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Financial education in schools as a national policy in Peru

Learn about Peru's financial education initiatives as a national policy, aimed at promoting financial inclusion and responsible use of services. The strategy focuses on improving financial skills across all segments of society to enhance decision-making and control over finances. The curriculum evolution includes specific areas of focus for different school levels. Past programs have successfully increased financial knowledge, with new initiatives underway for both high schools and elementary schools. Stay informed on Peru's efforts to boost financial literacy and economic understanding.

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Financial education in schools as a national policy in Peru

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  1. Financial education in schools as a national policy in Peru April 2016 Mariela Zaldivar Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds of Peru

  2. Financial Inclusion policies framed in Peruvian National Plans NSFI Objetive: To develop financial markets through financial inclusion (Diversify economy, competitively and employment axis) Objetive: To have transparent and efficient Financial Markets, with sound institutions that facilitates financing and investment.

  3. Peru approach to Financial education FinancialEducation FinancialEducation NationalStrategyforFinacialInclusion FinancialInclusion Promote access and responsible use of financial services, that they be trustworthy, efficient, innovative and according to the needs of the diverse segments of the population. Financial Education goal: Improve skills and financial capacities of all segments in order to make proper decisions and have better control of their own financial decisions.

  4. Technical Group for Financial Education

  5. New National Curriculum 2015 • Curricular Areas: • Kindergarten and Elementary school:Social-Personal • High school: History, Geography and Economy He/she acts responsibility with regard to economic and financial resources. Understands the relationship between elements on economic and financial systems. Becomes aware of his/her role on the economic system. Manages the resources responsibility.

  6. Previous experiences :SBS Teachers training program History of the program SBS Training evolution

  7. SBS Teachers training program M&E Monitoring “Tableau” Impact evaluation (2014-2015) The program improves the financial knowledge in 23.8% with 99% of significance.

  8. Bringing the New Curriculum to life Process to implement a pilot Pilot “Finanzas en mi colegio” (finance in my school) • The Ministry of education, the Bank Association and the SBS are working together on a pilot to bring the new financial education curriculum to high schools. • They will start this process with high school’s last three years on a sample of schools. • The IBD will evaluate the program. Teachers training program for elementary schools • The SBS in collaboration with the Ministry of Education will develop a new pilot to bring the new financial education curriculum to elementary schools.

  9. Thank you for your attention Mariela Zaldivar Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds of Peru mzaldivar@sbs.gob.pe

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