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This training product is dedicated to the memory of CHAPLAIN (COLONEL) DAVID L. (“Pilgrim”) HOWARD 15 June 1948 - 28 January 1997 Beloved… Chaplain Ranger Soldier Husband Father Brother Friend < > MAIN MENU EXIT
TRAINING OBJECTIVES • Terminal Learning Objective (TLO): Review chaplain duties at military funerals, memorial ceremonies, and memorial services in field or garrison. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Training Objectives - continued • Enabling Learning Objective (ELO) 1: Perform memorial services & ceremonies. • ELO2: Conduct a funeral service with full honors for a cremation. • ELO3: Review requirements for various types of wartime burials. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
MISSION Honoring the dead is one of the most critical and visible tasks that you and your chaplain assistant will perform as a Unit Ministry Team (UMT).It is the very heart and soul of the Army Chaplaincy. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Mission - cont’d • Honoring the dead highlights the chaplain's primary roles during: military funerals, memorial services, and ceremonies to ensure that they are done with dignity, professionalism, and spiritual sensitivity. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
CHAPLAIN’S TWO-FOLD ROLE Every chaplain has a TWO-FOLD role as clergy and staff officer. CLERGY STAFF Each duty has specific responsibilities in funerals and memorials < > MAIN MENU EXIT
CLERGY DUTIES • As CLERGY the chaplain is responsible for the religious aspects of the funeral service. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
STAFF DUTIES • As SPECIAL STAFF OFFICER the chaplain will PERFORM the chaplain’s portion of the military honors. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
THE ROLE OF THE CHAPLAIN ASSISTANT • Consults local SOPs and regulations. • Prepares and ensures accuracy of bulletins • Arranges chapel IAW the chaplain’s guidance. • Liaison with command, chapel staff, and funeral detail. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Assignment of Duty • The chaplain assigned to funeral duty by the Installation Chaplain’s Office (using a funeral roster). • After being assigned, the chaplain contacts: • Next higher UMT • Unit Command • Casualty Assistance Officer NCO (CAO/NCO) • Honor Guard • Funeral Director • Immediate Family < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Death Notification Process • The chaplain should never BE the notification officer. • This would hinder ministry to the bereaved. • The chaplain ACCOMPANIES the Notification Officer as part of the team. This benefits the team members and the bereaved alike. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
The Grief Process(Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross) • Persons in grief usually go through certain stages: • Denial • Anger • Bargaining • Depression • Acceptance < > MAIN MENU EXIT
The Grief Process - cont’d • DENIAL: Refusal to believe the loved one is gone. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
The Grief Process - cont’d • ANGER: Often directed toward God, and caregivers (doctors, family, etc.) who “could have saved” the deceased. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
The Grief Process - cont’d • BARGAINING: Trying to make a deal with God to make the death not be true. This sort of “magical thinking” is very much like denial. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
The Grief Process - cont’d • DEPRESSION: This may include a sense that one’s own identity has been lost if one’s perception of self is tied to the dead person. Depression sometimes leads to suicide. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
The Grief Process - cont’d • ACCEPTANCE: The person has finally “come to grips” with the loss of the loved one. Life is able to “go on”, different, but enjoyable in a new way. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Planning the Funeral • The primary responsibility for planning the funeral rests with the Next-of-Kin (NOK). • The chaplain makes every effort to comply with family desires, as regulation and protocol permit. • If the family requests military honors, either military or civilian clergy may conduct them. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
When Civilian Clergy Officiates The chaplain may • Assist in conducting the funeral service. • Act as an escort. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
FUNERAL PROCEDURES • Chapel Service • Graveside Service < > MAIN MENU EXIT
All Military Face the Casket and Salute: • At the sound of Honors. • While the casket is moved. • During cannon salutes. • During the firing of volleys. • While Taps is played. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
FULL MILITARY HONORSMilitary Funeral Includes at least (depending on resources available): • Flag draped over casket or with an urn • Bugler (for Taps) • Military Pallbearers • Firing Party • Military Chaplain • Escort appropriate to the grade of the deceased < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Arrival of the Casket • Funeral OIC/NCOIC checks casket for proper placement of flag. • Blue field covers area over deceased’s left shoulder. • The chaplain stands curbside and salutes as the casket passes by on, and is removed from, the hearse. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Seating of Family Members Family members sit in chairs /pews on the right front of the chapel. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Entering the Chapel - Chaplain Leads • The chaplain leads the procession into the chapel by walking slowly and reverently in front of the casket. • Funeral Pall (if used) is placed on the casket. