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Technology of WWII

Technology of WWII. By: John & Felix. Objectives By the end of this presentation you should be able to:. Compare and contrast the differences in ground warfare in WWI and WWII Describe submarines and battleships Describe how technology influenced the war in the air and sea(RADAR/SONAR)

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Technology of WWII

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  1. Technology of WWII By: John & Felix

  2. ObjectivesBy the end of this presentation you should be able to: • Compare and contrast the differences in ground warfare in WWI and WWII • Describe submarines and battleships • Describe how technology influenced the war in the air and sea(RADAR/SONAR) • State the significance of secret codes used during WWII (Enigma and decoding)

  3. Ground Warfare • The infantry was a very strong power because of their new weapons like rocket launchers or improved machine guns • Infantry was replaced more and more by airplanes and tanks • Germany had the best tanks • Big role in the Blitzkrieg

  4. Warfare technology in the seas • During WWII great changes in naval warfare took place • Rapid growth in use and capability of subs • Anti-submarine technologies quickly employed. (SONAR) • Aircraft carrier ships were well used by the United States, British, and Japanese navies. • Aircraft carriers became the backbone/premier ships in navies

  5. Battleships • WWII was when battle ships were at their prim use, before becoming outdated by aircraft carriers • Battleships could fire shells over 32 KM • Next round would be fired before the pervious one landed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8aH-M3PzM0 u.s navy vintage fire control computers

  6. USS Missouri at sea in her 1980s configuration

  7. Battleship Missouri in Pearl Harbor 2011 Main battery

  8. Submarines • German submarines (U-Boats or Unterseeboot (undersea boat)) became increasingly capable • Often traveled in “wolf packs” after the advent of ASDIC (SONAR) and RADAR • Major component in the battle for the Atlantic • Very space efficient, (cramped) • Towards the end of the war the life expectancy of a U-boat crewman was about 60 days

  9. A Type VII and a Type IX submarine (U-boat) U-175 Sinking of U-175 U-234

  10. Diving station on the USS COD SS-224 World War II Fleet Submarine Torpedo room. USS COD SS-224 World War II Fleet Submarine Levers control the flow of electric power from the generators to the motors and batteries. USS COD SS-224 World War II Fleet Submarine

  11. Galley (kitchen). USS COD SS-224 World War II Fleet Submarine. Cleveland,

  12. Inside the Italian submarine Enrico Toti: Recreation of the sleeping quarters and a pump room of Submarine U-571:

  13. Planes & Rockets Increased technology of planes First jetfighters were produced by the Germans Me 262 Germany developed a propulsion rocket with a very long range

  14. RADAR & SONAR • RADAR stands for RAdio Detection and Ranging • SONAR stands for SOund Navigation And Ranging • First used by Allies • RADAR was a major cause in the British victory in the Battle of Britain • SONAR was mainly used against German submarines • RADAR is better in air compared to SONAR SONAR is better in water compared to RADAR

  15. SONAR travels in compression waves while RADAR travels in Transverse waves

  16. Secret Codes • The Enigma was found by the Germans and is a machine that encrypts messages • A similar way to communicate was the lorenzchiper • The colossus was a computer that was used to decipher the German codes Cipher that was used for decoding from the German Enigma machines

  17. Medical Advances • Penicillin • Antibiotic used to treat infections • Discovered in 1929 by Alexander Fleming • Recovery rates increased dramatically due to penicillin

  18. Atomic Bombs • Devolped by the U.S. via the “Manhattan Project” • Largest explosives ever recorder • Ability to destroy entire cities • Large EMP generated

  19. Recap • Great changes in technology took place during WWII, which ultimately reshaped warfare • During WWII technology advanced very quickly, and was driven by warfare • Many spin off technologies that were originally devolved for warfare found other uses

  20. Works Cited • Battleship Missouri in Pearl Harbor 2011 Main battery . N.d. Personal photograph by author. • Galley (kitchen). USS COD SS-224 World War II Fleet Submarine.N.d.N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. <http://bayimages.net/‌view-photos/‌galley-kitchen-world-war-ii-submarine-4169.html>. • “How waves helped win the war: RADAR and SONAR.” Science & Technology of WWII. The National WWII Museum , n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. <adar played a critical role in the British victory in the Battle of Britain>. • “http://imgur.com/‌a/‌lFhVE.” imgur. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. <http://imgur.com/‌a/‌lFhVE>. • Photo #: 80-G-K-12603. N.d. Jpeg file. • A Type VII and a Type IX submarine (U-boat). N.d.N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. <http://www.timemoneyandblood.com/‌HTML/‌shipsGermanSubs/‌subAfterWar.html>. • U-175 & Sinking of U-175. N.d.N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. <http://www.timemoneyandblood.com/‌HTML/‌shipsGermanSubs/‌175.html>. • U-234. N.d.N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. <http://www.timemoneyandblood.com/‌HTML/‌shipsGermanSubs/‌234.html>. • USS Missouri at sea in her 1980s configuration. N.d. JPG file. • “WW2 People’s War.” BBC.co.uk. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/‌ww2peopleswar/‌stories/‌27/‌a4138427.shtml>.

  21. THE END

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