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Project assignment in Chemistry

Project assignment in Chemistry. Project assignment in Chemistry By Paris and Francis. Describing the way we classify elements …. You can classify the elements in many ways , one very useful way is by using metals , non- metals , metalloids and the periodic table … Metals ;

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Project assignment in Chemistry

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  1. Project assignment in Chemistry Project assignment in Chemistry By Paris and Francis

  2. Describingthewayweclassifyelements… Youcanclassifytheelements in manyways, oneveryusefulwayisbyusingmetals, non-metals, metalloidsandtheperiodictable… Metals; Metalsarerecognisedbytheseproperties. Theyare solid, shiny, goodconductorsofelectricityandheat, theyareductile (canbedrawnintowires), andtheyaremalleable. Non-metals; Non – arerecognisedbythe total oppositepropertiesofmetals. Forexample: Non-metalsarebrittle, not malleableorductile, arepoorconductorsofelectricityandheat, tendtogainelectrons in chemicalreactions. Metalloids; Metalloids tendtobeimportantbecauseoftheirownlittleconductivityproperties. (sources: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-periodic-table-metals-nonmetals-and-metalloids.html)

  3. Part 2 • By looking at the periodic table you can classify the elements in many different ways. One useful way is as metals, non metals and metalloids . Most of the elements on the periodic table are metals.

  4. DescribingthepropertiesofMetals, Non-metalsand Metalloids… The place i haveput a trianglearound, are all non-metals. These Photosare all non-metals, Chlorine, carbonand Neon These are all the different typesofmetals, theyareshiny, conductelctricityandheat, andareductile.

  5. Part 2 • Magnesium : Mg • Iron : Fe • Sodium : Na • Hydrogen : H • Helium : He

  6. The periodictable The periodictable was createdby a scientistcalled Mendeleev. He createdittoshow all the different typesofelementsandshowuswhattheyare. Mendeleev classifiedtheElements in a group because they have a similiar electron configuration (and therefore number of valence electrons). Because the number of valence electrons defines its chemical properties, it makes sense to group the elements that have similar properties. And this is how Mendeleev classified the periodic table. (Source: Wikepedia)

  7. Part 2 • In 1896 Mendeleev classified the 56 known elements • The rows of the table are called periods the columns are called groups, with some of these having names such as halogens or noble gases. • The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their atomic numbers, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties.

  8. The End ThankYouForWatching! 

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