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Research Planning, Grant Proposals and Funding

Research Planning, Grant Proposals and Funding. Hasan Bayram, MD, PhD. Department of Respiratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Gaziantep E-mail: bayram@gantep.edu.tr. 13. Annual Congress of TTS, 5-9 May 2010, İstanbul. Contents. Research planning procedure

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Research Planning, Grant Proposals and Funding

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  1. Research Planning, Grant Proposals and Funding Hasan Bayram, MD, PhD. Department of Respiratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Gaziantep E-mail: bayram@gantep.edu.tr 13. Annual Congress of TTS, 5-9 May 2010, İstanbul

  2. Contents • Research planning procedure • Grant proposal; main sections,titles, specifications • Funding sources • Conlusion

  3. How Does the Process Begin Melero, R

  4. Research Planning • The key element for successful research is good planning • Justifying the problem • Originality of the subject • Literature search ‘PubMed’, ‘Web of Science’ • How, with who(s)? • Where? • Pilot study • Duration of the research • Funding source?

  5. Grant Writing-1‘Grant Proposals (or Give me the money!)’ • A careful and meticulous preparation • Give sufficient time • Do not wait till last minute (problem) - The University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/grant_proposals.html

  6. Grant Writing-2 • Different institutions may have different format • The background • Literature search • Contribution to science • Methods • Planning

  7. Title Page • Title; informative, short, original, descriptive • Don’t be too much ambiguous and speculative • ‘A study to solve cancer!!’ etc • Information for principal and other researchers • Information for institutions etc

  8. Summary and Key Words • A short background • The aims of project, • Originality • Expected results (outcome) • Experimental design, • Methods • Sometimes, duties, roles of the team members (TÜBİTAK) • Key words; informative, should complement the title

  9. Introduction • Concise, focused to subject • A short description of topic • A brief summary of related literature • Original value of the project, scientific contribution • Hypothesis and objectives (May be different sections, TÜBİTAK)

  10. Subject Background • A short literature analysis • Should be limited to the most necessary ones • The gap to be filled by the study • Referees want to test the knowledge of the investigator(s) regarding the subject

  11. The Value of the Project • TÜBİTAK and Research Funds of Universities (BAPBY) usually require • Contribution to the science • Contribution to the economy, public prosperity • Benefits from the project

  12. Methods • Study methods • A detailed list of lab equipment, tools and consumables • Statistical analysis (in details) • The management of the project • The duty of investigators in the project, and the time they can dedicate

  13. Project Budget • The budget should be realistic and detailed • Expenditure plan and calendar should be detailed • A failure in doing this may result in deduction of budget • An incomplete budget may result in project disruption • An additional budget may be required • This may not be approved all the time • Pro-invoices may be needed.

  14. Progress Reports • Most institutions requite it per 6mths • The progress in projects should be discussed • Does the progress go parallel with initial plans and calendar? • Any problems, alternative solutions should be produced

  15. NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal http://funding.niaid.nih.gov/ncn/grants/cycle/default.htm

  16. The University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/grant_proposals.html

  17. Funding • There is increasing need, a serious competition worldwide • Much easy for quality research in Turkey • Mostly university funds, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and State Planning Organizations • Ministries, different institutions, TTS etc.




  21. TÜBİTAK-1001-Funding Program for Scientific and Technological Research Projects • Objectives are funding to produce original scientific knowledge or solutions for technological problems nationwide • Project duration; maximum 36 months • Budget (including bursaries, but excluding support for investigators, the share for institution) TL 120.000- per year • Application dates • 1. Round: 5 March 2010 • 2. Round: 3 September 2010

  22. TÜBİTAK-1002 – Fast Funding Program • Objectives, to fund critical, short-term, small studies to be performed in universities and research institutions. • Duration; at maximum 12 months • Budget (including bursaries), maximum TL 25.000,- • Can be applied any time

  23. TÜBİTAK- The Program for Funding Research and Development of Governmental Institutions (1007) • Objectives, to fund projects than can cover the needs and problems of Governmental Institutions to be solved by research and development • Universities, independent governmental institutions can apply



  26. International Institutions • Under the contribution of TÜBİTAK • ‘European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research’ (COST), • European Science Foundation (ESF) • ‘European Molecular Biology Organization/Conference’ (EMBO/EMBC), • Black Sea Economical Cooperation • NATO • E U 7. Framework Program • http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/home.do?ot=1&sid=337

  27. http://www.fp7.org.tr/home.do;jsessionid=254A8DDB9846E DE7B719A0DF303C4A9D?ot=10&lang=en&sid=0&pid=0

  28. What is the 7th Framework Program? • 7th EU Framework Programs, are unique programs, in which multinational research and development projects are funded • The first one started in 1983 • Several year programs, the budget is getting increased • Objectives; to strengthen the scientific and technologic basis of EU, and to promote the scientific collaboration between EU countries. http://www.fp7.org.tr/home.do

  29. Conclusion • The way of performing a good quality research; • good planning • Well organized and written grant proposal • Finding sufficient fund • It may look hard, but it is possible.

  30. Thank you for your attention

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