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NCU Library Resources

Discover how to activate your library account, find books, access study rooms, search databases, use E-resources like Endnote and Turnitin, and get assistance at the Reference Desk.

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NCU Library Resources

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NCU Library Resources

  2. Activate your account

  3. How to locate a book?

  4. Circulation Desk

  5. Circulation Policy

  6. The password by default is Student ID

  7. Find out the books you’ve borrowed

  8. Check for holds and fines

  9. Study rooms (Main Library) Please check out the study rooms (12rooms)at the information desk. First come, first served.

  10. E-Resources

  11. Searching for a specific journal article

  12. Author Pages Volume Journal title

  13. E-Journal Search

  14. I’m looking for… International journal of project management Marsh, David, and J. C. Sharman. 2009. Policy Diffusion and Policy Transfer. Policy Studies 30 (3): 269–288.

  15. Searching for databases

  16. SCIE (Science Citaiton index) SDOL (ScienceDirect) GreenFILE(Ebsco) Webpat (Patent) Useful DatabaseList

  17. SCIE(Web of Science) An academic citation indexing and search service, which covers abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature. It provides bibliographic content and tools to access, analyze, and manage research information.

  18. ScienceDirect (SDOL) Provides access to the full text of journals published by Elsevier and other publishers whose online journals are hosted by ScienceDirect.

  19. GreenFILE (Ebsco) GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 384,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 4,700 records.

  20. GreenFILE

  21. Webpat

  22. Webpat

  23. Searching for Thesis or Dissertation

  24. NCU Dissertations and Theses

  25. Interlibrary Loan Service

  26. ALL 4 UST

  27. Student ID Student ID

  28. EndNote

  29. You can download references from your online database search, store and organize them in the Endnote libraries, And add them to your essay, thesis, or paper, using any style of referencing you want. It’s free to current staff and students Macintosh and Microsoft Windows versions available. http://endnote.com/training Where to download? E-resources system→software→Endnote X9 Endnote

  30. Google Scholar

  31. Turnitin

  32. Prevent Plagiarism Identify unoriginal content Manage potential academic misconduct by highlighting similarities to the world’s largest collection of internet, academic, and student paper content. How to create your account E-ResourcesTurnitin (Info) How to use it? https://goo.gl/veCG6u

  33. Reference Desk

  34. Contact Information:Wen-Hsin LinTel 03-4227151 ext. 57407 ncu57407@ncu.edu.tw

  35. Questions?

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