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The Op-Ed

The Op-Ed. Theory and Practice September 10, 2007. Why Do Op-Eds Matter?. -- Nobody in the policy world reads books or journals -- Everybody in the policy world reads the newspapers. Why Do Op-Eds Matter?. -- 24/7 newscycle -- 200 entertainment options per household

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The Op-Ed

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  1. The Op-Ed Theory and Practice September 10, 2007

  2. Why Do Op-Eds Matter? -- Nobody in the policy world reads books or journals -- Everybody in the policy world reads the newspapers

  3. Why Do Op-Eds Matter? -- 24/7 newscycle -- 200 entertainment options per household -- intense competition in the info and entertainment business -- Nobody will sit still to read more than 750 words -- 750 words make you a policy expert

  4. Why Do Op-Eds Matter? • Your control the content. Not true in a Radio or TV setting, unless you are buying the time (very expensive) • You have the ability to reach a wide variety of individuals • You have the ability to reach them all at the same time

  5. Why do Op-Eds matter? -- It’s how the Government communicates with itself -- Opportunity to win support outside your own agency, find allies -- Opportunity to build public support

  6. Sparking Public Debate -- Electronic media routinely take their cue from print journalism -- Key arguments of an Op-Ed work very well in a Radio or TV format

  7. What Makes a Good Op-Ed? -- One central argument -- At least 3 reasons in support of your argument -- Identifying the counter- argument(s) and putting them to rest -- Why the world is a better place if your argument prevails

  8. What Makes a Good Op-Ed? -- Taking on a new topic -- Taking on an old topic with a fresh perspective -- Identifying a missing perspective -- Taking on the conventional wisdom -- Powerful personal story

  9. What Makes a Good Op-Ed? • Making sure the reader wants to read to the end • Clarity. You don’t ever want the reader to linger over a word or phrase because it is confusing or ambiguous. • Arguments and images that are memorable • Simplicity • Accessibility

  10. How to Write an Op-Ed • The Lede • Your first paragraph must make your point • No guarantee that the reader will get beyond the first paragraph • The only exception to the first paragraph rule is if you have a compelling story for your first paragraph to hook the reader

  11. The Middle -- Each paragraph must build in progression, logically following the previous paragraph. -- Every paragraph must make a separate point

  12. The Ending • Recapitulate your argument • Always end on a high note – why the world is a better place if your policy is adopted. • Always end on a word with positive associations, as appropriate-- peace, justice, freedom, equality, opportunity, hope, success (etc.) • Use, if you can, contrasts (“antithesis”) in your closing arguments: dark/light; war/peace; fear/hope; failure/success (etc.)

  13. Techniques to Use • Short paragraphs – one point per paragraph • Short sentences – Noun, Verb; Noun Verb Noun. • Simple words: Anglo-Saxon words are better than Latinate words.

  14. Techniques to Use • Storytelling is a plus. Parables work, and the reader will remember them. • Short anecdotes with which the reader can immediately identify. • Analogies that are easy to grasp.

  15. Techniques to Avoid • Long Paragraphs. If its more than 3 sentences, review the paragraph. If it is more than five sentences, break into separate paragraphs or edit into a shorter paragraph. • Long sentences. If you have a sentence with dependent clauses, rewrite the sentence and make it shorter and simpler. • Long words. If its more than three syllables, think about a shorter word.

  16. Techniques to Avoid • Avoid Acronyms. If it is not FBI, CIA or UN, spell it out or drop it. • Avoid jargon. The worst possible sin in the world of Op-Eds. The reader doesn’t know what you are talking about. • Avoid SAT words. Confuses the reader, and creates a distance between the author and reader.

  17. Techniques to Avoid • Personal attacks • Defensive statements • Complaining and whining • If you want to make a devastating attack on a policy (or person), recount a story, or use a quote. Your own voice should be used exclusively on behalf of the policy solution (“making the world a better place”).

  18. Techniques to Use Sparingly • Quotes. At most, one quotation per article – if and only if it is particularly attention-getting and appropriate. You only want to use a quote if it uniquely underscores the point you want to make. • Facts. A few strategically placed facts help your piece. Too many make it wonky and leaden. • Numbers – a few are good. But too many numbers are numbing.

  19. Techniques to Use Sparingly • Alliteration. In key sentences, can help to make your arguments memorable. Too much makes your piece comic. • Inverted word order (“anastrophe”) Too much makes you sound like Yoda. • Repetition in structure. Can help build rhythm in your presentation. Never repeat content, except recapitulation in the closing paragraph.

  20. Get a Second Opinion • Ask your friends or roommates to read it. • If they don’t understand what you’re talking about, the reader won’t either.

  21. Always Edit • After you finish a draft, set aside for a few hours. • Come back and re-read and re-edit • Even after you think you are done, every good Op-Ed can be made better by cutting 5 to 10%. • Op-Eds are seldom made better by adding material. (Substituting yes, adding no).

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