NP (the certificate is a truth assignment that satisfies the formula) • P is contained in NP (the certificate is the computation of the polynomial-time algorithm)
Non-deterministic algorithms: SAT begin for each variable v guess Boolean value f(v); iff satisfies Fthenreturn YES elsereturn NO end. (v1orv2or (notv3)) and ((notv1) or (notv2) orv3)
Non-deterministic algorithms and NP begin guess string y with |y| p(|x|); ifA(x,y) returns YES thenreturn YES elsereturn NO end. Every problem in NP admits a polynomial-time non-deterministic algorithm Each computation path, which returns YES, is a certificate of polynomial length that can be checked in polynomial time Every problem that admits a polynomial-time non-deterministic algorithm is in NP
Karp reducibility • A decision problem P1 is Karp reducible to a decision problem P2 (in short, P1 P2) if there exists a polynomial-time computable function R such that, for any x, x is a YES-instance of P1 if and only if R(x) is a YES-instance of P2 • If P1 P2 and P2 is in P, then P1 is in P
Example: {0,1}-Linear programming • SAT {0,1}-LINEAR PROGRAMMING • For each Boolean variable v of a CNF Boolean formula F, we introduce a {0,1}-valued variable z • For each clause l1or l2or … or lk of F, we introduce the inequality z1+ z2 + … + zk 1, where zi= z if li= v and zi= (1-z) if li= not v • E.g. (v1orv2or (notv3)) and ((notv1) or (notv2) orv3) is transformed into the following two inequalities: z1+z2+(1-z3) 1 and(1-z1)+(1-z2) +z3 1 • If f is a truth assignment, let g be the natural corresponding {0,1}-value assignment (0=FALSE,1=TRUE) • f satisfies F if and only g satisfies all inequalities
Turing reducibility • A decision problem P1 is Turing reducible to a decision problem P2 if there exists a polynomial-time algorithm R solving P1 such that R may access to an oracle algorithm solving P2 • If P1 P2 then P1 is Turing reducible to P2
Example: Equivalent formulas • SAT is Turing reducible to EQUIVALENT FORMULAS • Given a CNF Boolean formula F, query the oracle with input F and xand (not x) • If the oracle answers YES, then F is not satisfiable, otherwise F is satisfiable • It is not known whether SAT is Karp reducible to EQUIVALENT FORMULAS
NP-complete problems • A decision problem P is NP-complete if P is in NP and, for any decision problem P1 in NP, P1 P • If P is NP-complete and P is in P, then P=NP • NP-complete problems are the hardest in NP • P versus NP question can be solved by focusing on an NP-complete problem • Cook’s Theorem: SAT is NP-complete
Optimization problem • Optimization problem P characterized by • Set of instances I • Function SOL that associates to any instance the set of feasible solutions • Measure function m that, for any feasible solution, provides its positive integer value • Goal, that is, either MAX or MIN • An optimal solution is a feasible solution y* such thatm(x,y*) = Goal{m(x,y) | yÎ SOL(x)} • For any instance x, m*(x) denotes optimal measure
MINIMUM VERTEX COVER • INSTANCE: Graph G=(V,E) • SOLUTION: A subset U of V such that, for any edge (u,v), either u is in U or v is in U • MEASURE: Cardinality of U
Three problems in one • Constructive problem: given an instance, compute an optimal solution and its value • We will study these problems • Evaluation problem: given an instance, compute the optimal value • Decision problem: given an instance and an integer k, decide whether the optimal value is at least (if Goal=MAX) or at most (if Goal=MIN) k
Class NPO • Optimization problems such that • I is recognizable in polynomial time • Solutions are polynomially bounded and recognizable in polynomial time • m is computable in polynomial time • Example: MINIMUM VERTEX COVER • Theorem : If P is in NPO, then the corresponding decision problem is in NP
Class PO • NPO problems solvable in polynomial time • Example: MINIMUM PATH • An optimization problem P is NP-hard if any problem in NP is Turing reducible to P • Theorem: If the decision problem corresponding to a NPO problem P is NP-complete, then P is NP-hard • Example: MINIMUM VERTEX COVER • Corollary: If P NP then PO NPO
Evaluating versus constructing • Decision problem is Turing reducible to evaluation problem • Evaluation problem is Turing reducible to constructive problem • Evaluation problem is Turing reducible to decision problem • Binary search on space of possible measure values • Is constructive problem Turing reducible to evaluation problem?
MAXIMUM SATISFIABILITY • INSTANCE: CNF Boolean formula, that is, set C of clauses over set of variables V • SOLUTION: A truth-assignment f to V • MEASURE: Number of satisfied clauses
Evaluating versus constructing: MAX SAT begin for each variable v begin k := MAX SATeval(x); xTRUE:= formula obtained by setting v to TRUE in x; xFALSE:= formula obtained by setting v to FALSE in x; if MAX SATeval(xTRUE) = kthen begin f(v) := TRUE; x := xTRUE end else begin f(v) := FALSE; x := xFALSE end; return f end. Theorem: if the decision problem is NP-complete, then the constructive problem is Turing reducible to the decision problem