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Write each number in decimal form. Two hundredths Five and six tenths

Write each number in decimal form. Two hundredths Five and six tenths Thirty-three hundredths two hundredths nine thousandths four and fourteen hundredths. .02 5.6 .33 .02 .009 4.14. Circle the equivalent decimals in each group. .20 .02 .2 .003 .03 .030

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Write each number in decimal form. Two hundredths Five and six tenths

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  1. Write each number in decimal form. Two hundredths Five and six tenths Thirty-three hundredths two hundredths nine thousandths four and fourteen hundredths .02 5.6 .33 .02 .009 4.14

  2. Circle the equivalent decimals in each group. • .20 .02 .2 • .003 .03 .030 • 5.0 5.00 .50 • .8 .80 .08 • .004 4.4 4.40

  3. Write each number in decimal form. 7/10 3/100 60/100 8/100 .7 .03 .60 .08

  4. Use < > or = to compare the decimals. .01 O .10 2.3 O 2.30 .87 O .080 .3 O .33 7.07 O 7.70 .040 O .4

  5. Round each decimal to the underlined digit. 6.79 5.917 2.45 3.08 12.98 6.8 5.92 2.0 3.1 13.0

  6. .4 .45 .55 .7 .4 .45 .5 .55 .6 .7

  7. Order these from least to greatest .13 .01 .113 1.0 _____________________________ .01 .113 .13 1.0

  8. Order these from greatest to least .35 3.5 .030 .32 _____________________________ 3.5 .35 .32 .030

  9. Add these decimals. 2.34 + 3.1 + .879 = 2.340 3.100 + .879 6. 319

  10. Add these decimals. 8.4 + 2.1 + .52 = 8.40 2.10 + 0.52 11.02

  11. Bill went out to shovel in the snow. On Saturday he shoveled 14.3 inches and on Sunday he shoveled 12.3 inches. Bill estimated that he shoveled 14 inches and 12 inches in all. Will Bill’s estimate be more or less than his actual? More because he rounded both numbers up. More because he rounded both numbers down. Less because he rounded both numbers up. Less because he rounded both numbers down.

  12. Savannah washed her neighbor’s cars over the weekend. She got paid $7.75 for the first car. $8.99 for the second car and $8.00 for the third car. Savannah was so happy she shouted, “Wow, I made about $20.00.” Is Savannah’s statement accurate? Use evidence to support your thinking. Yes, her statement is accurate because she added $7.75 + $8.99 + $8.00 and she got $24.74 and $24.74 would round down to $20.00.

  13. Leah went to the Giove’s Pizza kitchen and ordered two slices of pizza for $2.75 and a large coke for $ 1.25. If she paid with a 10.00 bill, how much change will she get back? 2.75 10.00 + 1.25- 4.00 4.00 6.00

  14. Subtract these decimals. 13.8 - .235 = 13.800 - .235 13.565

  15. What decimal picture is shown here? A .90 B 99 C .98 D .99

  16. What decimal picture is shown here? A 14 B .05 C .15 D 15

  17. Using grid form, draw the decimal .43

  18. 102.9 is closest to which number? A. 102 B. 100 C. 103 D. 104

  19. 254.2 is closest to which number? • A. 300 • B. 250 • C. 254 • D. 255

  20. Did you know that starbursts contain .57 of the total amount of Vitamin C that you’ll need in one day! It’s true. If you round this amount to the nearest tenth, about how much Vitamin C have you had? . 7 .8 .58 .6

  21. The world record for the longest long jump in the world is 8.954 meters in length. If you round this to the nearest hundredth, what is the length of the jump? 8.9 8.95 8.94 8.96

  22. What decimal is shown? A .40 .50 50 .60

  23. What number is in the tenths place? 3.54 4.02 .26 .14 5 0 2 1

  24. What number is in the hundredths place? 23.56 .892 6.528 .597 6 9 2 9

  25. Which means the same as 4,321? • 4 thousands + 3 hundreds + 12 tens + 11 ones • 3 thousands + 3 hundreds + 12 tens + 1 one • 3 thousands + 13 hundreds + 11 tens + 11 ones • 3 thousands + 12 hundreds + 11 tens + 11 ones

  26. So, how did you do? There are 25 problems so each problem is worth ______________? Count up how many you got correct. Then multiply that by _________ to get your score! 4 points 4

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