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Entering the Chapel - Pallbearers • The pallbearers position the casket according to the chaplain's instructions. • If civilian ushers take the casket to and from the altar, pallbearers remain in the narthex or foyer. Pallbearers who are friends of the family will move into the pews or chairs to the left. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Inside ChapelUniforms and Vestments • The chaplain may wear appropriate denominational vestments or uniform. • Other soldiers wear EMPTY pistol belts. • Fulfills the requirement to be “under arms” < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Order of Funeral Service The Order of Service is according to: • The desires of the Next-of-Kin. • The family’s faith tradition. • The chaplain’s religious orientation. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Processional from the Chapel • The chaplain leads the procession out of the chapel. • Two pallbearers turn the casket. • The chaplain stops in the Narthex to face the casket. • If a funeral pall is used, the pallbearers will place the flag on the casket. • The chaplain leads casket out of the chapel and stands curbside. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Casket Placed in Hearse/Caisson • Casket placed in hearse/caisson. • Chaplain and Funeral OIC/NCOIC stand at attention and salute casket. • If wearing vestments, the chaplain may change into uniform prior to graveside service. • Chaplain joins official party at grave site. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Processional from ChapelArlington National Cemetery • Colors (SGM and above) • Caisson (SGM and above) • Caparisoned Horse (COL or Above) • Honorary Pallbearers (if requested by the family) • Army Band (Full band - All Warrant Officers & All Commissioned Officers; Bugler and Drummers -SGM) • Cannon Volleys (Major General and above) • Personal Colors (Major General and above) • Honor Guard Escort (SGM and above) < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Order of Processional to Graveside • Funeral escort commander • Army band* • Colors* • Honorary pallbearers • Clergy • Hearse or Caisson • Pallbearers • Personal flag* • Caparisoned Horse* • Family • Friends *Ifauthorized < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Processional to Cemetery < > MAIN MENU EXIT
At the Gravesite < > MAIN MENU EXIT
At the CemeteryCurbside • Chaplain and the OIC/NCOIC arrive early and stand at the curbside to await the arrival of the casket. • The casket is saluted as it arrives. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
At the CemeteryGreeting the Family • If the chaplain's first meeting with the family is at the cemetery, condolences may be offered at this time. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
At Committal Site • Chaplain salutes as Hearse/Caisson passes. • Chaplain comes to “Order Arms” and takes a position in front of the casket. • Chaplain leads the processional to the grave site. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Chaplain’s Position for Committal Service • Chaplain stands at the head of the casket facing the deceased’s family members and the casket (side with blue field of the flag). • Chaplain may wear head covering at the ceremony. • If the chaplain removes head covering, so should all other military personnel, except the official participants. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Jewish Services • When the officiating chaplain is a rabbi and wears a yarmulke (Jewish skull cap), all personnel remain covered. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Position of Pallbearers at Committal Service Once the casket is placed on lowering device: • The pallbearers remain facing the casket, holding flag raised in a horizontal position, waist high. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
The Committal Service • Brief committal service with selected readings and prayer. • The religious portion of graveside service at the discretion of the officiating chaplain's faith practice. • Contact a local religious leader for religious practices outside your faith group. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Catholic Committal Services If holy water or ashes are to be used during the Catholic committal service, the chaplain tells the pallbearers prior to the service. < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Conclusion of Graveside Service • The chaplain gives a prearranged signal to Funeral OIC/NCOIC to alert the official party that religious portion of service is completed. • Funeral OIC/NCOIC begins military honors with: • The firing of volleys • Sounding of Taps • Folding of the flag < > MAIN MENU EXIT
Pallbearers raise the flag and hold it over the casket in a horizontal position, waist high, until Taps is sounded. Do not let the flag touch the casket. Fold the flag, using the steps below: 1. Fold the lower, striped section of the flag over the blue field. FOLDED EDGE 2. Fold the folded edge over to meet the open edge. OPEN EDGE FOLDED EDGE FOLDING THE FLAG < > MAIN MENU EXIT
OPEN EDGE FOLDED EDGE 3. Start a triangular fold by bringing the striped corner of the folded edge to the open edge. 4. Fold the outer point inward, parallel with the open edge to form a second triangle. 5. Continue folding until the entire length of the flag is folded into a triangle with only the blue field and margin showing. 6. Tuck the remaining margin into the pocket formed by the folds at the blue edge of the flag. 7. Be sure the flag resembles a cocked hat. FOLDING THE FLAG - cont’d < > MAIN MENU EXIT