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PRELIMINARY TEST 2. On an unrelated note …. Language certificates to be issued to research participants during the winter examination period – please see Dr. Kabalin-Borenić’s web page One more requirement: online questionnaire Your email address: …@net.efzg.hr?

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  2. On an unrelated note … • Language certificates to be issued to research participants during the winter examination period – please see Dr. Kabalin-Borenić’s web page • One more requirement: online questionnaire • Your email address: …@net.efzg.hr? • If not, please contact Dr. Kabalin-Borenić (subject heading: TSA student- language research)

  3. Important dates Electronicapplication (ISVU): 02 Feb (if Test 1 + Test 2) Signatures (for class participation): during Test 2 (all students) Test 2: 25 Jan (Wed)/26 Jan (Thu) – inyourgroup! Orals: 26 Jan (Thu)*: 13.30-16.00 (max. 20 students) 27 Jan (Fri): 10.00-15.00 (max. 45 students) 30 Jan (Mon): 10.00-15.00 (max. 45 students) 31 Jan (Tue): 10.00-15.00 (max. 45 students) 02 Feb (Thu): 11.00-13.00 (max. 20 students) *applicableonly for theWednesdaygroup Final grade inyourIndex- if Test 1 + 2: 6 Feb (Mon)?

  4. Topics • Types of Business Organization (RB, extra) • Company Structure RB, MK • Entrepreneurship RB, MK (pp.78-79 only) • Management, Work and Motivation (MK, extra) • Labour Relations RB, MK (p.124 only) • Recruitment MK, RB, extra sheet • Business Correspondence RB, MK (p.35 only) • Marketing (RB: pp.71-73, MK: 60-61, 65, 67, 69-70, 71) – Follow the slides!

  5. Types of exercises (1) I SIMPLE VOCABULARY EXERCISES • Fill in the missing words (blanks): e.g. business terms, prepositions, … • Find synonyms/opposites for the following words/expressions: … • Write down the following acronyms/abbreviations in full:… • Explain the meaning of the following words/expressions: …

  6. Types of exercises (2) II VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT • Explain X. Usethefollowingwords. : … (WRITING A PARAGRAPH – AT LEAST A TOPIC SENTENCE IS NECESSARY!)Compare X andY (similarities & differencesbetween X andY, advantages & disadvantagesofXand Y). Usethefollowingwords: .... • Explainthemeaningofthefollowing sentence. Focus on theunderlinedwords. IIIBASIC BUSINESS SKILLS • Write a sectionofthe CV dealingwith … for a candidatewho … • You are workingin … Write a letter to XY who …

  7. Assessment (letter writing) Layout: All elements in place? Pgs.and spacing? Language: Phrases? Style? Spell./gramm.? Content: Task accomplished? Makes sense?

  8. Assessment (letter writing) • layout (address, date, salutation, ...) • beginning/ending(phrases) • paragraphing (no indentation, spacing) • appropriate phrases • general language (sp/gr, style) • content Attention! Items 1, 3 and 5 apply to all business letters. Items 2, 4 and 6 depend on types of letters Mixed types are also possible!

  9. ORAL EXAM: 2 questions 1 GENERAL question topics covered in class: e.g. Labour Relations -brief uninterrupted talk on a given topic -”mini-presentation” 2 SPECIFIC question -short answer (1-2 sentences) a)e.g.Explain the following: perks, HR, ... b)e.g Explain the difference between …

  10. Oral exam: Assessment • appropriate BE terminology • Coherent (clear) talk (Note: signaling devices and connectors introduce structure to your talk and make it more clear) 3. Full understanding

  11. How to prepare? • read all the texts (R,MK, extra sheets) • read all the slides (web) • do all the exercises

  12. Preparing a text for the exam • read the text • underline unknown words/expressions • find their meaning (dictionary, note-book, slides, web,...) • make sure you understand the text (sentence by sentence) • see which words/expressions in the text were important for this topic (slides, noteş from classes) • explain their meaning in simple English • retell the main message of the text orally • Think what ex. could be expected in the test REVISE!

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