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Attitudes. Where do attitudes come from? What do we have attitudes on? How do implicit and explicit attitudes related? What does the meta-cognitive model say about this? Wilson’s dual attitude approach? What are attitude structure events?. What is an attitude?.
Where do attitudes come from? What do we have attitudes on? How do implicit and explicit attitudes related? What does the meta-cognitive model say about this? Wilson’s dual attitude approach? What are attitude structure events? What is an attitude?
Cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) “New looks” of dissonance theory? What can we do in response to dissonance? How has it changed? What are embodied effects on persuasion?
What does the ELM predict • High vs. low EL—what determines? • Senior comprehensive exam paradigm • Heuristic systematic model (Eagly & Chaiken, 1986) ELM (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986)
What does it add to ELM? • How can variables affect attitudes? • How do these have an effect (various ways)? • Expertise • Attractiveness • Strength of arguments • Minority status • Emotions Self-validation hypothesis (Brinol & Petty, 2009)
LaPiere, 1934 • Wicker, 1969 • When do attitudes predict behavior? • Recent approaches: • Accessibility • Theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1980) • Theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) Attitudes and behavior
What is a meta-analysis? • What effects do fear appeals have? • How does time affect emotion and behavioral change? • Moderators? • Any problems with the meta-analysis? EARL & albarracin, 2007
Why has public understanding not kept up with climate change science? Why less in 2008? Other countries? Why do people have trouble understanding climate change? How can we fix this? Weber & stern, 2011