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Teaching and Learning Analytics for MOOCS Diana Laurillard London Knowledge Lab

Teaching and Learning Analytics for MOOCS Diana Laurillard London Knowledge Lab Institute of Education. Forms of TEL/online and teacher time. MOOC vs standard online course . Preparation time (fixed costs). Guided TEL resources (model) Access to expositions – lectures (videos)

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Teaching and Learning Analytics for MOOCS Diana Laurillard London Knowledge Lab

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  1. Teaching and Learning Analytics for MOOCS Diana Laurillard London Knowledge Lab Institute of Education

  2. Forms of TEL/online and teacher time MOOCvs standard online course Preparation time (fixed costs) • Guided TEL resources (model) • Access to expositions – lectures (videos) • Automated grading – MCQs, models • Readings (pdfs) • Guided collaboration activities (wiki) • Peer group discussion forums • Peer grading against criteria • Tutored discussion forums • Tutor feedback (e-portfolio) • Guided TEL resources (model) • Access to expositions – (lecture videos) • Automated grading (MCQs, models) • Readings (pdfs) • Guided collaboration activities (wiki) • Peer group discussion forums • Peer grading against criteria • Tutored discussion forums • Tutor feedback (e-portfolio) Support time (variable costs)

  3. The Duke MOOC Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach Taught in class for over 20 years Experimental move to a free and open MOOC 12,000 students enrolled from >100 countries • 8 weeks long • 97 ~6 min videos • 22 GB of data • 1052 files • 18 gradedexercises, including a peer-gradedwritingassignment and final exam (DukeUniversity 2013)

  4. The Duke MOOC – Learner Analytics Not for undergraduates Enrolled students Potential undergraduates

  5. The Duke MOOC – Learning Analytics Not for the faint-hearted Comparable with normal online u/g courses

  6. The Duke MOOC – Teaching Analytics Modelling teacher time and learning experience • 8 weeks, providing 48? hours learning time: • Videos and pdfs • Quizzes • Wiki • Peer discussions • Peer grading • Tutored discussions • Summative assessment High on prep time Zero contact for 40? hours Low on prep time High contact for 8? hours 560 students supported at 1:22 staff-student ratio 420 teaching hours to develop 200 teaching hours to support

  7. Teaching analytics to support MOOCs Total teacher time Teacher support time rises to 2000 hours for 5000 students. 2000 hours = 1 year of a tutor for a 5 credit course. = 24 FT tutors for 120 credit course. No. of students

  8. Modelling the benefits and costs • We need to understand the pedagogical benefits and teacher time costs of online HE • What are the new digital pedagogies that will address the 1:25 student support conundrum? • Who will innovate, test, and build the evidence for what works at scale online? ~ TEACHERS!

  9. Pedagogies for large online classes Concealed Multiple Choice Questions Conceal answers to question Ask for user-constructed input Reveal multiple answers Ask user to select nearest fit

  10. Pedagogies for large online classes The virtual Keller Plan Introduce content Self-paced practice Tutor-marked test Student becomes tutor for credit Until half class is tutoring the rest

  11. Pedagogies for large online classes The vicarious master class Tutorial for 5 representative students Questions and guidance represent all students’ needs

  12. Pedagogies for large online classes Individual students produce response to open question Pairs compare and produce joint response Groups of 4 compare and produce joint response and post as one of 10 responses... … Ngroups of 40 students vote on best response until… Teacher receives 6 responses to comment on Tutorial for 5 representative students Questions and guidance represent all students’ needs Virtual pyramid discussion groups

  13. Models for learning and teaching Teachers as designers need the tools for innovation To test new ideas To generate teaching analytics To collect learning analytics Redesign Analyse Develop The Course Resource Appraisal Model

  14. Learning analytics for online models Categorised learning activities MOOC Conventional Online Analysis shows less personalised learning, more learning through acquisition with this MOOC For 3000 students: teacher time = 188 days vs 0.6 days

  15. Teaching analytics for student numbers Conventional online Online Online MOOC Economies of scale for fixed costs Teacher hours per student The cost of commenting, advising, marking for each student Cohort size Scaling up will never improve the per-student support costs… unless…

  16. Modelling the costs for increasing student cohort size … we come up with some clever pedagogical patterns that support at better than the 1:25 ratio The question is – what are they, and how do we develop and share them?

  17. Further details… www.ldse.org.uk/ Coming soon:An ALT MOOC OCTEL is the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning at http://octel.alt.ac.uk/ April 2013 tinyurl.com/ppcollector Teaching as a Design Science: Building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology (Routledge, 2012) d.laurillard@ioe.ac.uk

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