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Mass : 7 t Size: ~ 3.2 x 2.7 m Power consumption: 2 kW Acceleration take off: 9 g Operation Temperature: -180 o + 50 o C Outgasing limit : <10 - 12 g/s/cm 2
Mass : 7 t Size: ~ 3.2 x 2.7 m Power consumption: 2 kW Acceleration take off: 9 g Operation Temperature:-180o + 50oC Outgasing limit : <10- 12 g/s/cm2 Trigger rate: ~ 200 Hz Data rate: ~ 3 Mb/s • Detector Sub-Systems: • Transition Radiation Detector • Time of Flight scintillator counters • 8 layers of Si strip tracker planes in a superconducting magnet • Rich Imaging Cerenkov detector • Electromagnetic calorimeter
AMS02 Detector: basic spectrometer Tracker : 8 planes of double sided Silicon (6 m2). 110 and 208 m pitch Resolution = 10 m in bending plane and 25 m non bend. Rigidity pc/Ze measurements up to ~3TeV dE/dx ~ Z2 measurement. Time of Flight: 2x2 planes of scintillator hodoscope Resolution T=110 ps @ Z=1 . Used in Trigger Velocity measurement =L/ct1-ct2/~3.5% dE/dx measurements Anticoincidence: veto plastic scintillators used in Trigger Superconducting Magnet: Bdipol =0.87 Tesla I~459A Size: d=1.2m l=0.8 m; Mass 2.3 t cooled to 1.8K by superfluid He II (3000 l)
AMS02 Detector: particle identification Transition Radiation Detector:20 layers of 6mm straw tubes (Ntot=5248) filled with Xe/Co2 (44 kg Xe+3.7kg Co2) interposed with fleece radiator (22 mm). dE/dx measurements . Separation e/h ~10 3 - 10 2 p=1-250 GeV Ring Image Cherenkov Detector: radiators (NaF n=1.336 and Aerogel n=1.035) +PMT's velocity measurements (up to 20 GeV /~ 0.1%) Absolute charge measurements Nphotons~Z 2 (=0.2) up to Z=26 Electromagnetic Calorimeter: Pb + scintillating fibers readout by 324 PMT's (2x2cm readout granularity) Overall 18 x-y planes. Size 65x65 cm2 . Weight 640 kg. Thickness ~16 Xo and ~ 0.5 nucl. . Energy measurements for leptons dE/E=0.03+0.13/E[GeV] Used in gamma trigger e,g / h separation ~10 3 E=1-1000 GeV
Energy and Rigidity Measurements • Rigidity R=cp/Ze in the tracker • 8 3D high precision (±15 mm bend., 25 mm not bend. plane, 10 mm z) coord. for track fit • Expected MDR ~3 TV for He • Elm energy in the ECAL • measured in a test beam
Velocity Measurements (b) RICH b=1/ncosq TOF b=DL/Dt A 96 PMTs proto was tested db/b=0.07% @ Z=1 Test Beam with with ions st= 180 ps @ Z=1, db/b=2-3% ToF
The Magnet Mass = 2.3 tons It will be first superconducting magnet which will be flown in space
PAMELA Spectrometer • GF 20.5 cm2sr for HE particles • Angular aperture of 19°x16° • Spatial res.: 4 mm (B. V.), 15 mm (N. B. V.) • Maximum Detectable Rigidity (MDR): 740 GV • TOF accuracy <100 ps • e/p discrim. better than 2x105 Launch date june 2006
PAMELA • GF 20.5 cm2sr for HE particles • Angular aperture of 19°x16° • Spatial res.: 4 mm (B. V.), 15 mm (N. B. V.) • Maximum Detectable Rigidity (MDR): 740 GV • TOF accuracy <100 ps • e/p discrim. better than 2x105 Antiproton flux 80 MeV - 190 GeV Positron flux 50 MeV – 270 GeV Electron flux up to 400 GeV Proton flux up to 700 GeV Electron + positron flux up to 2 TeV Light nuclei (up to Z=6) up to 200 GeV/n Antinuclei search (sensitivity ~ 10-8 in antiHe/He) LAUNCHED JUNE 15, 2006!
WIMP detection Methods of WIMP CDM detection: Discovery at accelerators (fermilab, LHC) Direct detection of halo particles in terrestrial detectors Indirect detection of 's, rays, radio waves, anti-p,e+ in earth, balloon borne and space based experiments Observe the recoil nucleus by different tecniques using large mass detectors ( not suitable for space based searches...) The basic process for indirect detection is annihilation in the halo, e.g. 's Neutralinos are Majorana fermions KK particles are bosons ann=n2DMv /2DMv/m2DM Enhanced for clumpy halo near the galactic center and in Sun & Earth Indirect detection
c c M 100 GeV E ER ~ 10-100 keV ~ 50 GeV e+, p, , N background signal 0 50 100 E ( GeV) Methods to find Dark Matter Direct Indirect WIMPs scattering on target nuclei Measure nuclei recoils WIMPs annihilate in halo or in massive bodies Measure flux of annihilation products (,, e+,anti-p,anti-D) c c M 100 GeV + accelerator searches • Energy spectrum of recoils is featureless exponential with <E> ~ 50 keV • Energy spectrum is continuum, features possible signal N background 0 50 100 E ( keV)
AMS02 status TRD Magnet Coils ready 2 Vacuum He cases ready: one in England (flight model), one at CERN (pre-integr. model) All the sub-detectors ready Magnet ready by Feb 08 Magnet • Pre-integration in progress at CERN • Tracker planes on support structure, being inserted in magnet vacuum case these days at Cern • Half November Upper Tof and TRD mounted (shipping to Cern half October) Tracker • Parallel separate integration of LTOF, RICH and ECAL which will not pre-integrated • Final integration will begin March 2008 UTOF • Thermovacuum test at ESTEC of the entire detector in June 2008 • Beam test at Cern in September 2008 (maybe) • End of 2008 shipping to Kennedy Space Center ready for flight • Within 2009 launch for installation of ISS RICH LTOF ECAL
What Nature has to Offer What we hope for! D.S. Akerib