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Senior Cycle Options in Confey College March 2016 Ms O’Byrne & Ms Logan

Discover the various senior cycle options at Confey College, including the Traditional Leaving Certificate, Transition Year, and Leaving Certificate Applied. Learn how to choose subjects that suit your strengths, interests, and future plans. Guidance and support available.

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Senior Cycle Options in Confey College March 2016 Ms O’Byrne & Ms Logan

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  1. Senior Cycle Optionsin Confey CollegeMarch 2016Ms O’Byrne & Ms Logan

  2. Senior Cycle Options • Traditional Leaving Certificate ( which may include Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme LCVP) • Transition Year • Leaving Certificate Applied

  3. LCVP • LCVP students must take a minimum of five Leaving Certificate Subjects • (at Higher, Ordinary or Foundation Level) including Irish • two of the above must be selected from one of the designated Vocational Subject Groupings • they must study the two Link Modules, namely Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education • students are required to follow a recognised course in a Modern European Language (other than Irish or English).

  4. How do I choose? You choose the senior cycle option which is best for you by considering • Your age • Your intentions after school • Your aptitudes and interests

  5. Subject Choices for the Traditional Leaving Certificate

  6. How do I choose my subjects? You need to consider • Your strengths • Your interests • Your skills or aptitudes • Your plans for the future, i.e. do I plan to go to college, what would I like to do?

  7. when choosing subjects: • Students should research what the study of each subject entails on websites such as www.careersportal.ie • Students should research entry requirements for 3rd level courses on the website • www.qualifax.ie • www.careersportal.ie

  8. How can we help? • Presentation to students • Presentation to parents • Individual teachers can advise on their subject • Guidance Counsellor can advise about course requirements • Email queries to cobyrne@confeycollege.org • jlogan@confeycollege.org

  9. Subjects Available in Confey College Core Subjects: • Irish -Higher, Ordinary and Alternative Level • English -Higher and Ordinary Level • Maths -Higher, Ordinary and Alternative Level

  10. Option Subjects Available at Higher and Ordinary Level only and according to demand expressed by students • Languages -French and German • Sciences -Biology -Chemistry -Physics - Agricultural Science

  11. Option Subjects 2 • Business - Business - Accounting - Economics • Social Studies -History • -Geography -Politics & Society • Artistic & Creative -Art -Music

  12. Subject Options 3 • Applied Sciences - Home Economics - Engineering - Construction Studies - Design & Communication Graphics (DCG) - Applied Maths

  13. How many subjects do I choose? Each student has 3 core subjects, i.e. Irish, English and Maths. You then choose 4 other subjects

  14. Choosing a Language • Choosing French or German builds on the knowledge acquired for the Junior certificate • Would suit students with an interest in French/German culture and who have an aptitude for the language • Important choice as many 3rd level courses have a language requirement

  15. Choosing a Language • French/German would be of benefit to many careers including teaching, translation, interpreting, journalism media, engineering, finance, tourism, hospitality, food and wine, sales and marketing

  16. Choosing Business • Business provides students with a learning experience for a wide range of careers in business, marketing, law enterprise and management • Would suit students who have an organised mind and who like to answer questions in bullet points not in long essay format

  17. Choosing Business • Students don’t have to have studied business at Junior certificate level • Business is not an essential subject for any courses in the CAO system

  18. Choosing Economics • Economics provides students with a learning foundation for a wide range of careers in business, economics, finance, enterprise and management • Ideally students should have a general interest in how the economy works and be interested in current affairs

  19. Choosing Economics • Economics is not an essential requirement for any courses in the CAO system • The study of Economics is concerned with the workings of a modern economy at both macro and micro level • It suits students who are willing to work hard and caters for all abilities

  20. Choosing Accounting, • Accounting develops students numeracy skills within the context of business and enterprise • Strongly recommended when Accountancy is the career path you want to follow although not required for any course at third level • Students needs to be comfortable with numbers but do not need to be higher level maths students

  21. Choosing History • History suits students who enjoy history and who are willing to commit a lot of time to study and research • Students who have strong English language skills • It is not required for any CAO courses • Useful for careers in education, law, media, politics, research etc.

  22. Choosing Geography • Suits students considering further study in areas such as geography, economics, environmental science • Not an essential requirement for any course in the CAO system • TCD accepts Geography as a science subject into science and pharmacy. • UCD accepts Geography as a science subject into science.

