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― SESSION I ― Introduction and Overview of the National Directory for Catechesis Based on the Summary of the National Directory for Catechesis. Introduction.
― SESSION I ― Introduction and Overview of the National Directory for Catechesis Based on the Summary of the National Directory for Catechesis Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-21) Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction Jesus Christ is the unique emissary of the Father The apostles are the emissaries of Jesus Christ “As the Father has sent me so I send you” Jn 20:21 The ministry of the apostles continues the mission of Christ through the Church. In God’s eternal plan of salvation in Christ and through the Spirit, the church is the universal sacrament of that salvation and as such is missionary by nature. Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction Jesus Christ is the energizing center of evangelization and the heart of catechesis The missionary command is to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit The missionary mandate is Trinitarian in nature Born in the Father’s heart Articulated in the son’s announcement Sanctified by the guidance of the Holy Spirit Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction Early on the name catechesis was given to the totality of the church’s efforts to make disciples, to help men believe that Jesus is the Son of God so that believing they might have life in his name, and to educate and instruct them in this life, thus building up the body of Christ. Pope John Paul II On Catechesis in Our Time (Catechesi Tradendae) Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction Catechesis is an education in the faith of children, young people and adult which includes especially the teaching of Christian doctrine imparted in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiating the hearers into the fullness of Christian life. Pope John Paul II On Catechesis in Our Time (Catechesi Tradendae) Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Renewal of Catechesis • Called for by the Second Vatican Council first promulgated 1971 • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 1972 • Pope Paul VI On Evangelization in the Modern World (Evangelii Nuntiandi)described catechesis as a work of evangelization within the mission of the church • Pope John Paul II On Catechesis in Our Time (Catechesi Tradendae) described catechesis as a remarkable moment in the whole process of evangelization • Renewal of Catechesis Results • Recovery of the evangelizing enthusiasm of the early Church • Revived interest in the writings and teachings of the earl fathers of the Church. • The restoration of the catechumenate Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Signs of Vitality • Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition remain the foundation for the Church’s ministry of the Word. • Documents of the universal Church as well as national conferences have been received and are providing direction for catechesis • Catholic bishops have increased and intensified their involvement and oversight of catechesis • Many Dioceses have developed comprehensive policies that govern curriculum, ecumenical, interreligious, and sacramental guidelines • Cultural diversity in local church communities make possible a spirit that renews a sustains the life of the Church. • The formation of catechists continues to be a high priority for most dioceses and parishes • Lay involvement in catechetical ministry continues to increase Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Challenges to Catechesis from social and cultural Conditions • Religious indifference, religious ambiguity, and the growth of sects, cults and New Age spirituality • The pervasive secularism of our culture and the struggle to live the catholic faith in the home • Religious indifference, religious ambiguity, and the growth of sects, cults and New Age spirituality • The challenge in engaging adults in lifelong formation • Inspiring commitment of young adults to the church in light of their distinctive characteristics • The number of children not enrolled in formal religious education • The need of a more collaborative vision for ministry • Encouraging and developing lay leadership • The variety of needs related to diverse cultures Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Challenges to increased instruction on doctrine • Focus on the mystery of the Trinity and the Trinitarian structure of the Church’s beliefs and teachings • Emphasize God’s initiative in the world and human activity as response to that initiative • Present the fullness of the mystery of Christ, divine and human, and his centrality in salvation history • Ensure the ecclesial nature and context of catechesis with proper emphasis on Tradition • Teach that God’s revealed law, grounded in the natural law is the source of Christian morality and conscience formation Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Challenges to increased instruction on doctrine • Provide explanation of the interrelationship of the Magisterium with Sacred Scripture and Tradition • Present Christian understanding of the nature of the human person • Present a more adequate understanding of grace and original sin • Present the sacraments within the context of the Paschal Mystery • Integrate the liturgical rites and symbols, celebrations and year into the liturgical process • Bring about a deeper understanding of other churches • Give greater attention to the social teachings of the Church Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Challenges in the ministry of catechesis • The gap between the faith and every day life of many Catholics • The exclusion or marginalization both of individual and institutional religious values of Catholics • The widening gap between rich and poor • The frantic pace of life caused by economic and social expectations • Increase in independent thinking and problem-solving skills aimed at economic success • A popular culture that emphasizes materialism and consumerism • The information revolution Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Purposes of NDC • To provide fundamental theological and pastoral principles • To apply principles to pastoral activity • To offer guidelines for the application of principles • To set forth the nature, purpose, object, tasks, basic content, and methodology of catechesis Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction • Audience • Those who have primary responsibility for catechesis in dioceses, parishes, and schools in the United States • Authority • Official document of the USCCB • Received recognitio from Congregation of the Clergy in December 2004 Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction Christ’s command to his apostles has resounded through the ages, calling men and women of every race and nation in every time and place to join him in announcing the coming of God’s kingdom of love, justice, and peace with clarity, enthusiasm, and resolve. (NDC 8) Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary
Introduction The spirituality of those involved in the catechetical ministry centers on an encounter with Christ. • It is rooted in the living Word of God • It fosters an abiding hope that all should come to the knowledge of the truth of Christ and accept salvation from Him • It expresses itself in a sincere love for the Church in imitation of Christ • It seeks interior growth in the peace and joy of Christ • It embraces the Paschal Mystery, enters into the apostolic mission of Christ, and is enriched by deep devotion to the Mother of God. The Holy Spirit has given all of us a vocation and a mission to sanctity and the catechesis of our faith. Session I – Intro & Overview of NDC_NDC Summary