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Administration in Community Pharmacy (ADM Profile). Outlook on profile creation. Jürgen Brandstätter, MSc Co-chair, IHE Europe Co-chair, Pharmacy Planning committee Co-chair, Global Deployment Coordination Committee (GDC) Member, IHE International Board CodeWerk Software GmbH, Austria.
Administration in Community Pharmacy(ADM Profile) Outlook on profilecreation Jürgen Brandstätter, MSc Co-chair, IHE Europe Co-chair, Pharmacy Planning committee Co-chair, Global Deployment Coordination Committee (GDC) Member, IHE International Board CodeWerk Software GmbH, Austria
Administration vs Dispense Dispense A Dispense is an actwheremedicationishandedovertothepatient … orsomeonegettingitforthepatient usuallydone at a Community Pharmacy Itcanberecordedby Healthcare professionals (high „trust“) Downside: Isis not clear, whetherthepatient will takethemedicationor not NearertothetruththanPrescription, fartherthan Administration It‘salways a „one-time“ act (not a time-span act) Special case: partial dispenses, whichareseveral „one-time“ acts Administration An Administration is an actwheremedicationisadministeredintothepatient‘sbody In Community Setting mostmedicationistakenbythepatienthimself, without a Healthcare professional present More andmoretoolsavailableforrecordingthis („apps“) Trustfulenoughtoaddthisinformationtothemedicationlist?? But therearesomecases, where also Administration canberecordedby Healthcare professionals: Controlleddrugadministration in front ofthepharmacist Contrastmedication at theRadiologydepartement Vaccinations Ambulant Chemo therapy Administration ofmedicationbydevices (insulin pump, …) etc. - theybecomemore in thefuture! Administration canbe a „one-time“ act (taking a pill, injection, etc.) OR an time-span act (infusion) More than a Technical Standard: IHE as framework for HIE
Examplefor a simple ADM PRE item Injection 2 times a day for 1 week 5 injections in a package 3 packagestodispense DIS item 1 package with 5 injections ADM item (1 inj) ADM item (1 inj) ADM item (1 inj) DIS item 1 package with 5 injections ADM item (1 inj) ADM item (1 inj) ADM item (1 inj) DIS item 1 package with 5 injections ADM item (1 inj) : ADMs canberelatedto PRE and/or DIS ADMs may also berecordedstandalone
ADM recording One-Time Administration Date/Time: Point ofdate/time Recordedwhathappened at thispointof time 2 pillstaken, 1 applicationofthecream, etc. Time-span Administration Date/Time: Start date/time – End date/time Recorded at the end ofthe time-span Complexscenarios like „drop-rates oftheinfusionchangedduringthe time“ canberecordedeither (1) „summarized“ (averagedrop rate) or (2) „detailed“ (everychangeofthedrop rate isrecordedas separate ADM) ADM recordsmayreferenceanother ADM aspredecessortodocumentthis More than a Technical Standard: IHE as framework for HIE
ADMs in a medicationlist Goal: Makemedicationlistof a patientas „accurate“ aspossible 1) Weknoweverymedicationwhichiscurrentlyactivewithinthepatient‘sbody Best coveredby ADM, becauseit‘sassuredthemedicationenteredthepatient‘sbody If ADM not available: DIS 2) Weknoweverymedicationwhichthepatientisgoingtotake in thefuture DIS: This medicationthepatientalreadyhas in hishandsand will mostlikelytake MTP: This medicationisplanned Medicationlisthierarchy DIS beatsits PRE ADM beatsits DIS More than a Technical Standard: IHE as framework for HIE
Integrate ADM into CMPD Other CPs required also for MTP, PML Medication Administration performer More than a Technical Standard: IHE as framework for HIE
Jürgen Brandstätter, MSc juergen.brandstaetter@ihe-europe.net j.brandstaetter@codewerk.at