  23. Choosing Art • Suits students who have shown an aptitude for art • Suits students who are considering a career in a creative disciplines such as Architecture, Marketing, Film and Entertainment, Web Design, Fashion, Game Design or Advertising • For most 3rd level Art and Design courses, a portfolio is required as well as Leaving Cert art

  24. Choosing Music • Music involves three core areas-performing, composing and listening • Suits students considering a career in a creative discipline such as singing , playing in a band, music production and performance technology and management • Most music courses require an interview and an audition along with Leaving cert results

  25. Choosing Home Economics • Suits students who enjoy practical work such making things, doing things and knowing how things work • Much of the course is theory based and includes in-depth study of Nutrition, Resource Management Consumer studies and aspects of sociology

  26. Choosing Home Economics • Suits students interested in careers in food, textiles, science, design, social studies and tourism • Not essential requirement for any course in the CAO system but useful if seeking entry to study Home Economics at third level

  27. Choosing Biology • Suits students who had a good understanding and interest in junior cert science at higher level • Suits students who have excellent memories and attention to detail • Many CAO courses require at least one science subject • Choosing biology will be a huge benefit when studying Medicine, Nursing and related courses

  28. Choosing Chemistry • Suits students who have done well in Mathematics and Science at junior cert level • Chemistry is an essential element in the study of careers including Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Technology

  29. Choosing Chemistry • Chemistry is an essential requirement for study of Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy (UCC), Pharmacy (TCD), Human Nutrition & Dietetics (DIT), Public Health Nutrition (DIT), Veterinary Medicine (UCD)

  30. Choosing Physics • Suits students who have an interest in science at junior cert level and those who enjoy learning about how things work • Students who are interested in the following careers would be advised to study physics: electrician, optician, doctor, dentist, engineer, computer technician and programmer

  31. Choosing Physics • Physics is a requirement for entry into a number of CAO courses including Theoretical Physics in TCD and UCD

  32. Choosing Engineering • Suits students who have an aptitude and interest for design and practical work and an interest in the study of mechanical engineering • Suits students who have an interest in careers in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing, Space Science and Technology, Computers and Software.

  33. Choosing Engineering • Suits students interested in careers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Art, Craft and Design, Building, Construction & Property • Engineering is not an essential requirement for any course in the CAO system

  34. Choosing Construction • Suits students with an interest in buildings and the built environment • Students should have an aptitude and interest for design and practical work • Suits students interested in Building, Construction & Property • Not an essential subject for any courses in the CAO system

  35. Choosing Design & Communication Graphics • Suits students who have an interest in the practical aspects of engineering and construction and who have taken Tech Graphics to Junior Cert level • Suits students who have an interest in careers in Building, Construction & Property, Computers & Software, Art, Craft & Design

  36. Choosing Design, Communication & Graphics • Suits students interested in careers in Mechanical Engineering & Manufacturing and Medical Devices • DCG is not an essential requirement for any courses in the CAO system.


  38. Choosing Agricultural Science • Study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of agriculture. • Plants and animal types associated with agriculture are studied investigations are undertaken into soil, ecology, plant and animal physiology, farm crops, farming practices, genetics and microbiology. • Written exam and project • Agricultural Science is assessed at two levels, Ordinary level and Higher level, through a written examination and an assessment work undertaken during the course.

  39. Entry requirements 3rd level • Remember choose 4 subjects that you are genuinely interested in, have an aptitude for and subjects that fulfill entry requirements for third level courses that you may wish to pursue after Leaving Certificate • Check entry requirements for all third level courses on www.qualifax.ie www.careersportal.ie

  40. NEW LEAVING CERT GRADING SYSTEM NEW GRADES FROM 2017 • H1/O1 90-100 A1 • H2/O2 80<90 A2/B1 • H3/O3 70<80 B2/B3 • H4/O4 60<70 C1/C2 • H5/O5 50<60 C3/D1 • H6/O6 40<50 D2/D3 • H7/O7 30<40 E • H8/O8 0<30 E/NG

  41. Revised Points Scale from 2017


  43. Minimum Requirements NUI Colleges require: • Irish, English and a third language* • 3 other subjects • At least 2 H5’s • Maths for all courses except Arts, Law and Social Science • Science, except for Arts, Law, Social Science and Commerce * For entry to a small number of Engineering Courses in Maynooth a 3rd language is not required and another recognised subject can be substituted. A 3rd language will not be required for entry to Engineering or Agricultural Science Degrees in UCD. Another recognised subject may be substituted. Students entering Nursing may substitute any other recognised subject for the 3rd. Language Students entering the NCAD my present Art in place of the 3rd. Language.

  44. Minimum Requirements cont. TCD requires: • English, Maths and another language (Irish, French, German or other) • 3 other subjects • At least 3H5’S DCU requires • Maths and English or Irish • 4 other subjects • At least 2H5’S

  45. Minimum requirements cont. DIT and other IT requirements: • English or Irish and Maths • 4 other subjects – for Level 8 courses • 3 other subjects – for Level 7 courses • At least 2 H5’s – for Level 8 courses

  46. Course or Essential Requirements Many college courses and faculties have requirements in addition to the minimum requirements outlined. These must be checked with the college brochures or websites Examples: - Medicine may require honours Chemistry - Level 8 Engineering may require honours Maths - Art and Design courses require a portfolio of students’s own art work.

  47. College Courses • All college courses are listed as Level 6, 7 or 8 for students with Leaving Cert, which is Level 5. • Level 6 courses are usually 2 years and the Qualification gained is a Higher Certificate. • Level 7 courses are usually 3 years and are called Ordinary Degrees • Level 8 courses are 3/4 or more years and are called Honours Degrees.


  49. Colleges in Ireland

  50. Colleges in Ireland continued

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