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The Beer Sommelier Education Program A necessity for the brewing industry

Delve into the Beer Sommelier Education Program for the brewing industry, focusing on quality control, customer interactions, marketing effectiveness, and education needs. Learn how Beer Sommeliers play a pivotal role in improving beer quality, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty across trade and gastronomy sectors. Discover the impact of beer education on sales, image building, and customer loyalty.

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The Beer Sommelier Education Program A necessity for the brewing industry

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  1. The Beer Sommelier EducationProgram A necessity for the brewingindustry 1 Dr. MichaelZepf

  2. Question: How many measures of quality control do youtake during the brewingprocess? 2

  3. What quality controls will take place after the beer has left thebrewery? What knowledge of beer and its quality does the customerhave? What direct contact does a brewery have with itscustomers? Why does the customer buy yourbeer? Some provocativequestions… 2

  4. Advertisting (e.g. print media, television, social media,sponsoring…) • Effectiveness? The shop windows for a brewery presenting theirproducts: • Trade (supermarkets, beverage markets, beerstores) • Influence of thebrewery? • Gastronomy (restaurants, bars) 4 The hope that everything goes well...

  5. What picture of beer does the customer see duringshopping? Trade • Brandloyalty? Why?

  6. Currentstate: • Beer is sold predominantly in the trade • No real chance for building a positive image and create brand awareness • Purchase decisions are increasingly determined by convenience: "one- stop-shop" (buyers want to buy as many goods as possible in one place) • Purchase decisions are heavily influenced by the price: More than 70% of the beer is sold in salespromotion • Problem of maintaining the beer quality! • Demand for education and training of the tradestaff Tradeas brewery/customer interface

  7. Big chance for imagebuilding! • Customer has time and is more open to be confronted with beer brands • Visiting the gastronomy sector has a positive tenor: treating yourself, meeting people,fun • The special experience: the combination of beer andfood • Easy for brewery to tie in a positive brandmessage • BUT: Risk for a negative experience (service, draft system, glassware….) • Demand for education and training of the gastronomystaff Gastronomyas brewery/customerinterface

  8. Translator Beer Sommelieras…

  9. Navigator Beer Sommelieras… C A B

  10. Guardian of high beerquality Beer Sommelieras…

  11. Selection of beers for the market (shelf life, demand, diversity ofstyles) • Ambassador for beer →Bridge between Customer and Brewery • Implementation of proper storage conditions forbeer • Knowledge about the different beerstyles • Character,flavour • Sensitivity toaging • Reasonable advice regarding customerexpectations • Education and training ofcolleagues The role of a Beer Sommelier in the tradesector

  12. Selection of beers • Beermenu • Customerconsultation • Pairings withfood • Beer tastingevents • Quality control of draftsystem • Care and selection of glassware • Correct serving of abeer • Training ofcolleagues The role of a Beer Sommelier in the gastronomysector

  13. Sales people in bars, restaurantsetc. • Restaurant & barowners • Owner of beershops • Employees of beershops • Brewers • Sales/marketing employees ofbreweries • Anyone interested inbeer! Who should become a BeerSommelier?

  14. Meanwhile courses available in 17 nations teached in 8 different languages and on 4continents • Germany • Austria • Switzerland • Netherlands • France • Italy • Spain • Portugal • Brasil • Chile • Mexico • Argentina • Uruguay • Peru • SouthKorea • Japan The Doemens Beer Sommelier education strated in2004 14

  15. Low numbers in beer sales are mainly due to the fact that the customer is served or sold inappropriate beer styles or beer of poorquality • Very often the opportunity for customer loyalty at the point of sale is not sufficientlyused • Everybody in beer sales (retailer and gastronomy) should have a basic knowledge of beer to avoid mistakes that can damage the beer quality and advise the consumerproperly • The Beer Sommelier Program startd in 2004 deliver the knowledge to main and central person working in the sales sector ofbeer • A Beer Sommelier is a guardian of highest beer quality, translator and navigator for the customer and a trainer for othercolleagues • Customers who drink beer with perfect quality and fits their needs willbuy • more ofit! Conclusion 15

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