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ICT in PE. Cumbria PE Development Day. June 8 th 2010. Workshop Content. Using ICT as a Head of PE to inspire and raise the profile of your subject across the school and community Sporting Videos PE TV Websites. Barriers/ Solutions Classroom Practical.
ICT in PE Cumbria PE Development Day June 8th 2010
Workshop Content Using ICT as a Head of PE to inspire and raise the profile of your subject across the school and community Sporting Videos PE TV Websites Barriers/ Solutions Classroom Practical Using ICT to accelerate learning for examination classes (A level/ Btec & GCSE) Blogs Podcasts Smartboards VLE Starters/ Plenary & Learning Games Things to consider as a Head of PE Departmental Planning Staff Training Functional Skills Using ICT to accelerate learning in a practical lesson Flip cameras You Tube Sharing Good Practice
Using ICT to accelerate learning in the classroom Blogs Podcasts Smartboards (Starters/ Plenary & Learning Games) VLE
Smart Boards for PE Starters/ Plenary & Learning Games
Using ICT to accelerate learning in a practical setting Ipod Nike Sensor – Have students bring their Ipods to class or buy a class set. Students then attach a Nike Sensor to their shoe which communicates and records their physical activity. Students records are then sent to their own website where they can view and track their training progress and compete against others from all over the world. Pedometers- Students to record steps. Inter class comps. Analysis of movement in games, link to calories and food. http://public.schoolsonthemove.co.uk/
Flip Video Cameras • The easiest video camera in the world • Simply point and shoot to record • Flick out the USB arm and plug directly into your computer • Transfer the movie files and watch directly from your computer • Upload to Youtube etc
Youtubewww.youtube.com • The number one online resource for teachers. • Search millions of sport related videos. • Perfect for discussion of countless concepts • A free and unlimited space to host your own videos. Within minutes they can be online and shared with the world or shared with your students. • Create your own playlists for easy access or embed in your blog/ on your website
Google Docs - Forms Lets your create forms which can be filled out online Emailed to one another All entered data is put into one place as a spreadsheet HR data, athletics data etc... http://tinyurl.com/yedpw4r
Things to consider as a Head of PE Departmental Planning Functional Skills Introduced from September. Concerned with improving the functionality of numeracy, literacy and ICT within the foundation subjects. OFSETD will look for this when they inspect. Staff Training An audit of skills is useful when developing any ICT programme. Consider how and when to build this into your programme of INSET. Confidence is sometimes the problem!
Using ICT as a Head of PE to inspire and raise the profile of your subject across the school and community Websites- Community Hub PE TV Sporting Videos- Use movie maker, pinnacle or photo story
Sharing Good Practice Over lunch please put your sharing good practice post its on the wall for all to share!
Useful Websites Great for starters and/ or concept maps. http://www.wordle.net/ For use with a class Wii fit curriculum or extra curricular club http://howfitarewii.wetpaint.com Photo story excellent for quick photo displays http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/default.mspx Useful to edit You Tube Videos http://tubechop.com Great for starters / mind maps / discussion http://www.wordle.net PE Geek website, lots of ideas and innovative use of ICT in PE http://mrrobbo.wordpress.com/2010/05 National Strategy website for functional skills http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/326671?uc=force_uj
Any Help Needed? Kpigdon@williamhoward.cumbria.sch.uk Thanks for Listening